Evidence for Theb0→pp¯k*0andb+<…

B. Aubert,M. Bóna,D. Boutigny,Y. Karyotakis,J. P. Lees,V. Poireau,X. Prudent,V. Tisserand,Amina Zghiche,J. Garra Ticó,E. Graugés,L. Lopez,A. Palano,G. Eigen,B. Stugu,L. Sun,G. S. Abrams,M. Battaglia,D. N. Brown,J. Button‐Shafer,R. N. Cahn,Y. Groysman,R. G. Jacobsen,J. A. Kadyk,L. T. Kerth,Yu. G. Kolomensky,G. Kukartsev,D. Lopes Pegna,G. Lynch,L. M. Mir,Toyoko Orimoto,M. T. Ronan,Kerstin Tackmann,W. A. Wenzel,P. del Amo Sanchez,C. M. Hawkes,N. Soni,A. T. Watson,T. Held,H. Koch,B. Lewandowski,M. Pelizaeus,T. Schroeder,M. Steinke,D. Walker,D. J. Asgeirsson,T. Çuhadar-Dönszelmann,B. G. Fulsom,C. Hearty,T. S. Mattison,J. A. McKenna,A. Khan,M. Saleem,Liliana Teodorescu,Vladimir Blinov,A. D. Bukin,В. П. Дружинин,В. Б. Голубев,A. P. Onuchin,S. I. Serednyakov,Yu. I. Skovpen,E. P. Solodov,K. Yu Todyshev,M. Bondioli,S. Curry,I. Eschrich,D. Kirkby,A. J. Lankford,P. Lund,M. Mandelkern,E. C. Martin,D. P. Stoker,S. Abachi,C. Buchanan,S. D. Foulkes,J. W. Gary,F. Liu,O. Long,B. C. Shen,L. Zhang,H. P. Paar,Shahram Rahatlou,Varun Sharma,J. W. Berryhill,C. Campagnari,A. Cunha,B. Dahmes,T. M. Hong,D. Kovalskyi,Jeffrey Richman,T. W. Beck,A. M. Eisner,C. J. Flacco,C.A. Heusch,J. Kroseberg,W. S. Lockman,T. Schalk,B. A. Schumm,A. Seiden,M. G. Wilson,L. Winstrom,E. Chen,C. H. Cheng,F. Fang,D. G. Hitlin,I. Narsky,T. Piatenko,F. C. Porter,R. Andreassen,G. Mancinelli,B. T. Meadows,K. Mishra,M. D. Sokoloff,F. Blanc,P. C. Bloom,S. Chen,William T Ford,J. F. Hirschauer,A. Kreisel,M. Nagel,U. Nauenberg,A. Olivas,J. G. Smith,Keith Ulmer,Stephen Robert Wagner,J. Zhang,A. M. Gabareen,A. Soffer,W. H. Toki,R. J. Wilson,Frank Winklmeier,D. D. Altenburg,E. Feltresi,A. Hauke,H. Jasper,J. Merkel,A. Petzold,B. Spaan,K. Wacker,V. Klose,M. Kobel,H. M. Lacker,Wolfgang Mader,R. Nogowski,J. Schubert,K. R. Schubert,R. Schwierz,J. E. Sundermann,A. Volk,D. Bernard,G. R. Bonneaud,E. Latour,V. Lombardo,Ch. Thiebaux,M. Verderi,P. J. Clark,W. Gradl,F. Muheim,S. Playfer,A. I. Robertson,Y. H. Xie,M. Andreotti,D. Bettoni,C. Bozzi,R. Calabrese,A. Cecchi,G. Cibinetto,P. Franchini,E. Luppi,M. Negrini,A. Petrella,L. Piemontese,E. Prencipe,V. Santoro,F. Anulli,R. Baldini-Ferroli,A. Calcaterra,R. de Sangro,G. Finocchiaro,S. Pacetti,P. Patteri,I. M. Peruzzi,M. Piccolo,M. Rama,A. Zallo,A. Buzzo,R. Contri,M. Lo Vetere,M. Macrı́,M. R. Monge,S. Passaggio,C. Patrignani,E. Robutti,A. Santroni,S. Tosi,K. S. Chaisanguanthum,M. Morii,J. Wu,R. S. Dubitzky,J. Marks,S. Schenk,U. Uwer,D. J. Bard,P. D. Dauncey,R. L. Flack,Jordan Nash,W. Panduro Vazquez,M. Tibbetts,P. K. Behera,X. Chai,M. Charles,U. Mallik,V. Ziegler,J. Cochran,H. B. Crawley,Dong Liu,V. Eyges,W. T. Meyer,S. Prell,E. I. Rosenberg,A. E. Rubin,Yuanning Gao,A. V. Gritsan,Z. J. Guo,C. K. Lae,A. Denig,M. Fritsch,G. Schott,N. Arnaud,J. Béquilleux,M. Davier,G. Grosdidier,A. Höcker,V. Lepeltier,F. Le Diberder,A. M. Lutz,S. Pruvot,S. Rodier,P. Roudeau,Marie Helene Schune,J. Serrano,V. Sordini,A. Stocchi,W. F. Wang,G. Wormser,D. J. Lange,D. Wright,I. Bingham,C. A. Chavez,I. J. Forster,J. R. Fry,E. Gabathuler,R. Gamet,D. E. Hutchcroft,D. J. Payne,K. C. Schofield,C. Touramanis,A. J. Bevan,K. A. George,F. Di Lodovico,W. Menges,R. Sacco,G. Cowan,H. U. Flaecher,D. A. Hopkins,Sudarshan Paramesvaran,F. Salvatore,A. C. Wren,C. L. Davis,J. Allison,N. R. Barlow,R. J. Barlow,Y. M. Chia,C. L. Edgar,G. D. Lafferty,T. J. West,J. I. Yi,J. Anderson,C. Chen,A. Jawahery,D. A. Roberts,G. Simi,J. M. Tuggle,G. Blaylock,C. Dallapiccola,S. S. Hertzbach,X. Li,T. B. Moore,E. Salvati,S. Saremi,R. Cowan,D. Dujmić,P. H. Fisher,Karsten Koeneke,G. Sciolla,Stephen Jacob Sekula,M. Spitznagel,F. Ë. Taylor,R. K. Yamamoto,M. G. Zhao,Yi Zheng,S. E. Mclachlin,P. M. Patel,S. H. Robertson,A. Lazzaro,F. Palombo,J. M. Bauer,L. Cremaldi,V. Eschenburg,R. Godang,R. Kroeger,D. A. Sanders,D. J. Summers,H. W. Zhao,S. Brunet,D. Côté,M. Simard,P. Taras,F. B. Viaud,H. Nicholson,G. De Nardo,Francesco Fabozzi,L. Lista,D. Monorchio,C. Sciacca,M. A. Baak,G. Raven,H. L. Snoek,Colin Jessop,J. M. LoSecco,G. Benelli,L. A. Corwin,K. Honscheid,H. Kagan,R. Kass,J. P. Morris,A. M. Rahimi,J. J. Regensburger,Q. K. Wong,N. L. Blount,J. E. Brau,R. Frey,O. Igonkina,J. A. Kolb,M. Lu,R. Rahmat,N. B. Sinev,D. Strom,J. Strube,E. Torrence,N. Gagliardi,A. Gaz,M. Margoni,M. Morandin,Alexis Pompili,M. Posocco,M. Rotondo,F. Simonetto,R. Stroili,C. Voci,E. Ben-Haim,H. Briand,G. Calderini,J. Chauveau,P. David,L. Del Buono,Ch. de la Vaissière,O. Hamon,Ph. Leruste,Julie Malclès,J. Ocariz,A. Pérez,L. Gladney,M. Biasini,Roberto Covarelli,E. Manoni,C. Angelini,G. Batignani,S. Bettarini,M. Carpinelli,R. Cenci,A. Cervelli,F. Forti,M. A. Giorgi,A. Lusiani,G. Marchiori,M. A. Mazur,M. Morganti,N. Neri,E. Paoloni,G. Rizzo,J. Walsh,M. Haire,J. Biesiada,Peter Elmer,Y. P. Lau,C. Lu,J. Olsen,A. J. S. Smith,A. V. Telnov,E. Baracchini,F. Bellini,G. Cavoto,A. D’Orazio,Daniele del Re,Emanuele Di Marco,R. Faccini,F. Ferrarotto,F. Ferroni,M. Gaspero,Paul Jackson,L. Li Gioi,M. A. Mazzoni,S. Morganti,G. Piredda,F. Polci,F. Renga,C. Voena,M. Ebert,T. Hartmann,H. Schröder,R. Waldi,T. Adye,G. Castelli,B. Franek,Emmanuel Olaiya,S. Ricciardi,W. Roethel,F. F. Wilson,R. Aleksan,S. Emery,M. Escalier,A. Gaidot,S. F. Ganzhur,G. Hamel de Monchenault,W. Kozanecki,G. Vasseur,Ch Yèche,M. Zito,X. R. Chen,H. Liu,W. Park,M. V. Purohit,J. R. Wilson,M. T. Allen,D. Aston,R. Bartoldus,P. Bechtle,N. Berger,R. Claus,J. P. Coleman,M. R. Convery,J. Dingfelder,J. Dorfan,G. P. Dubois-Felsmann,W. Dunwoodie,R. C. Field,T. Glanzman,S. J. Gowdy,M. T. Graham,P. Grenier,C. Hast,T. Hryn’ova,W. R. Innes,J. Kamiński,M. Kelsey,H. Kim,P. Kim,M. L. Kocian,D. W. G. S. Leith,S. Li,S. Luitz,V. Lüth,H. L. Lynch,D. B. MacFarlane,H. Marsiske,R. Messner,Dominik Müller,C. P. O’Grady,I. Ofte,A. Perazzo,М. Перл,T. Pulliam,B. N. Ratcliff,A. Roodman,Andreï Salnikov,R. H. Schindler,J. Schwiening,A. Snyder,J. Stelzer,D. Su,M. K. Sullivan,K. Suzuki,S. K. Swain,J. M. Thompson,J. Va’vra,N. van Bakel,A. P. Wagner,M. Weaver,W. J. Wisniewski,M. Wittgen,D. H. Wright,A. K. Yarritu,K. Yi,C. C. Young,P. R. Burchat,A. J. Edwards,Stephanie Majewski,B. A. Petersen,L. Wilden,S. Ahmed,M. S. Alam,R. Bula,J. Ernst,V. Jain,B. Pan,M. A. Saeed,F. R. Wappler,S. B. Zain,W. Bugg,M. Krishnamurthy,S. M. Spanier,R. Eckmann,J. L. Ritchie,A. M. Ruland,C. J. Schilling,R. F. Schwitters,J. M. Izen,X. C. Lou,S. Ye,F. Bianchi,F. Gallo,D. Gamba,Mario Pelliccioni,M. Bomben,L. Bosisio,C. Cartaro,Fabio Cossutti,G. Della Ricca,L. Lanceri,L. Vitale,V. Azzolini,N. López-March,F. Martínez-Vidal,Diego Alejandro Milanes,A. Oyanguren,J. Albert,Swagato Banerjee,B. Bhuyan,K. Hamano,R. Kowalewski,I. M. Nugent,J. M. Roney,R. Sobie,Paul Fraser Harrison,J. Ilić,T. E. Latham,Gagan Bihari Mohanty,M. Pappagallo,H. R. Band,X. Chen,S. Dasu,K. T. Flood,Jonathan Hollar,P. E. Kutter,Y. Pan,Maurizio Pierini,R. Prepost,Sau Lan Wu,H. A. Neal
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevd.76.092004
Abstract:With a sample of $232\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{6}$ $\mathit{\ensuremath{\Upsilon}}(4S)\ensuremath{\rightarrow}B\overline{B}$ events collected with the BABAR detector, we study the decays of $B$ mesons to $p\overline{p}h$ final states, where $h={\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$, ${K}_{S}^{0}$, ${K}^{*0}$, or ${K}^{*+}$. We report evidence for the ${B}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}p\overline{p}{K}^{*0}$ decay, with a branching fraction $(1.47\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.45(\mathrm{stat})\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.40(\mathrm{syst}))\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}6}$, and for the ${B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\eta}}_{c}{K}^{*+}$ decay, with the branching fraction of $\mathcal{B}({B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\eta}}_{c}{K}^{*+})\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\mathcal{B}({\ensuremath{\eta}}_{c}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}p\overline{p})=({1.57}_{\ensuremath{-}0.45}^{+0.56}(\mathrm{stat}{)}_{\ensuremath{-}0.36}^{+0.46}(\mathrm{syst}))\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}6}$, and provide improved measurements of the branching fractions of the other modes of this type. We also report the measurements of the charge asymmetry consistent with zero in the ${B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}p\overline{p}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$, ${B}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}p\overline{p}{K}^{*0}$, and ${B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}p\overline{p}{K}^{*+}$ modes. No evidence is found for the pentaquark candidate ${\ensuremath{\Theta}}^{+}$ in the mass range 1.52 to $1.55\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{GeV}/{c}^{2}$, decaying into $p{K}_{S}^{0}$, or the glueball candidate ${f}_{J}(2220)$ in the mass range $2.2<{m}_{p\overline{p}}<2.4\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{GeV}/{c}^{2}$, and branching fraction limits are established for both at the ${10}^{\ensuremath{-}7}$ level.
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