Supplementary Material to "ozonolysis of &Amp;lt;i>α</i>-Phellandrene, Part 1: Gas- and Particle-Phase Characterisation"

Felix A. Mackenzie‐Rae,Tengyu Liu,Wei Deng,Xinming Wang,S. M. Saunders,Fang Zheng,Yanli Zhang
Abstract:S.1 α--phellandrene PTR--TOF FragmentationThe fragmentation pattern of α--phellandrene upon protonation has been studied twice in the literature (Misztal et al. 2012;Tani, 2013), with fragmentation found to be significant.However both studies used a PTR--MS fitted with a quadrupole mass spectrometer.Transmission is known to be substantially different in the quadrupole and time--of--flight systems (Jordan et al., 2009), and so results are unlikely to directly translate into the PTR--TOF system.The fragmentation pattern of α--phellandrene upon protonation in the PTR--TOF was investigated twice.Firstly the fragmentation pattern was determined by adding five aliquots of α--phellandrene to a clean chamber and observing the resultant PTR--TOF spectrum.Only those species that trace the parent ion across all five additions are considered α--phellandrene fragments.In the second test α-phellandrene was injected once, and the effect of changing the drift tube energy by varying the voltage was investigated.
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