Kyung-Ju Cho,Yinan Xu,Jin-Gyun Chung
Abstract:various sizes withtruncation/rounding operation performed atthemultiplier outputs. Thispaper presents aQR decomposition corebyexploiting Fixed-width multipliers canbeusedtodesign high Givensrotation forthegeneralized decision feedbackspeed andlowpowersystems whenfull precision results are equalizer (GDFE). A Givensrotation consists ofphase notrequired frommultipliers [9]-[10]. Intypical fixedextraction, sine/cosine generation andangle rotation parts.widthmultipliers, theaddercellsrequired forthe Combining thefixed-width modified-Booth multiplier and computation of thetruncated bitsareomitted and two-stage method(coarse andfinestage), we design an appropriate biases areintroduced totheretained adder cells. efficient QR decomposition core.By simulations, itis Thispaper presents anefficient QRdecomposition core shownthat theproposed QR decomposition corecanbea design methodbyexploiting thefixed-width modifiedfeasible solution forGDFE. Boothmultiplier in[10] andtwo-stage method. Theoutline ofthepaperisasfollows. Afterbrief IndexTerms-QRdecomposition, Givens rotation, GDFE review fortheGivens rotation inSection 2,wedesign the phaseextractor andtheangle rotator inSection 3.We
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