Revisiting Local Computation of PageRank: Simple and Optimal
Hanzhi Wang,Zhewei Wei,Ji-Rong Wen,Mingji Yang
Abstract:We revisit the classic local graph exploration algorithm ApproxContributions proposed by Andersen, Borgs, Chayes, Hopcroft, Mirrokni, and Teng (WAW '07, Internet Math. '08) for computing an $\epsilon$-approximation of the PageRank contribution vector for a target node $t$ on a graph with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges. We give a worst-case complexity bound of ApproxContributions as $O(n\pi(t)/\epsilon\cdot\min(\Delta_{in},\Delta_{out},\sqrt{m}))$, where $\pi(t)$ is the PageRank score of $t$, and $\Delta_{in}$ and $\Delta_{out}$ are the maximum in-degree and out-degree of the graph, resp. We also give a lower bound of $\Omega(\min(\Delta_{in}/\delta,\Delta_{out}/\delta,\sqrt{m}/\delta,m))$ for detecting the $\delta$-contributing set of $t$, showing that the simple ApproxContributions algorithm is already optimal.
Data Structures and Algorithms