Programmed Dynamic Topologies in DNA Catenanes

Johann Elbaz,Zhen‐Gang Wang,Fuan Wang,Itamar Willner
Angewandte Chemie
Abstract:Angewandte ChemieVolume 124, Issue 10 p. 2399-2403 Zuschrift Programmed Dynamic Topologies in DNA Catenanes† Johann Elbaz, Johann Elbaz Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel) These authors contributed equally to this work.Search for more papers by this authorDr. Zhen-Gang Wang, Dr. Zhen-Gang Wang Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel) These authors contributed equally to this work.Search for more papers by this authorDr. Fuan Wang, Dr. Fuan Wang Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel)Search for more papers by this authorProf. Itamar Willner, Corresponding Author Prof. Itamar Willner Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel)Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel)Search for more papers by this author Johann Elbaz, Johann Elbaz Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel) These authors contributed equally to this work.Search for more papers by this authorDr. Zhen-Gang Wang, Dr. Zhen-Gang Wang Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel) These authors contributed equally to this work.Search for more papers by this authorDr. Fuan Wang, Dr. Fuan Wang Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel)Search for more papers by this authorProf. Itamar Willner, Corresponding Author Prof. Itamar Willner Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel)Institute of Chemistry, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904 (Israel)Search for more papers by this author First published: 27 January 2012 26 † This study was supported by the Volkswagen Foundation (Germany). J.E. acknowledges a Converging Technologies Fellowship (Israel Science Foundation). Read the full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionAdd to favorites ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat Graphical Abstract DNA-Dynamik: Nanoskopische Zweiring- oder Dreiring-Catenane aus DNA-Sequenzen gehen über Strangaustausch eine programmierte reversible Rekonfiguration ein. Die Fähigkeit, zwischen Konfigurationen mit definierten Topologien zu schalten, könnte einen flexibleren Ansatz für Transport und Freisetzung molekularer Frachten ermöglichen. Außerdem könnten die Strukturen als Markierungen im Zellinneren von Nutzen sein. Citing Literature Supporting Information Detailed facts of importance to specialist readers are published as "Supporting Information". Such documents are peer-reviewed, but not copy-edited or typeset. They are made available as submitted by the authors. Filename Description ange_201107591_sm_miscellaneous_information.pdf3.5 MB miscellaneous_information Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. Volume124, Issue10March 5, 2012Pages 2399-2403 This is the German version of Angewandte Chemie. Note for articles published since 1962: Do not cite this version alone. Take me to the International Edition version with citable page numbers, DOI, and citation export. We apologize for the inconvenience. RelatedInformation
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