Author Response: the Force-Sensing Peptide VemP Employs Extreme Compaction and Secondary Structure Formation to Induce Ribosomal Stalling
Ting Su,Jingdong Cheng,Daniel Sohmen,Rickard Hedman,Otto Berninghausen,Gunnar von Heijne,Daniel N. Wilson,Roland Beckmann
Abstract:Article Figures and data Abstract Introduction Results Discussion Materials and methods Data availability References Decision letter Author response Article and author information Metrics Abstract Interaction between the nascent polypeptide chain and the ribosomal exit tunnel can modulate the rate of translation and induce translational arrest to regulate expression of downstream genes. The ribosomal tunnel also provides a protected environment for initial protein folding events. Here, we present a 2.9 Å cryo-electron microscopy structure of a ribosome stalled during translation of the extremely compacted VemP nascent chain. The nascent chain forms two α-helices connected by an α-turn and a loop, enabling a total of 37 amino acids to be observed within the first 50–55 Å of the exit tunnel. The structure reveals how α-helix formation directly within the peptidyltransferase center of the ribosome interferes with aminoacyl-tRNA accommodation, suggesting that during canonical translation, a major role of the exit tunnel is to prevent excessive secondary structure formation that can interfere with the peptidyltransferase activity of the ribosome. Introduction Many diverse nascent chain sequences have been identified that act as cis-regulatory polypeptides to promote ribosome stalling and thereby regulate gene expression. One of the most recently discovered examples is the Vibrio export monitoring polypeptide (VemP) that allows Vibrio alginolyticus to adapt to changes in salinity by modulating expression of components of the protein targeting machinery (Ishii et al., 2015). V. alginolyticus is a Gram-negative marine-estuarine bacterium that, unlike most bacteria, has two paralogs of SecDF (SecDF1 and SecDF2) to enhance protein export in cooperation with the SecYEG translocon. In Na+-rich environments, V. alginolyticus utilizes the Na+-dependent SecDF1; however, in Na+-limiting environments V. alginolyticus switches to the Na+-independent (presumably H+-dependent) SecDF2 (Ishii et al., 2015). The switch between SecDF1 and SecDF2 is facilitated by the stalling activity of VemP. In Na+-rich environments, VemP is targeted by its signal sequence (SS) to the SecDF1-SecYEG translocon (Ishii et al., 2015). The force applied to VemP during protein translocation prevents VemP-dependent ribosome stalling, thereby enabling the complete VemP to be translated and released from the ribosome. Under such conditions, SecDF2 expression is repressed due to sequestration of the ribosome-binding site (RBS) of secDF2 within a stem-loop structure in the mRNA (Figure 1a). In Na+-limiting environments, however, VemP is not translocated due to the inactivity of SecDF1, and the resulting lack of force on the VemP nascent chain leads to ribosomal stalling (Figure 1a). Ribosome stalling dissolves the stem-loop structure within the mRNA, exposes the RBS and thereby induces expression of Na+-independent SecDF2 (Figure 1a). In brief, the mechanisms by which VemP switches protein synthesis between the SecDF1 and SecDF2 paralogs is dependent on the application of a force to the signal sequence containing VemP nascent chain. This force serves as a direct indicator of the SecDF-SecYEG protein translocation activity, which in turn is dependent on the environmental conditions. Figure 1 with 3 supplements see all Download asset Open asset Biochemical and structural analysis of VemP stalling. (a) Schematic representation of the VemP-SecDF2 mRNA encoding VemP leader peptide with N-terminal signal sequence (SS) and C-terminal stalling region (green), followed by a stem-loop structure that sequesters the ribosome-binding site (RBS) of the SecDF2 gene (left). The translation arrest of VemP maintains the unfolded conformation of the mRNA allowing ribosome binding and induction of SecDF2 expression. The VemP stalling window H138–Q156 (boxed) is shown with critical (green bold) and important (green) residues highlighted (Ishii et al., 2015), and an asterisk indicating the stop codon (right). (b–c) In vivo pulse-chase analysis with different VemP constructs; VemP ‘short’ (H138–Q156, orange), VemP ‘long’ (F131–Q156, pink), VemP ‘GS’ (purple) and VemP mutants L153A and Q156*. (d) Schematic of the VemP-SRC used for cryo-EM. (e–f) Western blot against the N-terminal HA-tag of in vitro translated ∆SS-VemP detecting stalled peptidyl-tRNA (I), stalled free peptide (II) or full-length free peptide (III), (e) in the absence and presence of RNase A treatment, or (f) as a function of time (25, 40, 55, 70, 85, 100 min). (g) Transverse section of cryo-EM structure of the VemP-SRC showing the peptidyl-tRNA (green), with small and large subunits coloured in yellow and blue, respectively. Biochemical studies have demonstrated that VemP-dependent stalling occurs when Q156 is in the P-site of the ribosome and that distinct amino acid residues within a 19aa window (138–156) of VemP are critical for efficient ribosome stalling (Figure 1a) (Ishii et al., 2015). Although VemP-mediated regulation of SecDF2 expression is reminiscent of other peptide-stalling regulatory systems (Ito and Chiba, 2013; Wilson et al., 2016), such as SecM (Nakatogawa and Ito, 2001) and MifM (Chiba et al., 2009), the VemP stalling sequence and force-sensing mechanism appears to be completely distinct (Ishii et al., 2015; Ito and Chiba, 2013). Results Analysis of VemP sequence on efficiency of stalling To ensure the stalling efficiency of the VemP constructs before initiating the structural analysis, we engineered three LepB-based constructs carrying C-terminal VemP residues, termed VemP ‘short’, ‘long’ and ‘GS’, respectively (Figure 1b,c). VemP ‘short’ carries the 19 amino acid segment that Ishii et al had chosen as the target for alanine scanning mutagenesis from VemP (138–156) (Ishii et al., 2015). VemP ‘long’ carries a 26 amino acid long segment including seven additional N-terminal residues of VemP (131–156), whereas VemP ‘GS’ is similar to the former two, except that residues 131–138 were substituted with a glycine-serine (GS) linker (Figure 1b,c). VemP ‘short’, ‘long’ and ‘GS’ were expressed in pulse-chase experiments in E. coli without any N-terminal signal sequence (see Material and methods). Using this assay, the major product observed to accumulate for VemP ‘short’ was full-length LepB-VemP fusion protein, whereas relatively little (10%) stalled peptide was detected (Figure 1b,c and Figure 1—figure supplement 1). In contrast, VemP ‘long’ containing the extended stalling window dramatically increased the stalling efficiency (Figure 1b,c). As expected, mutations previously reported to abrogate ribosome stalling (Ishii et al., 2015), L153A and Q156stop, led to a reduction in stalling efficiency for the VemP ‘short’ and particularly for the VemP ‘long’ constructs. VemP ‘GS’ also had a reduced stalling efficiency (Figure 1b,c). Taken together, these fusion proteins proved to be ineffective at inducing elongation arrest to the full extent in vivo. The influence of residues 131–138 on ribosome stalling and SecDF2 induction was not so extensively characterized in the previous study, where only mutation of residues 132 and 136–138 to alanine were reported to have little or no effect (Ishii et al., 2015). Thus, our results suggest that residues beyond the previously characterized 19-aa stalling window of VemP contribute to the efficiency of VemP-mediated translation arrest. Cryo-EM structure of the VemP-SRC In order to investigate which residues of VemP are involved in establishing interactions with the exit tunnel during ribosome stalling, and in particular to decipher the molecular mechanism of force-sensitive ribosome stalling by VemP, we used cryo-EM to determine the structure of a VemP-stalled ribosome-nascent chain complex (VemP-SRC). Since we observed a contribution of the amino acids in VemP beyond the initially identified stalling window and to ensure the maximum ribosome stalling efficiency, the wildtype VemP sequence lacking only the signal sequence (residues 26–159, ΔSS-VemP), rather than a shorter stalling window, was used (Figure 1d). Translation of the ΔSS-VemP construct in an E. coli lysate-based translation system led to the accumulation of VemP-peptidyl-tRNA (about 40 kDa), of which the size was reduced to the expected free peptide (18 kDa) upon RNase treatment (Figure 1e). The robustness of stalling of the wildtype ΔSS-VemP was evident from the persistence of the VemP-peptidyl-tRNA, even with incubation times of up to 100 min where only minor fractions of full-length VemP were produced (Figure 1f). The VemP-SRC was purified using sucrose density gradient centrifugation and N-terminal affinity tags and subjected to cryo-EM analysis (see Materials and methods). In silico sorting of the VemP-SRC dataset yielded a major subpopulation of ribosomal particles that contained stoichiometric occupancy of the P-tRNA (Figure 1—figure supplement 2). Subsequent refinement resulted in a final reconstruction of the VemP-SRC (Figure 1g) with an average resolution of 2.9 Å and a local resolution of 2.5 Å within the core of the ribosome (Figure 1—figure supplement 3 and Table 1). The electron density for the majority of the VemP nascent chain was well resolved within the exit tunnel, with local resolution ranging between 3.0 and 3.5 Å (Figure 1—figure supplement 3), thus enabling a molecular model for residues 120–156 of VemP to be built de novo (Figure 2 and Videos 1 and 2). Figure 2 Download asset Open asset Overview of the VemP nascent chain in the ribosomal tunnel. (a–b) Isolated electron density and molecular model for the VemP nascent chain connected to the P-tRNA (green) in the ribosomal tunnel (grey) with ribosomal proteins uL4 (cyan) and uL22 (orange) highlighted. (b) is the same as (a) but rotated by 180°. (c) Model of the VemP nascent chain in the ribosomal tunnel highlighting ribosomal components that interact with VemP, namely, nucleotides of the 23S rRNA (blue) and ribosomal proteins uL4 (cyan) and uL22 (orange). (d) Rainbow representation of the VemP nascent chain with sequence coloured accordingly. The upper and lower α-helices of VemP are boxed and the α-turn in the linking loop region is bracketed. Secondary structure predictions for VemP are indicated with H (helix) and E (loop region). Table 1 Refinement and Model Statistics. Data collection Particles400,024 Pixel size (Å)1.084 Defocus range (µm)1–2.5 Voltage (kV)300 Electron dose (e-/Å-2)25Model Composition Protein residues5615 RNA bases4641Refinement Resolution (Å, 0.143 FSC)2.93 Map sharpening B factor (Å2)-162.55 FSCAverage0.90Validation rmsd, bonds0.016 rmsd, angles1.66 Rotamers outliers (%)1.45 Ramachandran outliers (%)1.00 Ramachandran favoured (%)90.29 Correct sugar puckers (%)98.77 Good backbone conformations (%)81.74Scores MolProbity1.96 Clash score, all atoms5.45 Video 1 Download asset This video cannot be played in place because your browser does support HTML5 video. You may still download the video for offline viewing. Download as MPEG-4 Download as WebM Download as Ogg Cryo-EM density and model for the VemP nascent chain. Video showing the quality of the cryo-EM density (green mesh) and fit of the molecular model (green ribbon) of the VemP nascent chain and CCA-end of the P-tRNA. Video 2 Download asset This video cannot be played in place because your browser does support HTML5 video. You may still download the video for offline viewing. Download as MPEG-4 Download as WebM Download as Ogg Cryo-EM density and model for α-turn and loop of the VemP nascent chain. Video showing a zoom of the cryo-EM density (green mesh) and fit of the molecular model (stick representation) of the α-turn and loop of the VemP nascent chain. Extreme compaction of the VemP nascent chain in the ribosomal tunnel The VemP nascent chain adopts an extremely compacted conformation within the exit tunnel comprising two α-helices, located in the upper and lower regions of the tunnel, connected by an α-turn and loop (Figure 2a–d and Video 1). The α-helix located in the upper region of the tunnel is comprised of the C-terminal 10 residues (N147–Q156) of VemP and is directly linked to the P-tRNA and thereby located directly in the peptidyltransferase center (PTC) of the ribosome (Figure 2a,b). The α-helix located in the lower region of the tunnel is comprised of the N-terminal 10 residues (M120–S129) of VemP for which density is clearly visualized. We note that the N-terminal stretch of the VemP nascent chain from the lower α-helix to tunnel exit is less well resolved (Figure 1—figure supplement 3). The formation of α-helical secondary structure within the upper and lower regions of the exit tunnel is generally consistent with previous biochemical and structural studies (Bhushan et al., 2010a; Kosolapov and Deutsch, 2009; Lu and Deutsch, 2005; Matheisl et al., 2015; Woolhead et al., 2004). The linker between the two α-helices is located within the constriction of the exit tunnel, adjacent to ribosomal proteins uL4 and uL22 (Figure 2a–d). The linker is composed of 17 residues (130–146) that form two consecutive turns: one connecting the C-terminal α-helix which is a canonical α-turn (I140–K144), followed by a less well-ordered turn without hydrogen bonding (Figure 2a–d and Video 2). Protein folding events have been demonstrated to occur within the ribosomal exit tunnel (Holtkamp et al., 2015; Lin et al., 2012; Marino et al., 2016; Nilsson et al., 2015; Tu et al., 2014); (Bhushan et al., 2010b; Matheisl et al., 2015); Of those so far characterized, folding was shown to occur within the lower region of the tunnel, e.g. ADR1 (Nilsson et al., 2015) and within the vestibule at the periphery where the exit tunnel widens (Cabrita et al., 2016; Nilsson et al., 2017; Trovato and O'Brien, 2016; Tu et al., 2014). Additionally, in the hCMV stalling peptide a C-terminal α-helix was also observed in the upper region of the tunnel in a similar yet slightly shifted position compared to the C-terminal helix of VemP (Figure 3) (Bhushan et al., 2010b; Matheisl et al., 2015). Structurally, the extensive compaction and secondary structure formation of VemP results in an unprecedented total of 37 residues being housed within the upper two thirds (approximately 50–55 Å) of the ribosomal exit tunnel, which contrasts with the 21–33 aa that were visualized within the exit tunnel for other stalling peptides, such as SecM (Bhushan et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2015), MifM (Sohmen et al., 2015), TnaC (Bischoff et al., 2014; Seidelt et al., 2009) and CMV (Bhushan et al., 2010b; Matheisl et al., 2015) (Figure 3). When calculating the theoretical minimal number of residues for the VemP peptide chain to stretch all the way from the PTC to the tunnel exit, it would require at least 51 aa, which is in stark contrast to only 31 aa for MifM and 34 for SecM due to lack of compaction. Figure 3 Download asset Open asset Comparison of the VemP nascent chain in the ribosomal tunnel with other stalling peptides. (a) Overall superposition of VemP (model in green, surface in light green) with MifM (red, PDB ID 3J9W) (Sohmen et al., 2015), SecM (orange, PDB ID 3JBU) (Zhang et al., 2015), hCMV (yellow, PDB ID 5A8L) (Matheisl et al., 2015), TnaC (cyan, PDB ID 4UY8) (Bischoff et al., 2014) and ErmBL (blue, PDB ID 5JU8)(Arenz et al., 2016) in the ribosomal tunnel (light grey). The CCA-end of the P-tRNA is shown for reference. The ribosomal tunnel is shown schematically in grey. (b–f) Superposition of VemP (green) with each arrest peptide described above. For (d) TnaC and (e) ErmBL, the two tryptophans (cyan) and the one erythromycin (blue) molecule are shown, respectively. (g) A zoomed-in view of (f) showing the superposition of VemP (green) and hCMV (yellow) in the C-terminal helical part including the side chains. The last residue, Q156 in case of VemP and P22 in case of hCMV, connecting to the CCA end of tRNA is labelled. Interaction of VemP within the ribosomal exit tunnel Alanine scanning mutagenesis of VemP identified 10 residues that are critical for ribosome stalling, as well as an additional seven residues that significantly reduced stalling when mutated (Ishii et al., 2015). These residues encompass 17 of the 19-aa stalling window of VemP ‘Short’, with only the mutations of either S141A and S155A having no influence on ribosome stalling. Many of these residues establish specific interactions with components of the ribosomal exit tunnel, which is likely to explain their importance for ribosomal stalling (Figure 4a–f). For example, the sidechains of N154 and Y150, which are located in the upper C-terminal α-helix of VemP, can stack on the nucleobases of U2506 (Figure 4a) and C2610 (Figure 4c), respectively, of the 23S rRNA. Additionally, N154 comes within hydrogen bonding distance of U2584 (Figure 4b). Within the α-turn of VemP, K144 can hydrogen bond with the non-bridging phosphate-oxygen of U747 (Figure 4d), whereas W143 can stack upon the R92 sidechain located the tip of the β-hairpin of uL22 (Figure 4e). Consistently, alterations in uL22 have been shown to reduce the efficiency of VemP-mediated ribosome stalling (Ishii et al., 2015). The α-turn of VemP is additionally stabilized by stacking interactions between R139 of VemP and A752 of the 23S rRNA (Figure 4f). The seven residues (131–137) within the loop linking the α-turn of VemP to the lower N-terminal α-helix map within the VemP ‘Long’ region. As mentioned, alanine mutagenesis (Y132A, S136–H138A) suggested that the identity of some of these residues is not important for ribosome stalling, with the exception of the H138A mutation that had a modest effect on arrest efficiency (Ishii et al., 2015). Consistently, in the VemP-SRC structure, residues 135–138 of loop are less well-resolved and no sidechain interactions with the exit tunnel are observed. By contrast, the remaining loop residues (130–134) are better resolved. The sidechain of H133 comes within hydrogen bonding distance of the backbone of K58 of uL4 (Figure 4g), which may contribute to the improved stalling efficiency of the VemP ‘Long’ over the VemP ‘Short’ observed in Figure 1b. Additionally, the sidechain of W124, which is located in the lower N-terminal α-helix of VemP, stacks on the R95 sidechain of uL22 (Figure 4h). Collectively, the interactions observed in the VemP-SRC structure are consistent with previous biochemical and mutational analysis indicating that the majority of critical residues and interactions are located in the upper region of the tunnel, but that the additional residues within the lower region of the tunnel can also contribute to the efficiency of stalling. Figure 4 Download asset Open asset Interactions of the VemP nascent chain with the ribosomal tunnel (with density shown). (a) N154 of VemP (green) stacks upon U2506(b) of the 23S rRNA (blue). (b) N154 of VemP is within hydrogen bond distance of nucleotide U2584. (c) Y150 of VemP stacks upon C2610. (d) K144 of VemP forms a salt bridge with U747. (e) W143 of VemP stacks with R92 of uL22 (orange). (f) R139 of VemP stacks upon A752. (g) W124 of VemP stacks upon R95 of uL22. (h) H133 of VemP interacts with K58 of uL4 (cyan). The middle panel maps the approximate locations of the interactions and includes the sequence of VemP with critical (bold) and important (boxed green) residues highlighted (Ishii et al., 2015). In panels (a–h) the electron density for the VemP-SRC map (mesh) is coloured according to either VemP (green), 23S rRNA (blue), uL4 (cyan) or uL22 (orange). Silencing of the PTC by the C-terminal α-helix of VemP Biochemical analysis indicates that VemP-stalled ribosomes arrest translation because peptide bond formation cannot occur between Gln156 of the VemP-peptidyl-tRNA in the P-site and Phe157 of the incoming aminoacyl-tRNA of the A-site (Ishii et al., 2015). Comparison of the conformation of nucleotides at the PTC of the VemP-stalled ribosomes revealed two nucleotides of the 23S rRNA, U2585 and U2506, which adopt conformations incompatible with peptide bond formation (Figure 5a). Accommodation of an aminoacyl-tRNA at the A-site of the PTC requires a transition of the PTC from an uninduced to an induced state, which involves a shift in the position of U2585 (Figure 5b) (Schmeing et al., 2005; Youngman et al., 2004). In the VemP-SRC, U2585 adopts a unique conformation, distinct from both the uninduced and induced U2585 conformations (Figure 5b). Moreover, the upper α-helix of VemP extends into the PTC and thereby directly prevents the transition of U2585 from the uninduced to the induced state, due to steric clashes with Asn154 of VemP (Figure 5c). In contrast to VemP, the hCMV helix does not directly prevent the analogous human nucleotide U4493 (E. coli U2585) from adopting the induced state. It is rather hCMV’s penultimate Pro21, which is not part of the helix, that prevents this transition (Figure 5d). Additionally, U2506 is observed to adopt two distinct conformations, U2506(a) and U2506(b) in the VemP-SRC (Figure 5a). The U2506(a) conformation would sterically clash with the aminoacyl moiety of A-tRNA (Figure 5e) and is likely to contribute to prevent aminoacyl-tRNA accommodation at the A-site of the PTC. The induced state of the PTC also involves a shift in the position of U2506 (Schmeing et al., 2005; Youngman et al., 2004) (Figure 5f), which cannot occur in the VemP-SRC because the upper α-helix of VemP blocks the induced conformation of U2506 (Figure 5g), analogously to that observed for U2585 (Figure 5c). Unlike VemP, hCMV does not retain an uninduced conformation of human U4414 (E. coli U2506) but allows the induced conformation of U4414 since it is sterically less constrained by the more distant hCMV helix (Figure 5h) (Matheisl et al., 2015). Taken together, although α-helix formation has also been observed in the upper tunnel of an hCMV-stalled ribosome (Matheisl et al., 2015), the CMV α-helix did not directly extend into the PTC as seen here for VemP (Figure 3f–g and Figure 5d,h). Indeed, the two C-terminal proline residues of the CMV stalling peptide appeared to be more important for inactivating the PTC and inducing translation arrest (Matheisl et al., 2015). Notably, translation arrest via stabilization of the uninduced state has also been observed for other force-sensing stalling peptides on the ribosome, such as SecM (Zhang et al., 2015) and MifM (Sohmen et al., 2015). However, the mechanism is different since both, SecM and MifM, adopt entirely extended conformations within the tunnel, unlike VemP (Figure 3). Figure 5 Download asset Open asset VemP stabilizes the uninduced state of the PTC to inhibit A-tRNA accommodation. (a) Conformation of U2585 and U2506 relative to VemP (green) at the PTC of the VemP-SRC. (b) Conformation of U2585 (blue) in the VemP-SRC compared with the uninduced (pink, PDB ID 1VQ6) and induced (tan, PDB ID 1VQN) states (Schmeing et al., 2005). (c) N154 of the upper α-helix of VemP clashes (indicated by spheres) with the induced conformation of U2585 (Schmeing et al., 2005). (d) Conformation of human U4493 (orange, numbering according to PDB ID 5A8L and 5AJ0, being equivalent to U4531 in PDB ID 4UG0 and 4V6X) in the hCMV-SRC compared with E. coli U2585 (blue) in the VemP-SRC. (e) The U2506(a) conformation overlaps the binding position of an accommodated Phe-tRNA (purple) at the A-site of the PTC (Schmeing et al., 2005). (f) Conformation of U2506 in the VemP-SRC (blue) compared with the uninduced (pink) and induced (tan) states (Schmeing et al., 2005). (g) N154 of the upper α-helix of VemP clashes (indicated by spheres) with the induced conformation of U2506 (Schmeing et al., 2005). (h) Conformation of human U4414 (orange, numbering according to PDB ID 5A8L and 5AJ0, being equivalent to U4452 in PDB ID 4UG0 and 4V6X) in the hCMV-SRC compared with U2506 (blue) in the VemP-SRC. hCMV stalling peptide is shown in yellow in (d) and (h). Discussion Collectively, the VemP-SRC structure reveals that VemP adopts an extremely compacted conformation within the ribosomal exit tunnel, comprising an upper and a lower α-helix connected by an α-turn and a loop. On the stalled ribosome, the upper α-helix of VemP encroaches directly upon the PTC and stabilizes an uninduced state of the PTC that prevents accommodation of the incoming A-tRNA and thereby promotes translation arrest (Figure 6a). These findings suggest that formation of secondary structure, such as an α-helix, directly at the PTC is likely to be detrimental for peptide bond formation and, therefore, for translation efficiency. Thus, the PTC of the ribosome and its immediate tunnel context must have evolved to generally disfavour excessive secondary structure formation. However, it also raises the question as to whether secondary structure formation at the PTC is used by the ribosome for specific nascent proteins to modulate the rate of translation, which could have important downstream consequences for co-translational protein folding and targeting events. Figure 6 Download asset Open asset Model for VemP-mediated translation stalling and relief. (a–b) Schematic summarizing the molecular basis for (a) VemP-dependent translation arrest and (b) relief of arrest via the pulling-force (indicated by arrow) on VemP protein translocation. Relief of VemP-mediated ribosome stalling is proposed to result from the force exerted on the nascent chain during membrane insertion of the N-terminal signal sequence (Ishii et al., 2015). It is easy to imagine how, in the case of VemP, force application would inevitably prevent the formation of extensive secondary structure formation during translation, or at least lead to an unraveling of any secondary structure that does form within the tunnel, and thereby eventually allowing sterically the transition into the induced conformation of the PTC. As a result, peptide bond formation would be promoted again and translation elongation continued (Figure 6b). Interestingly, all three molecularly characterized force-sensing stallers employ the mechanism of preventing the adoption of the catalytically required induced state of the PTC by steric hindrance. This may be the favoured mechanism because the conformational trajectory from the uninduced to the induced state coincides with the direction of force applied to the nascent peptide (Figure 6b). Yet, it is surprising that the stalling peptides use completely different modes by which they interact with the ribosomal tunnel in a force-sensitive manner to achieve this goal. Materials and methods DNA manipulations Request a detailed protocol To test the effect of adding the extra C-terminal VemP sequence to the identified 19aa stalling window (Ishii et al., 2015), the VemP ‘short’ plasmid was constructed from a previously designed pING1 plasmid carrying a lepB-based construct harboring a SecM arrest peptide (Ismail et al., 2012). In order to produce a soluble, non-membrane targeted variant, transmembrane helix 1 and 2 of Lep were deleted using PCR. To replace the SecM arrest peptide with the VemP arrest sequence, the plasmid was amplified using a primer pair producing a linear plasmid lacking the SecM arrest peptide. Gibson assembly (Gibson et al., 2009) was then used to ligate synthesized oligonucleotides corresponding to the VemP arrest peptide (in bold) and its following three residues, HRISGWKETNAMYVALNSQFSA, into the plasmid. Overlap PCR (Liu and Naismith, 2008) was used to replace the seven Lep residues just upstream of the VemP ‘short’ arrest peptide with the corresponding seven residues from the native VemP and by GSGSGSG to generate VemP ‘long’, FYHFTSDHRISGWKETNAMYVALNSQFSA, and VemP ‘GS’, GSGSGSGHRISGWKETNAMYVALNSQFSA, respectively. Overlap PCR was also used to generate other variants of VemP used in pulse-labelling analysis. For in vitro translation and cryo-grid sample preparation, the full VemP gene without the signal sequence (∆SS-VemP, A26-A159) was cloned from synthesized V. alginolyticus genome by KOD XtremeTM Hot-Start DNA Polymerase (Novagen, MA, USA), and subsequently inserted to modified plasmid p7XNH3 by FX cloning method (Geertsma, 2014). The complete construct contains an N-terminal His-tag for purification, a FLAG-tag for detection and a TEV-protease cleavage site as a linker sequence. The C-terminus following the ∆SS-VemP comprises a spacer containing a 3C-protease cleavage site and an HA-tag. MPWIYLRKLILLLFAMVLLPVHVSAAQIDHKAHVPHFSKLQPFVAVSVSPNSSVDFSEASEESSQSPVSEGHASLDSVALFNSQRWTSYLREGLDDEHVDFVGDLTTPFYADAGYAYSLMDINWRHNQSTFYHFTSDHRISGWKETNAMYVALNSQFSA(TAA-Stop x2) is the total amino acid sequence of the construct. In vivo pulse-labelling Request a detailed protocol E. coli MC1061 carrying plasmids with the different lepB-based constructs described in the paper were cultured overnight at 37°C in M9 minimal medium supplemented with 19 natur
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The Force-Sensing Peptide VemP Employs Extreme Compaction and Secondary Structure Formation to Induce Ribosomal Stalling
Ting Su,Jingdong Cheng,Daniel Sohmen,Rickard Hedman,Otto Berninghausen,Gunnar von Heijne,Daniel N. Wilson,Roland Beckmann
IF: 7.7
Abstract:Interaction between the nascent polypeptide chain and the ribosomal exit tunnel can modulate the rate of translation and induce translational arrest to regulate expression of downstream genes. The ribosomal tunnel also provides a protected environment for initial protein folding events. Here, we present a 2.9 Å cryo-electron microscopy structure of a ribosome stalled during translation of the extremely compacted VemP nascent chain. The nascent chain forms two α-helices connected by an α-turn and a loop, enabling a total of 37 amino acids to be observed within the first 50–55 Å of the exit tunnel. The structure reveals how α-helix formation directly within the peptidyltransferase center of the ribosome interferes with aminoacyl-tRNA accommodation, suggesting that during canonical translation, a major role of the exit tunnel is to prevent excessive secondary structure formation that can interfere with the peptidyltransferase activity of the ribosome.
Translation arrest cancellation of VemP, a secretion monitor in Vibrio, is regulated by multiple cis- and trans-factors, including SecY
Yuki Ikeda,Ryoji Miyazaki,Tomoya Tsukazaki,Yoshinori Akiyama,Hiroyuki Mori
Abstract:VemP is a secretory protein in the Vibrio species that monitors cellular protein-transport activity through its translation arrest, allowing expression of the downstream secD2-secF2 genes in the same operon, which encode components of the protein translocation machinery. When cellular protein-transport function is fully active, secD2/F2 expression remains repressed as VemP translation arrest is canceled immediately. The VemP arrest-cancellation occurs on the SecY/E/G translocon in a late stage in the translocation process and requires both trans-factors, SecD/F and PpiD/YfgM, and a cis-element, Arg-85 in VemP; however, the detailed molecular mechanism remains elusive. This study aimed to elucidate how VemP passing through SecY specifically monitors SecD/F function. Genetic and biochemical studies showed that SecY is involved in the VemP arrest-cancellation and that the arrested VemP is stably associated with a specific site in the protein-conducting pore of SecY. VemP-Bla reporter analyses revealed that a short hydrophobic segment adjacent to Arg-85 plays a critical role in the regulated arrest-cancellation with its hydrophobicity correlating with the stability of the VemP arrest. We identified Gln-65 and Pro-67 in VemP as novel elements important for the regulation. We propose a model for the regulation of the VemP arrest cancellation by multiple cis-elements and trans-factors with different roles.
Kinetics and Thermodynamics of RRF, EF-G, and Thiostrepton Interaction on the Escherichia Coli Ribosome.
HS Seo,M Kiel,DL Pan,VS Raj,A Kaji,BS Cooperman
IF: 3.321
Abstract:Ribosome recycling factor (RRF) and elongation factor-G (EF-G) are jointly essential for recycling bacterial ribosomes following termination of protein synthesis. Here we present equilibrium and rapid kinetic measurements permitting formulation of a minimal kinetic scheme that accounts quantitatively for RRF and EF-G interaction on the Escherichia coli ribosome. RRF and EF-G (a) each form a binary complex on binding to a bare ribosome which undergoes isomerization to a more stable complex, (b) form mixed ternary complexes on the ribosome in which the affinity for each factor is considerably lower than its affinity for binding to a bare ribosome, and (c) each bind to two sites per ribosome, with EF-G having considerably higher second-site affinity than RRF. Addition of EF-G to the ribosome-RRF complex induces rapid RRF dissociation, at a rate compatible with the rate of ribosome recycling in vivo, but added RRF does not increase the lability of ribosome-bound EF-G. Added thiostrepton slows the initial binding of EF-G, and prevents both formation of the more stable EF-G complex and EF-G-induced RRF dissociation. These findings are relevant for the mechanism of post-termination complex disassembly.
Mechanisms of ribosome stalling by SecM at multiple elongation steps.
Jun Zhang,Xijiang Pan,Kaige Yan,Shan Sun,Ning Gao,Sen-Fang Sui
IF: 7.7
Abstract:Regulation of translating ribosomes is a major component of gene expression control network. In Escherichia coli, ribosome stalling by the C-terminal arrest sequence of SecM regulates the SecA-dependent secretion pathway. Previous studies reported many residues of SecM peptide and ribosome exit tunnel are critical for stalling. However, the underlying molecular mechanism is still not clear at the atomic level. Here, we present two cryo-EM structures of the SecM-stalled ribosomes at 3.3-3.7 angstrom resolution, which reveal two different stalling mechanisms at distinct elongation steps of the translation cycle: one is due to the inactivation of ribosomal peptidyltransferase center which inhibits peptide bond formation with the incoming prolyl-tRNA; the other is the prolonged residence of the peptidyl-RNA at the hybrid A/P site which inhibits the full-scale tRNA translocation. These results demonstrate an elegant control of translation cycle by regulatory peptides through a continuous, dynamic reshaping of the functional center of the ribosome.
The SecM arrest peptide traps a pre-peptide bond formation state of the ribosome
Felix Gersteuer,Martino Morici,Sara Gabrielli,Keigo Fujiwara,Haaris A. Safdari,Helge Paternoga,Lars V. Bock,Shinobu Chiba,Daniel N. Wilson
IF: 16.6
Nature Communications
Abstract:Abstract Nascent polypeptide chains can induce translational stalling to regulate gene expression. This is exemplified by the E. coli secretion monitor (SecM) arrest peptide that induces translational stalling to regulate expression of the downstream encoded SecA, an ATPase that co-operates with the SecYEG translocon to facilitate insertion of proteins into or through the cytoplasmic membrane. Here we present the structure of a ribosome stalled during translation of the full-length E. coli SecM arrest peptide at 2.0 Å resolution. The structure reveals that SecM arrests translation by stabilizing the Pro-tRNA in the A-site, but in a manner that prevents peptide bond formation with the SecM-peptidyl-tRNA in the P-site. By employing molecular dynamic simulations, we also provide insight into how a pulling force on the SecM nascent chain can relieve the SecM-mediated translation arrest. Collectively, the mechanisms determined here for SecM arrest and relief are also likely to be applicable for a variety of other arrest peptides that regulate components of the protein localization machinery identified across a wide range of bacteria lineages.
multidisciplinary sciences
Single-residue effects on the behavior of a nascent polypeptide chain inside the ribosome exit tunnel
Fátima Pardo-Avila,Renuka Kudva,Michael Levitt,Gunnar von Heijne
Abstract:Nascent polypeptide chains (NCs) are extruded from the ribosome through an exit tunnel (ET) traversing the large ribosomal subunit. The ET's irregular and chemically complex wall allows for various NC-ET interactions. Translational arrest peptides (APs) bind in the ET to induce translational arrest, a property that can be exploited to study NC-ET interactions by Force Profile Analysis (FPA). We employed FPA and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate how individual residues placed in a glycine-serine repeat segment within an AP-stalled NC interact with the ET to exert a pulling force on the AP and release stalling. Our results indicate that large and hydrophobic residues generate a pulling force on the NC when placed ≳10 residues away from the peptidyl transfer center (PTC). Moreover, an asparagine placed 12 residues from the PTC makes a specific stabilizing interaction with the tip of ribosomal protein uL22 that reduces the pulling force on the NC, while a lysine or leucine residue in the same position increases the pulling force. Finally, the MD simulations suggest how the Mannheimia succiniproducens SecM AP interacts with the ET to promote translational stalling.
EF-P Dependent Pauses Integrate Proximal and Distal Signals during Translation
Sara Elgamal,Assaf Katz,Steven J. Hersch,David Newsom,Peter White,William Wiley Navarre,Michael Ibba
IF: 4.5
PLoS Genetics
Abstract:Elongation factor P (EF-P) is required for the efficient synthesis of proteins with stretches of consecutive prolines and other motifs that would otherwise lead to ribosome pausing. However, previous reports also demonstrated that levels of most diprolyl-containing proteins are not altered by the deletion of efp. To define the particular sequences that trigger ribosome stalling at diprolyl (PPX) motifs, we used ribosome profiling to monitor global ribosome occupancy in Escherichia coli strains lacking EF-P. Only 2.8% of PPX motifs caused significant ribosomal pausing in the Δefp strain, with up to a 45-fold increase in ribosome density observed at the pausing site. The unexpectedly low fraction of PPX motifs that produce a pause in translation led us to investigate the possible role of sequences upstream of PPX. Our data indicate that EF-P dependent pauses are strongly affected by sequences upstream of the PPX pattern. We found that residues as far as 3 codons upstream of the ribosomal peptidyl-tRNA site had a dramatic effect on whether or not a particular PPX motif triggered a ribosomal pause, while internal Shine Dalgarno sequences upstream of the motif had no effect on EF-P dependent translation efficiency. Increased ribosome occupancy at particular stall sites did not reliably correlate with a decrease in total protein levels, suggesting that in many cases other factors compensate for the potentially deleterious effects of stalling on protein synthesis. These findings indicate that the ability of a given PPX motif to initiate an EF-P-alleviated stall is strongly influenced by its local context, and that other indirect post-transcriptional effects determine the influence of such stalls on protein levels within the cell.
genetics & heredity
Alternative Mode of E-Site tRNA Binding in the Presence of a Downstream mRNA Stem Loop at the Entrance Channel
Yan Zhang,Samuel Hong,Ajchareeya Ruangprasert,Georgios Skiniotis,Christine M. Dunham
IF: 5.871
Abstract:Structured mRNAs positioned downstream of the ribosomal decoding center alter gene expression by slowing protein synthesis. Here, we solved the cryo-EM structure of the bacterial ribosome bound to an mRNA containing a 3′ stem loop that regulates translation. Unexpectedly, the E-site tRNA adopts two distinct orientations. In the first structure, normal interactions with the 50S and 30S E site are observed. However, in the second structure, although the E-site tRNA makes normal interactions with the 50S E site, its anticodon stem loop moves ∼54 Å away from the 30S E site to interact with the 30S head domain and 50S uL5. This position of the E-site tRNA causes the uL1 stalk to adopt a more open conformation that likely represents an intermediate state during E-site tRNA dissociation. These results suggest that structured mRNAs at the entrance channel restrict 30S subunit movement required during translation to slow E-site tRNA dissociation.
Structural Basis for Polyproline-Mediated Ribosome Stalling and Rescue by the Translation Elongation Factor EF-P
Paul Huter,Stefan Arenz,Lars V Bock,Michael Graf,Jan Ole Frister,Andre Heuer,Lauri Peil,Agata L Starosta,Ingo Wohlgemuth,Frank Peske,Jiří Nováček,Otto Berninghausen,Helmut Grubmüller,Tanel Tenson,Roland Beckmann,Marina V Rodnina,Andrea C Vaiana,Daniel N Wilson
Abstract:Ribosomes synthesizing proteins containing consecutive proline residues become stalled and require rescue via the action of uniquely modified translation elongation factors, EF-P in bacteria, or archaeal/eukaryotic a/eIF5A. To date, no structures exist of EF-P or eIF5A in complex with translating ribosomes stalled at polyproline stretches, and thus structural insight into how EF-P/eIF5A rescue these arrested ribosomes has been lacking. Here we present cryo-EM structures of ribosomes stalled on proline stretches, without and with modified EF-P. The structures suggest that the favored conformation of the polyproline-containing nascent chain is incompatible with the peptide exit tunnel of the ribosome and leads to destabilization of the peptidyl-tRNA. Binding of EF-P stabilizes the P-site tRNA, particularly via interactions between its modification and the CCA end, thereby enforcing an alternative conformation of the polyproline-containing nascent chain, which allows a favorable substrate geometry for peptide bond formation.
Structural Basis of L-Tryptophan-dependent Inhibition of Release Factor 2 by the TnaC Arrest Peptide.
Ting Su,Renuka Kudva,Thomas Becker,Robert Buschauer,Tobias Komar,Otto Berninghausen,Gunnar von Heijne,Jingdong Cheng,Roland Beckmann
IF: 14.9
Nucleic Acids Research
Abstract:Abstract In Escherichia coli, elevated levels of free l-tryptophan (l-Trp) promote translational arrest of the TnaC peptide by inhibiting its termination. However, the mechanism by which translation-termination by the UGA-specific decoding release factor 2 (RF2) is inhibited at the UGA stop codon of stalled TnaC-ribosome-nascent chain complexes has so far been ambiguous. This study presents cryo-EM structures for ribosomes stalled by TnaC in the absence and presence of RF2 at average resolutions of 2.9 and 3.5 Å, respectively. Stalled TnaC assumes a distinct conformation composed of two small α-helices that act together with residues in the peptide exit tunnel (PET) to coordinate a single L-Trp molecule. In addition, while the peptidyl-transferase center (PTC) is locked in a conformation that allows RF2 to adopt its canonical position in the ribosome, it prevents the conserved and catalytically essential GGQ motif of RF2 from adopting its active conformation in the PTC. This explains how translation of the TnaC peptide effectively allows the ribosome to function as a L-Trp-specific small-molecule sensor that regulates the tnaCAB operon.
The Crystal Structure of Human Eukaryotic Release Factor Erf1—mechanism of Stop Codon Recognition and Peptidyl-tRNA Hydrolysis
HW Song,P Mugnier,AK Das,HM Webb,DR Evans,MF Tuite,BA Hemmings,D Barford
IF: 64.5
Abstract:The release factor eRF1 terminates protein biosynthesis by recognizing stop codons at the A site of the ribosome and stimulating peptidyl-tRNA bond hydrolysis at the peptidyl transferase center. The crystal structure of human eRF1 to 2.8 Å resolution, combined with mutagenesis analyses of the universal GGQ motif, reveals the molecular mechanism of release factor activity. The overall shape and dimensions of eRF1 resemble a tRNA molecule with domains 1, 2, and 3 of eRF1 corresponding to the anticodon loop, aminoacyl acceptor stem, and T stem of a tRNA molecule, respectively. The position of the essential GGQ motif at an exposed tip of domain 2 suggests that the Gln residue coordinates a water molecule to mediate the hydrolytic activity at the peptidyl transferase center. A conserved groove on domain 1, 80 Å from the GGQ motif, is proposed to form the codon recognition site.
Structural Insights into Erf3 and Stop Codon Recognition by Erf1.
Zhihong Cheng,Kazuki Saito,Andrey V. Pisarev,Miki Wada,Vera P. Pisareva,Tatyana V. Pestova,Michal Gajda,Adam Round,Chunguang Kong,Mengkiat Lim,Yoshikazu Nakamura,Dmitri I. Svergun,Koichi Ito,Haiwei Song
IF: 12.89
Genes & Development
Abstract:Eukaryotic translation termination is mediated by two interacting release factors, eRF1 and eRF3, which act cooperatively to ensure efficient stop codon recognition and fast polypeptide release. The crystal structures of human and Schizosaccharomyces pombe full-length eRF1 in complex with eRF3 lacking the GTPase domain revealed details of the interaction between these two factors and marked conformational changes in eRF1 that occur upon binding to eRF3, leading eRF1 to resemble a tRNA molecule. Small-angle X-ray scattering analysis of the eRF1/eRF3/GTP complex suggested that eRF1's M domain contacts eRF3's GTPase domain. Consistently, mutation of Arg192, which is predicted to come in close contact with the switch regions of eRF3, revealed its important role for eRF1's stimulatory effect on eRF3's GTPase activity. An ATP molecule used as a crystallization additive was bound in eRF1's putative decoding area. Mutational analysis of the ATP-binding site shed light on the mechanism of stop codon recognition by eRF1.
Molecular mechanism of translational stalling by inhibitory codon combinations and poly(A) tracts.
Petr Tesina,Laura N Lessen,Robert Buschauer,Jingdong Cheng,Colin Chih-Chien Wu,Otto Berninghausen,Allen R Buskirk,Thomas Becker,Roland Beckmann,Rachel Green
The EMBO Journal
Abstract:Inhibitory codon pairs and poly(A) tracts within the translated mRNA cause ribosome stalling and reduce protein output. The molecular mechanisms that drive these stalling events, however, are still unknown. Here, we use a combination of in vitro biochemistry, ribosome profiling, and cryo-EM to define molecular mechanisms that lead to these ribosome stalls. First, we use an in vitro reconstituted yeast translation system to demonstrate that inhibitory codon pairs slow elongation rates which are partially rescued by increased tRNA concentration or by an artificial tRNA not dependent on wobble base-pairing. Ribosome profiling data extend these observations by revealing that paused ribosomes with empty A sites are enriched on these sequences. Cryo-EM structures of stalled ribosomes provide a structural explanation for the observed effects by showing decoding-incompatible conformations of mRNA in the A sites of all studied stall- and collision-inducing sequences. Interestingly, in the case of poly(A) tracts, the inhibitory conformation of the mRNA in the A site involves a nucleotide stacking array. Together, these data demonstrate a novel mRNA-induced mechanisms of translational stalling in eukaryotic ribosomes.
RAPP-containing arrest peptides induce translational stalling by short circuiting the ribosomal peptidyltransferase activity
Martino Morici,Sara Gabrielli,Keigo Fujiwara,Helge Paternoga,Bertrand Beckert,Lars V. Bock,Shinobu Chiba,Daniel N. Wilson
IF: 16.6
Nature Communications
Abstract:Abstract Arrest peptides containing RAPP (ArgAlaProPro) motifs have been discovered in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, where they are thought to regulate expression of important protein localization machinery components. Here we determine cryo-EM structures of ribosomes stalled on RAPP arrest motifs in both Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli . Together with molecular dynamics simulations, our structures reveal that the RAPP motifs allow full accommodation of the A-site tRNA, but prevent the subsequent peptide bond from forming. Our data support a model where the RAP in the P-site interacts and stabilizes a single hydrogen atom on the Pro-tRNA in the A-site, thereby preventing an optimal geometry for the nucleophilic attack required for peptide bond formation to occur. This mechanism to short circuit the ribosomal peptidyltransferase activity is likely to operate for the majority of other RAPP-like arrest peptides found across diverse bacterial phylogenies.
multidisciplinary sciences
Crystal Structure and Functional Analysis of the Eukaryotic Class II Release Factor Erf3 from S. Pombe
CG Kong,K Ito,MA Walsh,M Wada,YY Liu,S Kumar,D Barford,Y Nakamura,HW Song
IF: 16
Molecular Cell
Abstract:Translation termination in eukaryotes is governed by two interacting release factors, eRF1 and eRF3. The crystal structure of the eEF1 alpha-like region of eRF3 from S. pombe determined in three states (free protein, GDP-, and GTP-bound forms) reveals an overall structure that is similar to EF-Tu, although with quite different domain arrangements. In contrast to EF-Tu, GDP/ GTP binding to eRF3c does not induce dramatic conformational changes, and Mg2(+) is not required for GDP binding to eRF3c. Mg2(+) at higher concentration accelerates GDP release, suggesting a novel mechanism for nucleotide exchange on eRF3 from that of other GTPases. Mapping sequence conservation onto the molecular surface, combined with mutagenesis analysis, identified the eRF1 binding region, and revealed an essential function for the C terminus of eRF3. The N-terminal extension, rich in acidic amino acids, blocks the proposed eRF1 binding site, potentially regulating eRF1 binding to eRF3 in a competitive manner.
SecM leader peptide as an allosteric translation inhibitor: a molecular dynamics study
G I Makarov,T M Makarova
Abstract:The SecM leader peptide regulates translation of the SecA protein, being a part of the Sec translocase, that reversibly arrests the ribosome. In the present study the structure of the SecM complex with the E. coli A/A,P/P-ribosome was obtained by means of docking and molecular dynamics simulation methods. It has been established that binding of the SecM leader peptide in the nascent peptide exit tunnel leads to a turn of the aminoacylating proline residue away from the C-terminal SecM glycine residue, which is adverse to the peptidyltransferase reaction. Besides, the SecM binding leads to a disturbance of the A-tRNA contacts with the tip of the H38 helix of the 23S rRNA (the A-site finger, ASF) and ribosomal protein uL16. Allosteric interrelation between these events has been proved by a construction of networks of concerted changes in non-covalent interactions throughout the whole ribosome, whereupon the A1614 and A751 residues of the 23S rRNA in the exit tunnel that formed stacking interactions with the SecM residues during the MD simulations, were found to be the principal triggers, inducing crucial alterations in the A-tRNA binding. The allosteric signal from the SecM peptide to the ASF, according to our model, is transmitted through ribosomal protein uL22, and there is reason to believe that this sensor is used not only by the SecM leader peptide, but also by other peptides that cause translation arrest.
Structural and mutational analysis of the ribosome-arresting human XBP1u
Vivekanandan Shanmuganathan,Nina Schiller,Anastasia Magoulopoulou,Jingdong Cheng,Katharina Braunger,Florian Cymer,Otto Berninghausen,Birgitta Beatrix,Kenji Kohno,Gunnar von Heijne,Roland Beckmann
IF: 7.7
Abstract:XBP1u, a central component of the unfolded protein response (UPR), is a mammalian protein containing a functionally critical translational arrest peptide (AP). Here, we present a 3 Å cryo-EM structure of the stalled human XBP1u AP. It forms a unique turn in the upper part of the ribosomal exit tunnel and causes a subtle distortion of the peptidyl transferase center, explaining the temporary translational arrest induced by XBP1u. During ribosomal pausing the hydrophobic region 2 (HR2) of XBP1u is recognized by SRP, but fails to efficiently gate the Sec61 translocon. An exhaustive mutagenesis scan of the XBP1u AP revealed that only 10 out of 21 mutagenized positions in the XBP1u AP are optimal with respect to translational arrest activity. Thus, XBP1u has evolved to induce an intermediate level of translational arrest, allowing efficient targeting by SRP without activating the Sec61 channel and thereby serving its central function in the UPR.
* Abbreviations
: arrest peptide
mRNA reading frame maintenance during eukaryotic ribosome translocation
Nemanja Milicevic,Lasse Jenner,Alexander Myasnikov,Marat Yusupov,Gulnara Yusupova
IF: 64.8
Abstract:One of the most critical steps of protein synthesis is coupled translocation of messenger RNA (mRNA) and transfer RNAs (tRNAs) required to advance the mRNA reading frame by one codon. In eukaryotes, translocation is accelerated and its fidelity is maintained by elongation factor 2 (eEF2)1,2. At present, only a few snapshots of eukaryotic ribosome translocation have been reported3-5. Here we report ten high-resolution cryogenic-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of the elongating eukaryotic ribosome bound to the full translocation module consisting of mRNA, peptidyl-tRNA and deacylated tRNA, seven of which also contained ribosome-bound, naturally modified eEF2. This study recapitulates mRNA-tRNA2-growing peptide module progression through the ribosome, from the earliest states of eEF2 translocase accommodation until the very late stages of the process, and shows an intricate network of interactions preventing the slippage of the translational reading frame. We demonstrate how the accuracy of eukaryotic translocation relies on eukaryote-specific elements of the 80S ribosome, eEF2 and tRNAs. Our findings shed light on the mechanism of translation arrest by the anti-fungal eEF2-binding inhibitor, sordarin. We also propose that the sterically constrained environment imposed by diphthamide, a conserved eukaryotic posttranslational modification in eEF2, not only stabilizes correct Watson-Crick codon-anticodon interactions but may also uncover erroneous peptidyl-tRNA, and therefore contribute to higher accuracy of protein synthesis in eukaryotes.
Cryo-em Study of Trna Hybrid States Stabilized by Viomycin
Jie Fu,Drew Kennedy,James B. Munro,Jianlin Lei,Scott C. Blanchard,Joachim Frank
IF: 3.4
Biophysical Journal
Abstract:Translocation is the step in translation where the peptidyl A-site tRNA on the ribosome moves to the P site and the deacylated P-site tRNA moves to the E site. Recently, several single-molecule FRET studies and cryo-EM studies have confirmed the existence of the tRNA hybrid states (A/P and P/E) and the spontaneous ratchet motion of the ribosome from Macrostate I to Macrostate II prior to translocation (Agirrezabala et al., 2008; Ermolenko et al., 2007a,b; J. Fu, J.B. Munro, S. Blanchard, J. Frank, unpublished). In one of the studies, antibiotic viomycin, which is known to block translation, was shown to promote MS II and the hybrid states the tRNA (Ermolenko et al., 2007B). To determine the mechanism by which viomycin blocks translation, and to further understand the intermediate states during translocation, we studied a pre-translocational complex prepared with viomycin. Single-particle reconstruction was used to determine the structure of the complex. Subsequent classification resulted in two distinct ribosome complexes in MS I and II. We believe that MS II represents the state in which translation is stalled by viomycin. Subsequent analysis revealed that the A-site tRNA is in the A/P hybrid state and the P site tRNA in a novel position in which it makes extensive contacts with the L1 stalk. The results confirmed the observation, by the single molecule FRET study, that viomycin locks the ribosome in the hybrid state. We are setting out for a more detailed analysis to understand the molecular details of the viomycin-induced hybrid states. X. Agirrezabala et al., Mol. Cell, in press (2008). D. N. Ermolenko et al., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 14, 493 (2007a) D. N. Ermolenko et al., J Mol Biol. 370, 530 (2007b). J. B. Munro. et al., Mol. Cell. 25, 505 (2007).