259067 Subject-Predicate-Object Triples Extracted from Scientific Documents Regarding Cardiovascular Research in China During 2000-2020

Xin Guo,Yuming Chen,Junping Du,Erdan Dong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11922/sciencedb.01660
Abstract:The construction of the dataset is to organize and store structured semantic predications (Subject-Predicate-Object triples, SPO triples) extracted from scientific documents regarding cardiovascular research in China during 2001-2020. This process consists of collecting related publications, extracting SPO triples from those publications, and classifying semantic types and relations for the extracted SPO triples.259,067 Subject-Predicate-Object triples are stored in file: 259,067 SPO tiples.csv. This dataset contains the main data as follow:PREDICATION_ID: Auto-generated primary key for each unique predicationSUBJECT_NAME: The preferred name of the subject of the predicationSUBJECT_SEMTYPE: The semantic type of the subject of the predicationSUBJECT_SEMGROUP: The semantic group of the subject of the predicationPREDICATE: The string representation of the predicate (semantic relationship) of the predicationPREDICATE_SEMTYPE: The category of predicate (semantic relationship)OBJECT_NAME: The preferred name of the object of the predicationOBJECT_SEMTYPE: The semantic type of the object of the predicationOBJECT_SEMGROUP: The semantic group of the object of the predicationSENTENCE_ID: Foreign key to the SENTENCE tableSENTENCE: The actual string or text of the sentenceTYPE: 'ti' for the title of the publication, 'ab' for the abstractPMID: The PubMed identifier of the citation to which the predication belongsYEAR: Publication year
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