A pr 2 01 0 Two-photon and one photon-one vector meson decay widths
T. Branz,L. S. Geng,E. Oset
Abstract:Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universit ät Tb̈inged, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, D-72076 T b̈inged, Germany and Departamento de F́ ısica Téorica and IFIC, Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, Institutos de Investigaci ón de Paterna, Apartado de Correos 22085, 46071 Valencia, Spain (Dated: April 20, 2010) Abstract We calculate the radiative decay widths, two-photon ( γγ) and one photon-one vector meson ( V γ), of the dynamically generated resonances from vector meson-vecto r meson interaction in a unitary approach based on the hidden-gauge Lagrangians. In the present paper we con sider the following dynamically generated resonances: f0(1370), f0(1710), f2(1270), f ′ 2(1525), K ∗ 2 (1430), two strangeness=0 and isospin=1 states, and two strangeness=1 and isospin=1/2 states. For the f0(1370) andf2(1270) we reproduce the previous results for the two-photon decay widths and further calcula te their one photon-one vector decay widths. For thef0(1710) andf ′ 2(1525) the calculated two-photon decay widths are found to be consi stent with data. The ρ0γ, ωγ andφγ decay widths of thef0(1370), f2(1270), f0(1710), f ′ 2(1525) are compared with the results predicted by other approaches. The K∗+γ andK∗0γ decay rates of theK∗ 2 (1430) are also calculated and compared with the results obtained in the framework of the co variant oscillator quark model. The results for the two states with strangeness=0, isospin=1 and two states with trangeness=1, isospin=1/2 are predictions that need to be tested by future experiments.