Miguel Mostafa,Andrea Albert,Ruben Jose Alfaro,César Alvarez,Alexis Andres,Juan Carlos Arteaga Velazquez,Daniel Omar Avila Rojas,Hugo Alberto Ayala Solares,Rishi Babu,Ernesto Belmont-Moreno,Tomás Capistrán Rojas,Sohyoun Yun,Alberto Carramiñana,Fernanda Carreon-Gonzalez,Umberto Cotti,Jorge Cotzomi,Sara Coutiño de León,Eduardo de la Fuente,Davide Depaoli,Cederik León de León,Raquel Diaz Hernandez,Juan Carlos Díaz Vélez,Brenda Dingus,Mora Durocher,Michael DuVernois,Kristi Engel,María Catalina Espinoza Hernández,Jason Fan,Ke Fang,Nissim Illich Fraija,Jose Andres Garcia-Gonzalez,Fernando Garfias,Hazal Goksu,Maria Magdalena González,Jordan A. Goodman,Sam J Groetsch,J. Patrick Harding,Sergio Hernández Cadena,Ian Herzog,Jim Hinton,Binita Hona,Dezhi Huang,Filiberto Hueyotl-Zahuantitla,Petra Hüntemeyer,Arturo Iriarte,Vikas Joshi,Sarah Kaufmann,David Kieda,Alejandro Lara,Jason LEE,William H. Lee,Hermes Leon Vargas,Jim Linnemann,Anna Lia Longinotti,Gilgamesh Luis-Raya,Kelly Malone,Jesús Martínez-Castro,John Matthews,Pedro Miranda-Romagnoli,Jorge Alexis Montes,Jorge Antonio Morales Soto,Lukas Nellen,Mehr Un Nisa,Roberto Noriega-Papaqui,Laura Olivera-Nieto,Nicola Omodei,Yunior Pérez Araujo,Pérez,Alvaro Pratts,Chang Dong Rho,Daniel Rosa-Gonzalez,Edna Ruiz-Velasco,Humberto Ibarguen Salazar,Daniel Salazar-Gallegos,Andrés Sandoval,Michael Schneider,Georg Schwefer,José Serna-Franco,Andrew James Smith,Youngwan Son,Wayne Robert Springer,Omar Tibolla,Kirsten Tollefson,Ibrahim Torres,Ramiro Torres Escobedo,Rhiannon M. Turner,Fernando Ureña-Mena,Enrique Varela,Luis Villaseñor,Xiaojie Wang,Ian James Watson,Felix Werner,Kara Whitaker,Elijah Job Willox,Hongyi,Hao Zhou,Karen S. Caballero Mora
Abstract:High energy γ-ray observations are an essential probe of cosmic-ray acceleration mechanisms.The detection of the highest energy γ rays and the shortest timescales of variability are the key to improve our understanding of the acceleration processes and the environment of the cosmic accelerators.The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) experiment is a large fieldof-view, multi-TeV, γ-ray observatory continuously operating at 4100 m a.s.l.since March, 2015.The HAWC observatory has an order of magnitude better sensitivity, angular resolution, and background rejection than the previous generation of water-Cherenkov arrays.The improved performance allows us to discover new TeV sources, to detect transient events, to study the Galactic diffuse emission at TeV energies, to measure or constrain the TeV spectra of GeV γ-ray sources, to search for Galactic Pevatrons, and to improve the upper limits on indirect searches for dark matter and the constrains on Lorentz invariance violation.In this contribution I summarize the most recent results from the HAWC observatory using the latest reconstruction algorithm (Pass 5 production) and I discuss their implications for cosmic-ray acceleration and propagation.
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