The Design, Construction and Experiments of a RFQ Cold Model at Tsinghua University

Lei Du,Qingzi Xing,Yang Yu
Abstract:The design, construction and experiments of a cold model of one high-current CW RFQ with ramped intervane voltage at Tsinghua University are presented in this paper. The 1-meter-long aluminum cold model is chosen to be the same as the low-energy part of the 3-meter-long RFQ. This cold model will be used mainly for the RFQ field study and education. INTRODUCTION The beam dynamics and structure design of a rampedvoltage CW Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator for a National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project at Tsinghua University had been finished one year ago [1]. The basic parameters of the RFQ are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Basic Parameters of the RFQ Parameters Value Unit Particle Proton Type Four-vane Duty factor CW Frequency 325 MHz Input beam energy 50 keV Output beam energy 3.0 MeV Beam current 50 mA Maximum surface field 32.12 MV/m Length 2.86 m Right after that, the cold model of this RFQ was designed and constructed. The design and construction of the cold model will be shown in this paper. The experiments of this cold model such as RF measurement and tuning of the field distribution is presented in detail in this paper. DESIGN OF THE COLD MODEL The length of the cold model was chosen to be exactly one meter (excluding the flanges), which is suitable for RF experiments in the laboratory room. The main structure of the cold model, including the cavity cross section and vane-tip geometry, is the same as the lowenergy part of a 3-meter-long ramped-voltage CW RFQ accelerator for one NSFC Project at Tsinghua University. The undercuts and the dipole-mode stabilizer rods are redesigned using CST MWS because of the change of the cavity length. The cavity using for simulation in CST is shown in Fig. 1. The design methods of the undercuts and the dipole-mode stabilizer rods are described in detail in our previous papers [2] [3]. A trapezoid-shape-like undercut is adopted for the RFQ in consideration of its cooling convenience, as shown in Fig. 2. The final undercuts parameters are: at the low-energy end, H1=H2=40 mm; at the high-energy end, H1=44 mm, H2=29 mm. The diameter and length of the dipole-mode stabilizer rods are respectively 10 mm and 145 mm. Figure 1: The RFQ cavity in CST MWS used for simulation. Figure 2: Undercuts schematic. CONSTRUCTION OF THE COLD MODEL The machining and assembly of the vanes were accomplished at Kelin Tech Co. Ltd in Shanghai. To facilitate the machining, the whole RFQ cavity was separated into four segments: two horizontal vanes and two vertical vanes. The machining of the vanes was carried out in three steps: rough machining, semifinishing and fine machining. A CNC machine with a ball-end mill was used to machine the vane tip. A numerical threecoordinate measuring machine named CMM was used to ___________________________________________ * Work supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Major Research Plan Grant No. 91126003 and Project 11175096). # 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC2014, Dresden, Germany JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-132-8 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2014-THPRO095
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