TheExtraction Ofspatial Relationships Fromtextbased Onhybrid Method1

Hanjing Li,Tiejun Zhao
2006-01-01 Abstract -Natural Language isaneasy andeffective medium configuration ofalocated entity withrespect toareference forspatial description. Thus,we foresee theemergence of entity. Incognitive linguistics thelocated entity isalso called methods toextract spatial relationships fromtext asconstraints thetrajectory; andthereference entity iscalled thelandmark. onlayout ofobjects ina 3D scene.Thiswillallow usersto Thusaspatial description isdivided into twoparts including quickly display objects in3D scenes without having totoucha thespatial expression without orwitha landmark, andthe desktop window-oriented interface, acquire artistic skills, oreven t understand Nature Language. Theaimofthis paper istoproposecorresponding trajectory. Thespatial expression isextracted amethod forautomatic extraction ofspatial relationships from based ontheSNoWarchitecture. Acquiring thetrajectory and text. Thespatial relationship isfirstly divided intotwoparts resolving theellipsis onthelandmark aredonewithlimited consisting ofthespatial expression andthecorresponding knowledge. Moreover, thesemantics ofspatial entities are trajectory. Extracting spatial relationships isdoneinthree based onHowNet, aknowledge dictionary. Textcaninclude a stages: extracting spatial expressions, acquiring trajectories, and widerangeofinput. We havealsodeliberately chosen to resolving ellipsis onlandmarks. Thefirst stage isdonebased ona address entity nouns, prepositions andlocalizers rather than linear classifier. Theother stages arebased onlimited knowledge. verbs. Thuswe focus onthekeyissues ofstatic spatial Our hybridmethodrelies on HowNetwhichisa semanticdescription without having toaddress additional problems knowledge base.Experimental results havedemonstrated the inherent inanimation. effectiveness ofourscheme. Thepaper isorganized asfollows. InSection 2, we review IndexTerms-Spatial Relationship, Landmark, Trajectory, SNoW andHowNet.We alsoanalyse spatial descriptions in SNoW,HowNet Chinese, andthenformalize problems considered inthis paper. InSection 3,we discuss thehybrid methodof
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