Scheduling and energy savings for small scale embedded FreeRTOS-based real-time systems
Oliveira, Gessé,Lima, George
Design Automation for Embedded Systems
Abstract:Evaluating the effectiveness of system scheduling and energy savings in embedded real-time systems with low-computing resources is the problem addressed in this paper. In such systems, the characteristics of the implemented scheduling policy play a relevant role in both schedulability and energy consumption. Ideally, the scheduling policy should provide higher schedulability bounds and low runtime overheads, allowing for better usage of available slack in the schedule for energy saving purposes. Due its low overhead and simple implementation, the usual scheduling policy employed in real-time embedded systems is based on fixed priority scheduling (FPS). Under this scheme, as the priority of all system tasks are assigned at design time, a simple priority vector suffices to indicate the current ready task to run. System schedulability, however, is usually lower than that provided by dynamic priority scheduling (DPS) according to which task priorities are assigned at runtime. Managing dynamic priority queues incurs higher overheads, though. Deciding whether DPS is a viable choice for such embedded systems requires careful evaluation. We evaluate two implementations of Earliest Deadline First (EDF), a classical DPS policy, implemented in FreeRTOS running on an ARM-M4 architecture. EDF is compared against an optimal FPS, namely Rate-Monotonic (RM). Further, two mechanisms for energy savings are described. They differ by the manner they compute the slack available in an EDF schedule, statically (SS-EDF) or dynamically (DS-EDF). These two approaches are experimentally evaluated. Results indicate that EDF can be effectively used for energy savings.
computer science, software engineering, hardware & architecture