Synthesis of an Enzyme—dependent Prodrug and Evaluation of Its Potential for Colon Targeting

Abstract:AIM: To synthesize dexamethasone-succinate-dextran(DSD) conjugate and to evaluate the potentiality of DSD forthe treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.METHODS: Dexamethasone was attached to dextran(average molecular weight=70 400 Dalton) using succinateanhydride in an anhydrous environment catalyzed by 4-dimethylaminopyridine and 1, 1′-carbonyldiimidazole. Thechemical structure of DSD was identified by UV, IR and NMR,and the in vivo drug release behavior of this prodrug wasinvestigated after oral administration of DSD suspension.RESULTS: The DSD conjugate was obtained in two stepsand the content of dexamethasone in DSD was 11.28 %.The dextran prodrug was stable in rat stomach and smallintestine and negligibly absorbed from these tracts. Four tonine hours after the oral administration, most of the prodrug(>95 %) had moved to the cecum and colon, and was easilyhydrolyzed by an endodextranase. Recover ofdexamethasone from colon and cecum after administrationof DSD conjugate was 6-12 folds higher than the recoveryafter administration of unmodified dexamethasone(t=2.74,P<0.05). The preferential release of free dexamethasone incecum and colon over that in the small intestine wasstatistically significant (t=2.27, P<0.05).CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate thatdextran conjugates may be useful in selectively deliveringglucocorticoids to the colon.
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