Report of the Topical Group on Top Quark Physics and Heavy Flavor Production for Snowmass 2021

R. Schwienhorst,D. Wackeroth,Kaustubh Agashe,Simone Alioli,Javier Aparisi,G. Bevilacqua,Huan-Yu Bi,R. Brock,Abel Gutierrez Camacho,F. Febres Cordero,Jorge de Blas,R. Démina,Youwei Du,Gauthier Durieux,Jarrett Fein,R. Franceschini,J. Fuster,Maria Vittoria Garzelli,Alessandro Gavardi,Jason Peter Gombas,Christoph Grojean,Jiafeng Gu,Marco Guzzi,Heribertus Bayu Hartanto,André H. Hoang,Jack Holguin,A. Irles Quiles,Nikolaos kidonakis,Dojin Kim,Manfred Kraus,Christopher Lepenik,T. M. Liss,Luca Mantani,Sonny Mantry,Vicent Mateu,D. Melini,J. Michel,Víctor Miralles,Marcos Miralles López,María Moreno Llácer,S. Moch,Pavel Nadolsky,Tobias Neumann,M. Narain,Jasmina Nasufi,Kacper Nowak,Aditya Pathak,Michael E. Peskin,Rene Poncelet,Massimiliano Procura,Laura Reina,G. Rodrigo,Deepak Sathyan,Sara Sawford,F. Simon,M. Spira,Ian Stewart,Seidai Tairafune,Jian Tian,A. Tricoli,Peter Uwer,Eleni Vryonidou,Katharina Voss,M. Vos,Małgorzata Worek,Keping Xie,H. Yamamoto,Ryo Yunamine,Zhite Yu,C. -P. Yuan,Aleksander Filip Żarnecki
Abstract:This report summarizes the work of the Energy Frontier Topical Group on EW Physics: Heavy flavor and top quark physics (EF03) of the 2021 Community Summer Study (Snowmass). It aims to highlight the physics potential of top-quark studies and heavy-flavor production processes (bottom and charm) at the HL-LHC and possible future hadron and lepton colliders and running scenarios.
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