How Perceptual Knowledge Turns into Rational Knowledge Through Practice: A Phenomenological Interpretation of Practical Aesthetics
Sven Bernecker,Duncan Pritchard
Abstract:The humanization or rationalization of perceptual knowledge is an important proposition of Marx practical philosophy and aesthetics.It comes from Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit,which holds that through dialectic self-sublation,human perceptual knowledge turns into rational knowledge.Marx abandons the speculative philosophy,inherits and transforms its object theory.He believes that object theory is not the intrinsic part of spiritual self-movement but the fundamental premise of spiritual development,and perceptual knowledge turns into rational knowledge through the practices of objects directly,which means that perceptual knowledge is no longer a subjective intuitive activity form the point of view of phenomenology,but it owns the intuitive ability of essence or category.It is the ability that makes human perception transcend the intuition of animal with socialization or humanization,and makes human perception become the fundamental premise of aesthetic experience.Therefore,we believe that Marx actually has discovered the intuitive ability of human.And the discovery makes his practical philosophy and aesthetics overcome the speculative nature of Hegel’s phenomenology of spirit,and makes him maintain an open attitude towards the modern phenomenology initiated by Husserl.