Abstract Submitted for the DPP16 Meeting of The American Physical Society Using Quasi-3D OSIRIS simulations of LWFA to study generating high brightness electron beams using ionization and density downramp
T. Dalichaouch,A. Davidson,Xu Xinlu,YU Icheng,F. Tsung,W. Mori,L. Fei,Chaojie Zhang,Lu Wei,J. Vieira,R. Fonseca
Abstract:Submitted for the DPP16 Meeting of The American Physical Society Using Quasi-3D OSIRIS simulations of LWFA to study generating high brightness electron beams using ionization and density downramp injection1 THAMINE DALICHAOUCH, ASHER DAVIDSON, XINLU XU, PEICHENG YU, FRANK TSUNG, WARREN MORI, UCLA, FEI LI, CHAOJIE ZHANG, WEI LU, Tsinghua University, JORGE VIEIRA, RICARDO FONSECA, IST Portugal — In the past few decades, there has been much progress in theory, simulation, and experiment towards using Laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) as the basis for designing and building compact x-ray free-electron-lasers (XFEL) as well as a next generation linear collider. Recently, ionization injection and density downramp injection have been proposed and demonstrated as a controllable injection scheme for creating higher quality and ultra-bright relativistic electron beams using LWFA. However, full-3D simulations of plasma-based accelerators are computationally intensive, sometimes taking 100 millions of core-hours on todays computers. A more efficient quasi-3D algorithm was developed and implemented into OSIRIS using a particle-in-cell description with a charge conserving current deposition scheme in r − z and a gridless Fourier expansion in φ. Due to the azimuthal symmetry in LWFA, quasi-3D simulations are computationally more efficient than 3D cartesian simulations since only the first few harmonics in are needed φ to capture the 3D physics of LWFA. Using the quasi-3D approach, we present preliminary results of ionization and down ramp triggered injection and compare the results against 3D LWFA simulations. 1This work was supported by DOE and NSF. Thamine Dalichaouch UCLA Date submitted: 15 Jul 2016 Electronic form version 1.4