Study of the Process E+e−→π0π0j/ψ and Neutral Charmoniumlike State

M. Ablikim,М. Н. Ачасов,P. Adlarson,S. Ahmed,M. Albrecht,A. Amoroso,Q. An,Anita,Y. Bai,O. Bakina,R. Baldini Ferroli,I. Balossino,Y. Ban,K. Begzsuren,J. V. Bennett,N. Berger,M. Bertani,D. Bettoni,F. Bianchi,J. Biernat,J. Bloms,A. Bortone,I. Boyko,R. A. Briere,H. Cai,X. Cai,A. Calcaterra,G. F. Cao,N. Cao,S. A. Çetin,J. F. Chang,W. L. Chang,G. Chelkov,D. Y. Chen,G. Chen,H. S. Chen,M. L. Chen,S. J. Chen,X. R. Chen,Y. B. Chen,Wei Cheng,G. Cibinetto,F. Cossio,X. F. Cui,H. L. Dai,J. P. Dai,X. C. Dai,A. Dbeyssi,R. B. de Boer,D. Dedovich,Z. Y. Deng,A. Denig,I. Denysenko,M. Destefanis,F. De Mori,Y. Ding,C. Dong,J. Dong,L. Y. Dong,M. Y. Dong,S. X. Du,J. Fang,S. S. Fang,Y. Fang,R. Farinelli,L. Fava,F. Feldbauer,G. Felici,C. Q. Feng,M. Fritsch,C. D. Fu,Yu Fu,X. L. Gao,Yang Gao,Yanyan Gao,I. Garzia,E. Gersabeck,A. Gilman,K. Goetzen,L. Gong,W. X. Gong,W. Gradl,M. Greco,L. M. Gu,M. H. Gu,S. Gu,Y. T. Gu,C. Y. Guan,A. Q. Guo,L. B. Guo,R. P. Guo,Y. P. Guo,A. Guskov,Shuo Han,Tao Han,T. Z. Han,X. Q. Hao,F. A. Harris,K. L. He,F. H. Heinsius,T. Held,Y. K. Heng,M. Himmelreich,T. Holtmann,Y. R. Hou,Z. L. Hou,H. M. Hu,J. F. Hu,T. Hu,Y. Hu,G. S. Huang,L. Q. Huang,X. T. Huang,Z. Huang,N. Huesken,T. Hussain,W. Ikegami Andersson,W. Imoehl,M. Irshad,S. Jaeger,S. Janchiv,Q. P. Ji,X. B. Ji,X. L. Ji,H. B. Jiang,X. S. Jiang,X. Y. Jiang,J. B. Jiao,Z. Jiao,S. Jin,Y. Jin,T. Johansson,N. Kalantar–Nayestanaki,X. S. Kang,R. Kappert,M. Kavatsyuk,B. C. Ke,I. K. Keshk,A. Khoukaz,P. Kiese,R. Kiuchi,R. Kliemt,L. Koch,O. B. Kolcu,B. Kopf,M. Kuemmel,M. Kuessner,A. Kupść,M. G. Kurth,W. Kühn,John Jake Lane,J. S. Lange,P. Larin,L. Lavezzi,H. Leithoff,M. Lellmann,T. Lenz,C. Li,C. H. Li,Cheng Li,D. M. Li,F. Li,G. Li,H. B. Li,H. J. Li,J. L. Li,Junxiao LI,Ké Li,L. K. Li,Lei Li,Peilian Li,P. R. Li,S. Y. Li,W. D. Li,W. G. Li,X. H. Li,X. L. Li,Z. B. Li,Z. Y. Li,H. Liang,Y. F. Liang,Y. T. Liang,L. Z. Liao,J. Libby,C. X. Lin,B. Liu,B. J. Liu,C. X. Liu,D. Liu,D. Y. Liu,F. H. Liu,Fang Liu,Feng Liu,H. B. Liu,H. M. Liu,Huanhuan Liu,Huihui Liu,J. B. Liu,J. Y. Liu,K. Liu,K. Y. Liu,Ke Liu,L. Liu,Q. Liu,S. B. Liu,Shuai Liu,T. Liu,X. Liu,Y. B. Liu,Z. A. Liu,Z. Q. Liu,Y. F. Long,Xuanhong Lou,F. X. Lu,H. J. Lü,J. D. Lu,J. G. Lu,X. L. Lu,Y. Lu,Y. P. Lu,C. L. Luo,M. X. Luo,P. W. Luo,T. Luo,X. L. Luo,S. Lusso,Xiao-Rui Lyu,F. C.,H. L.,L. L.,M. M.,Q. M.,R. Q.,R. T.,X. N.,X. X.,Xu Z.Y.,Y. M.,F. E. Maas,M. Maggiora,S. Maldaner,S. Malde,Q. A. Malik,A. Mangoni,Yajun Mao,Z. P. Mao,S. Marcello,Z. X. Meng,J. G. Messchendorp,G. Mezzadri,T. J. Min,R. E. Mitchell,X. H. Mo,Y. J. Mo,N. Yu. Muchnoi,H. Muramatsu,S. Nakhoul,Y. Nefedov,F. Nerling,I. B. Nikolaev,Z. Ning,S. Nisar,S. L. Olsen,Q. Ouyang,S. Pacetti,X. Pan,Y. Pan,Atanu Pathak,P. Patteri,M. Pelizaeus,H. P. Peng,K. Peters,J. Pettersson,J. L. Ping,R. G. Ping,A. Pitka,R. Poling,V. Prasad,H. R. Qi,M. Qi,T. Y. Qi,Si-Jin Qian,W. Qian,Z. Qian,C. F. Qiao,Qin Liu,X. P. Qin,X. S. Qin,Z. H. Qin,J. F. Qiu,S. Q. Qu,K. H. Rashid,K. Ravindran,C. F. Redmer,A. Rivetti,V. Rodin,M. Rolo,G. Rong,Ch. Rosner,M. Rump,A. Sarantsev,Y. Schelhaas,C. Schnier,K. Schoenning,D. C. Shan,W. Shan,X. Y. Shan,M. Shao,C. P. Shen,P. X. Shen,X. Y. Shen,H. C. Shi,R. S. Shi,X. Shi,J. J. Song,Q. Q. Song,W. M. Song,Y. X. Song,S. Sosio,S. Spataro,F. F. Sui,G. X. Sun,J. F. Sun,L. Sun,S. S. Sun,T. Sun,W. Y. Sun,X. H. Sun,Y. J. Sun,Y. K. Sun,Y. Z. Sun,Z. T. Sun,Y. H. Tan,Y. X. Tan,C. J. Tang,G. Y. Tang,J. Tang,V. Thoren,B. Tsednee,I. Uman,B. Wang,B. L. Wang,C. W. Wang,D. Y. Wang,H. P. Wang,K. Wang,L. L. Wang,M. Wang,M. Z. Wang,Meng Wang,W. H. Wang,W. P. Wang,X. Wang,X. F. Wang,X. L. Wang,Y. Wang,Y. D. Wang,Y. F. Wang,Y. Q. Wang,Z. Wang,Z. Y. Wang,Ziyi Wang,Zongyuan Wang,D. H. Wei,P. Weidenkaff,F. Weidner,S. P. Wen,D. J. White,U. Wiedner,G. Wilkinson,M. Wolke,L. Wollenberg,Jian Wu,L. H. Wu,L. J. Wu,X. Wu,Zhenbin Wu,Lei Xia,H. Xiao,S. Y. Xiao,Y. J. Xiao,Z. J. Xiao,X. H. Xie,Y. Xie,Y. H. Xie,T. Y. Xing,X. A. Xiong,G. F. Xu,J. J. Xu,Q. J. Xu,W. Xu,X. P. Xu,L. Yan,W. B. Yan,W. C. Yan,X. Q. Yan,Haijun Yang,H. X. Yang,L. Yang,R. X. Yang,S. Yang,Yifan Yang,Zhi Yang,M. Ye,M. H. Ye,J. H. Yin,Z. Y. You,B. X. Yu,C. X. Yu,G. Yu,J. S. Yu,T. Yu,C. Z. Yuan,W. L. Yuan,X. Q. Yuan,Y. Yuan,Z. Y. Yuan,C. X. Yue,A. Yuncu,A. A. Zafar,Y. Zeng,B. X. Zhang,Guangyi Zhang,H. H. Zhang,H. Y. Zhang,J. L. Zhang,J. Q. Zhang,J. W. Zhang,J. Y. Zhang,J. Z. Zhang,Jianyu Zhang,Jiawei Zhang,L. Zhang,Lei Zhang,S. Zhang,S. F. Zhang,T. J. Zhang,X. Y. Zhang,Y. Zhang,Y. H. Zhang,Y. T. Zhang,Yan Zhang,Yao Zhang,Yi Zhang,Z. H. Zhang,Z. Y. Zhang,G. Zhao,J. Y. Zhao,J. Z. Zhao,Zhao Liu,Ling Zhao,M. G. Zhao,Q. Zhao,S. J. Zhao,Y. B. Zhao,Y. X. Zhao,Z. G. Zhao,A. Zhemchugov,B. Zheng,J. P. Zheng,Y. Zheng,B. Zhong,Zhong Chen,Zhou Li,Q. Zhou,Xiang Zhou,X. K. Zhou,X. R. Zhou,A. N. Zhu,Jiang Zhu,K. J. Zhu,S. H. Zhu,W. J. Zhu,Xiaoyu Zhu,Y. C. Zhu,Z. A. Zhu,Bingsuo Zou,J. H. Zou
Abstract:Cross sections of the process e+e−→π0π0J/ψ at center-of-mass energies between 3.808 and 4.600 GeV are measured with high precision by using 12.4 fb−1 of data samples collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider facility. A fit to the measured energy-dependent cross sections confirms the existence of the charmoniumlike state Y(4220). The mass and width of the Y(4220) are determined to be (4220.4±2.4±2.3) MeV/c2 and (46.2±4.7±2.1) MeV, respectively, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic. The mass and width are consistent with those measured in the process e+e−→π+π−J/ψ. The neutral charmonium-like state Zc(3900)0 is observed prominently in the π0J/ψ invariant-mass spectrum, and, for the first time, an amplitude analysis is performed to study its properties. The spin-parity of Zc(3900)0 is determined to be JP=1+, and the pole position is (3893.1±2.2±3.0)−i(22.2±2.6±7.0) MeV/c2, which is consistent with previous studies of electrically charged Zc(3900)±. In addition, cross sections of e+e−→π0Zc(3900)0→π0π0J/ψ are extracted, and the corresponding line shape is found to agree with that of the Y(4220).Received 28 April 2020Accepted 10 July 2020Corrected 16 December 2020DOI: by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.Published by the American Physical SocietyPhysics Subject Headings (PhySH)Research AreasStrong interactionPropertiesMassParitySpinTechniquesLepton collidersParticle decaysParticle interactionsParticle productionParticles & FieldsAccelerators & Beams
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