Thread-safe lattice Boltzmann for high-performance computing on GPUs
Andrea Montessori,Marco Lauricella,Adriano Tiribocchi,Mihir Durve,Michele La Rocca,Giorgio Amati,Fabio Bonaccorso,Sauro Succi
Abstract:We present thread-safe, highly-optimized lattice Boltzmann implementations, specifically aimed at exploiting the high memory bandwidth of GPU-based architectures. At variance with standard approaches to LB coding, the proposed strategy, based on the reconstruction of the post-collision distribution via Hermite projection, enforces data locality and avoids the onset of memory dependencies, which may arise during the propagation step, with no need to resort to more complex streaming strategies. The thread-safe lattice Boltzmann achieves peak performances, both in two and three dimensions and it allows to sensibly reduce the allocated memory ( tens of GigaBytes for order billions lattice nodes simulations) by retaining the algorithmic simplicity of standard LB computing. Our findings open attractive prospects for high-performance simulations of complex flows on GPU-based architectures.
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing,Fluid Dynamics