The MegaMapper: A Stage-5 Spectroscopic Instrument Concept for the Study of Inflation and Dark Energy

David J. Schlegel,Juna A. Kollmeier,G. Aldering,S. Bailey,C. Baltay,C. Bebek,S. BenZvi,Robert Besuner,Guillermo A. Blanc,A. Bolton,Ana Bonaca,Mohamed Bouri,David J. Brooks,E. Buckley-Geer,Zheng Cai,Jeffrey D. Crane,R. Démina,Joseph J. DeRose,Arjun Dey,P. Doel,Xiaohui Fan,Simone Ferraro,Douglas P. Finkbeiner,Andreu Font-Ribera,Satya Gontcho A Gontcho,Daniel Green,G. Gutiérrez,J. Guy,H. Heetderks,Dragan Huterer,L. Infante,Patrick Jelinsky,Dionysios Karagiannis,Stephen Kent,Alex Kim,Jean-Paul Kneib,A. Kremin,Luzius Kronig,Nick Konidaris,O. Lahav,M. Lampton,Martin Landriau,Dustin Lang,Alexie Leauthaud,Michael Levi,M. Liguori,Eric V. Linder,C. Magneville,Paul Martini,Mario Mateo,Patrick McDonald,Christopher J. Miller,John Moustakas,Adam D. Myers,John S. Mulchaey,Jeffrey A. Newman,P. Nugent,Nikhil Padmanabhan,N. Palanque-Delabrouille,Anthony L. Piro,Claire Poppett,J. X. Prochaska,Anthony R. Pullen,D. Rabinowitz,Anand Raichoor,Solange Ramírez,Hans─Walter Rix,Ashley J. Ross,Lado Samushia,Emmanuel Schaan,M. Schubnell,Uroš Seljak,Hee-Jong Seo,Stephen Shectman,Edward F. Schlafly,Joseph Silber,Joshua D. Simon,Zachary Slepian,Anže Slosar,M. Soares-Santos,G. Tarlé,Ian M. Thompson,Monica Valluri,Risa H. Wechsler,Martin White,M. J. Wilson,Christophe Yèche,Dennis Zaritsky,Rongpu Zhou
Abstract:In this white paper, we present the MegaMapper concept.The MegaMapper is a proposed ground-based experiment to measure Inflation parameters and Dark Energy from galaxy redshifts at 2 < z < 5.In order to achieve path-breaking results with a mid-scale investment, the MegaMapper combines existing technologies for critical path elements and pushes innovative development in other design areas.To this aim, we envision a 6.5-m Magellan-like telescope, with a newly designed wide field, coupled with DESI spectrographs, and small-pitch robots to achieve multiplexing of 26,100.This will match the expected achievable target density in the redshift range of interest and provide a 15x capability over the existing state-of the art, without a 15x increase in project budget.
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