The Influence of Compost Addition on the Water Repellency of Brownfield Soils

Amii Whelan,Cédric Kéchavarzi,Ruben Sakrabani,Frédéric Coulon,Robert W. Simmons,Guozhong Wu
Abstract:Compost application to brownfield sites, which can facilitate the stabilisation and remediation of contaminantswhilst providing adequate conditions for plant growth, is seen as an opportunity to divert biodegradable wastesfrom landfill and put degraded land back into productive use. However, although compost application is thoughtto improve soil hydraulic functioning, there is a lack of information on the impact of large amounts of composton soil water repellency. Water repellency in soils is attributed to the accumulation of hydrophobic organiccompounds released as root exudates, fungal and microbial by-products and decomposition of organic matter.It has also been shown that brownfield soils contaminated with petroleum-derived organic contaminants canexhibit strong water repellency, preventing the rapid infiltration of water and leading potentially to surfacerun off and erosion of contaminated soil. However, hydrophobic organic contaminants are known to becomesequestrated by partitioning into organic matter or diffusing into nano- and micropores, making them less availableover time (ageing). The effect of large amounts of organic matter addition through compost application on thewater repellency of soils contaminated with petroleum-derived organic contaminants requires further investigation.We characterised the influence of compost addition on water repellency in the laboratory by measuring theWater Drop Penetration Time (WDPT), sorptivity and water repellency index through infiltration experiments onsoil samples amended with two composts made with contrasting feedstocks (green waste and predominantly meatwaste). The treatments consisted of a sandy loam, a clay loam and a sandy loam contaminated with diesel fueland aged for 3 years, which were amended with the two composts at a rate equivalent to 750t/ha. In addition coresamples collected from a brownfield site, amended with compost at three different rates (250, 500 and 750t/ha) in2007, were also tested.The results show that the water repellency of air dried samples is significantly higher in samples amendedwith composts and increases with increasing organic matter content. The WDPT suggests that compost, whendry, is hydrophobic. Diesel contamination leads to a decrease in sorptivity compared to uncontaminated controlsand wettability is not re-established following the addition of compost. Finally, the increase in compost volume(i.e. application rate) in the field samples leads to an increase in water repellency. The infiltration tests, carriedout using a miniature tension infiltrometer, also illustrate different effects of hydrophobicity on infiltration, withsome samples demonstrating reduced infiltration and low sorptivity but others showing no infiltration at all untilthe breakdown of repellency at later times.This investigation is currently being complemented by a study of the influence of hydrophobic organiccontaminant sequestration with time (i.e. ageing), estimated by measuring the changes in the available fraction ofpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), on the water repellency of compost amended brownfield soils.
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