Science Requirements and Detector Concepts for the Electron-Ion Collider: EIC Yellow Report

Rabah Abdul Khalek,Alberto Accardi,J. Adam,Daniel Adamiak,W. Akers,M. Albaladejo,A. Al-bataineh,M. Alexeev,F. Ameli,P. Antonioli,N. Armesto,W. Armstrong,M. Arratia,J. Arrington,A. Asaturyan,M. Asai,E. C. Aschenauer,S. Aune,Harut Avagyan,C. Ayerbe Gayoso,B. Azmoun,Alessandro Bacchetta,M. D. Baker,Fernando Barbosa,L. Barion,K. N. Barish,Patrick Barry,M. Battaglieri,A. Bazilevsky,N. K. Behera,F. Benmokhtar,В. В. Бердников,J. C. Bernauer,Valerio Bertone,S. Bhattacharya,Chiara Bissolotti,Daniël Boer,M. Boglione,M. Bondì,P. Boora,Ignacio Borsa,F. Bossú,Giuseppe Bozzi,J. D. Brandenburg,Nathan Brei,A. Bressan,W. K. Brooks,S. Bufalino,M. H. S. Bukhari,V. D. Burkert,N. H. Buttimore,A. Camsonne,A. Celentano,Francesco Giovanni Celiberto,W. L. Chang,C. Chatterjee,K. Chen,T. Chetry,T. Chiarusi,Yang-Ting Chien,M. Chiosso,X. Chu,E. Chudakov,G. Cicala,E. Cisbani,Ian C. Cloët,Christopher Cocuzza,P. L. Cole,D. Colella,J.L. Collins,Martha Constantinou,M. Contalbrigo,G. Contin,R. Corliss,Wim Cosyn,Aurore Courtoy,J. Crafts,R. Cruz-Torres,R. C. Cuevas,U. D’Alesio,S. Dalla Torre,Diganta Das,S. Dasgupta,C. Da Silva,W. Deconinck,M. Defurne,W. DeGraw,K. Dehmelt,Alessio Del Dotto,Filippo Delcarro,A. Deshpande,Will Detmold,R. De Vita,M. Diefenthaler,C. Dilks,Dhruv Utpalkumar Dixit,Sayipjamal Dulat,Adrian Dumitru,R. Dupré,J. M. Durham,Miguel G. Echevarría,L. El Fassi,D. Elia,R. Ent,R. Esha,Jacob J. Ethier,O. Evdokimov,K. O. Eyser,C. Fanelli,R. Fatemi,S. Fazio,C. Fernández-Ramírez,M. Finger,D. S. Fitzgerald,Carlo Flore,T. Frederico,I. Friščić,S. Fucini,S. Furletov,Y. Furletova,C. Gal,Leonard Gamberg,Hui Gao,P. Garg,D. Gaskell,K. E. Gates,Michael Gericke,Gustavo Gil da Silveira,F. X. Girod,D. I. Glazier,K. Gnanvo,V. P. Gonçalves,L. Gonella,J. O. Gonzalez Hernandez,Y. Goto,F. Grancagnolo,L. Greiner,W. Guryn,V. Guzey,Yoshitaka Hatta,M. Hattawy,F. Hauenstein,Xiao-Gang He,T. K. Hemmick,O. Hen,Graham Heyes,D. W. Higinbotham,A. N. Hiller Blin,Tim Hobbs,M. Hohlmann,T. Horn,Tie Jiun Hou,Jinshu Huang,Q. Huang,G. M. Huber,C. Hyde,G. Iakovidis,Y. Ilieva,B. V. Jacak,P. M. Jacobs,M. B. Jadhav,Z. Janoška,A. Jentsch,Tomáš Ježo,Xiaoping Jing,P. G. Jones,K. K. Joo,S. Joosten,V. Kafka,N. Kalantarians,G. Kalicy,Daekyoung Kang,Zhong Bo Kang,K. Kauder,S. Kay,C. E. Keppel,J. Kim,A. Kiselev,M. Klasen,Spencer L. Klein,H. T. Klest,O. Korchak,A. Kostina,Piotr Kotko,Yevgeniy Kovchegov,M. Krelina,S. Kuleshov,S. Kumano,Krishna Kumar,Rajeev Kumar,L. Kumar,Krešimir Kumerički,A. Kusina,Krzysztof Kutak,Yue Shi Lai,K. Lalwani,T. Lappi,J. Lauret,M. Lavinsky,D. Lawrence,D. Lednický,C. Lee,K. Lee,S. H. Lee,S. Levorato,H. Li,S. Li,W. Li,X. Li,W. B. Li,T. Ligonzo,H. Liu,M. X. Liu,X. Liu,Simonetta Liuti,N. Liyanage,Cédric Lorcé,Zhao-Hui Lu,Gonzalo Lucero,N. S. Lukow,Enrico Lunghi,R. Majka,Yiannis Makris,I. Mandjavidze,Sonny Mantry,Heikki Mäntysaari,Frank Marhauser,P. Markowitz,L. Marsicano,A. Mastroserio,V. Mathieu,Yacine Mehtar-Tani,W. Melnitchouk,Leticia Cunqueiro Méndez,Andreas Metz,Z.E. Meziani,Cédric Mezrag,M. Mihovilovič,R. Milner,M. Mirazita,H. Mkrtchyan,A. Mkrtchyan,В. В. Мочалов,V.A. Moiseev,M. M. Mondal,A. Morreale,D. P. Morrison,Leszek Motyka,H. Moutarde,C. Muñoz Camacho,F. Murgia,M. Murray,P. Musico,P. Nadel‐Turoński,Pavel Nadolsky,J. D. Nam,P. R. Newman,D. Neyret,D. Nguyen,Emanuele R. Nocera,F. Noferini,F. Noto,A. S. Nunes,Vitaly Okorokov,Fred Olness,J. D. Osborn,B. S. Page,S. Park,Adam Jackson Parker,K. Paschke,B. Pasquini,Hannu Paukkunen,S. Paul,C. Pecar,Ian L. Pegg,C. Pellegrino,Cong Peng,L. Pentchev,R. Perrino,Francis John Petriello,R. Petti,A. Pilloni,C. Pinkenburg,B. Pire,Christian Pisano,Daniel Pitonyak,A. Poblaguev,Tomas Polakovic,M. Posik,M. Potekhin,R. Preghenella,Sean Preins,Alexei Prokudin,P. R. Pujahari,M. L. Purschke,J.R. Pybus,Marco Radici,Renuka Rajput-Ghoshal,P. E. Reimer,Matteo Rinaldi,Felix Ringer,C. D. Roberts,Simone Rodini,Juan Rojo,Dmitry Romanov,P. Rossi,E. Santopinto,M. Sarsour,R. Sassot,N. Sato,Bjoern Schenke,W. B. Schmidke,I. Schmidt,A. Schmidt,Barak Schmookler,G. Schnell,P. Schweitzer,J. Schwiening,Ignazio Scimemi,Sergio Scopetta,Jorge Segovia,R. Seidl,S. J. Sekula,K. Semenov-Tian-Shanskiy,Ding Yu Shao,N. Sherrill,E. P. Sichtermann,Marat Siddikov,Andrea Signori,B. K. Singh,S. Širca,K. Slifer,W. Słomiński,D. Sokhan,W. E. Sondheim,Y. Song,O. Soto,H. Spiesberger,A. Stasto,P.Yu. Stepanov,George Sterman,J. R. Stevens,Iain W. Stewart,I. I. Strakovsky,M. Strikman,M. Sturm,Marcy Stutzman,M. K. Sullivan,B. Surrow,Peter Švihra,Sergey Syritsyn,A.P. Szczepaniak,P. Sznajder,Holly Szumila-Vance,L. Szymanowski,A. S. Tadepalli,J. D. Tapia ∋Takaki,G. F. Tassielli,John Terry,F. Tessarotto,Kemal Tezgin,L. Tomášek,Fernando Torales Acosta,P. Tribedy,A. Tricoli,Triloki Pandit,S. M. Tripathi,R. Trotta,O. D. Tsai,Z. Tu,C. Tuvè,T. Ullrich,M. Ungaro,G. M. Urciuoli,A. Valentini,P. Vančura,M. Vandenbroucke,C. Van Hulse,G. Varner,Raju Venugopalan,Ivan Vitev,Alexey Vladimirov,G. Volpe,A. Vossen,E. Voutier,Joschka Wagner,S. Wallon,H. Wang,Q. Wang,X. Wang,Shu-Yi Wei,Ch. Weiß,T. Wenaus,Håkan Wennlöf,N. Wickramaarachchi,A. Wikramanayake,D. Winney,C. P. Wong,C. Woody,L. Xia,Bo-Wen Xiao,Ju Jun Xie,Hongxi Xing,Q. H. Xu,J. Zhang,S. Zhang,Z. Zhang,Z. W. Zhao,Yixuan Zhao,Liang Zheng,Yu‐Feng Zhou,Pía Zurita
Abstract:This report describes the physics case, the resulting detector requirements, and the evolving detector concepts for the experimental program at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). The EIC will be a powerful new high-luminosity facility in the United States with the capability to collide high-energy electron beams with high-energy proton and ion beams, providing access to those regions in the nucleon and nuclei where their structure is dominated by gluons. Moreover, polarized beams in the EIC will give unprecedented access to the spatial and spin structure of the proton, neutron, and light ions. The studies leading to this document were commissioned and organized by the EIC User Group with the objective of advancing the state and detail of the physics program and developing detector concepts that meet the emerging requirements in preparation for the realization of the EIC. The effort aims to provide the basis for further development of concepts for experimental equipment best suited for the science needs, including the importance of two complementary detectors and interaction regions. This report consists of three volumes. Volume I is an executive summary of our findings and developed concepts. In Volume II we describe studies of a wide range of physics measurements and the emerging requirements on detector acceptance and performance. Volume III discusses general-purpose detector concepts and the underlying technologies to meet the physics requirements. These considerations will form the basis for a world-class experimental program that aims to increase our understanding of the fundamental structure of all visible matter
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