Restricted weekend services result in delays in discharges from hospital
C. Conti
Clinical Cardiology
Abstract:We read with interest the editorial1 by Dr. Conti regarding a recent article published in Heart2 about the effect of restricted weekend services on discharge patterns from hospitals. We obtained admission and discharge data for 2001 and 2002 to compare trends at the University of South Alabama (USA). This university system operates four hospitals and associated clinic facilities located in Mobile, Alabama. These hospitals (USA Medical Center Hospital, USA Knollwood Park Hospital, USA Knollwood Park Long-Term Hospital, and USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital) comprise a system offering a spectrum of basic and advanced medical care to the residents in Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. Data on admissions and discharges for 2001 and 2002 were combined from all four of the above hospitals. We did not segregate data according to the admitting service (i.e., surgery, neurology, medicine, cardiology, etc.) or diagnosis. The following are the number and percentage of total admissions by day of the week: Monday: 6.931 (17.1%), Tuesday: 6,862 (16.9%), Wednesday: 6,579 (16.2%), Thursday: 6,386 (15.7%), Friday: 6,013 (14.8%), Saturday: 3,976 (9.8%), and Sunday: 3,847 (9.5%). In the USA system, the number of admissions is decreased over the weekend; Saturday had the fewest number of admitted patients. Monday was the day with the greatest number of admissions, with fewer daily admissions occurring on subsequent days of the week. The following are the number and percentage of total discharges by day of the week: Monday: 5,788 (14.3%), Tuesday: 5,776 (14.2%), Wednesday: 5,831 (14.4%), Thursday: 6,212 (15.3%), Friday: 7,108 (17.5%), Saturday: 5,287 (13.0%), and Sunday: 4,561 (11.2%). Discharges trended upward during the week, with the greatest number of discharges occurring on Friday. The number of discharges fell on the weekend, with Sunday being the day with fewest discharges. Our data on discharges is not as variable as that of Dr. Conti, but the trend is similar to his data and that of Varnava et al. In retrospect, we recall, as internal medicine interns, the tendency to discharge as many patients as possible on Thursdays and Fridays to lighten the workload for the weekend. Also, we remember admitting patients over the weekend and having to keep them in the hospital until Monday, so they could get the diagnostic tests or procedures they needed. We agree with Dr. Conti that some patients’ hospitalizations are prolonged because of restricted weekend hospital services. Ideally, the same services offered during the week would be available over the weekend. Given the budgetary concerns of most hospitals, though, we expect that restriction of weekend services will continue under the auspices of reducing costs. In the long term, however, the inefficiency of this practice and possible morbidity and mortality may abrogate any perceived short-term cost savings.