Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization Enhanced Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration in Technosols Eco-Engineered from Fe Ore Tailings with Different Plant Biomass Residues
Zhen Li,Songlin Wu,Longbin Huang,Yuanfang Huang
Abstract:Eco-engineering Fe ore tailings into technosols (i.e., soil-like growth substrates) has been advocated to be a promising technology for sustainable rehabilitation of tailings with native plant communities 1-3. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis has been found to be able to colonize tailing technosol eco-engineered through exogenous plant biomass input, and contributed to aggregate development and organic matter stabilization in the tailings4. However, the AM performance and their eco-functionality usually varies depending on water conditions and tailing technosols developed from different plant biomass residue (PBR) input, which has yet been addressed in previous studies. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the role of AM symbiosis in aggregate development and association of organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) with mineral phase of aggregates in the developing technosols eco-engineered from Fe ore tailings, in relation to low water supply and plant biomass residues of contrasting nutrient quality (e.g., C:N ratios). The results showed that AM symbiosis did not influence aggregate development, but stimulated organic carbon and nitrogen stabilization in tailings-technosol. In particular, AM symbiosis enriched organic C (rather than N) sequestration in minerals of tailings-technosol amended with Lucerne hay containing high N and low C:N ratio. Comparatively, AM symbiosis seemed to have enriched significantly N (rather than organic C) in aggregate minerals in tailings-technosols amended with Sugarcane mulch (with low N and high C:N ratio). This increased N sequestration may have resulted from N-rich AM fungal exudates or fungal biomass. AM symbiosis enhanced organic matter sequestration through enhancing associations between carboxyl-rich organics and key Fe-rich phyllosilicates and/or Fe(oxy)hydroxides. Drought stress limited AM symbiosis role in organic C and N sequestration in the tailing-technosol. In summary, the study indicated that plant biomass of different C:N ratio could influence AM role in organic matter stabilization in Fe ore tailings-technosol, and further studies are required to unravel implications of different organic C and N sequestration in aggregate minerals of tailings-technosols, in relation to long-term pedological development and sustainability of soil functions.Wu, S.; Liu, Y.; Bougoure, J. J.; Southam, G.; Chan, T. S.; Lu, Y. R.; Haw, S. C.; Nguyen, T. A. H.; You, F.; Huang, L., Organic Matter Amendment and Plant Colonization Drive Mineral Weathering, Organic Carbon Sequestration, and Water-Stable Aggregation in Magnetite Fe Ore Tailings. Environ Sci Technol 2019, 53, (23), 13720-13731. Huang, L.; Baumgartl, T.; Zhou, L.; Mulligan, R. In The new paradigm for phytostabilising mine wastes–ecologically engineered pedogenesis and functional root zones, Life-of-Mine Conference, 2014; 2014; pp 16-18. Huang, L.; Baumgartl, T.; Mulligan, D., Is rhizosphere remediation sufficient for sustainable revegetation of mine tailings? Ann Bot 2012, 110, (2), 223-38. Li, Z.; Wu, S.; Liu, Y.; Yi, Q.; You, F.; Ma, Y.; Thomsen, L.; Chan, T.-S.; Lu, Y.-R.; Hall, M.; Saha, N.; Huang, Y.; Huang, L., Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis enhances water stable aggregate formation and organic matter stabilization in Fe ore tailings. Geoderma 2022, 406.