Wei Sun
Chinese Journal of Geophysics
Abstract:Determination of three-dimensional current system at the high-latitude associatedwith substorm is an important aspect of magnetospheric and ionospheric physics.Twomethods, KRM and Kisabeth's methods, which can be used to invert, three-dimensionalcurrent system on the basis of the ground magnetic records are introduced in this paper.A radial field line was assumed in KRM and other similar methods. A new iterationscheme was presented by Sun et al. (1985) to estimate the effect of the curved fieldline. It was found that the correction to the ionospheric and field-aligned currentsobtained from KRM method is 5-20% in the high latitude (60°-80°) and is 15-35%in the middle latitude (60°). Another interesting topic is the coupling between highand low latitudes during substorm. As an example, Sun et al. (1984) estimated magneticdisturbances at middle latitude produced by three-dimensional current system at highlatitude during substorm. It was concluded that the assymetric magnetic variations atthe middle latitude can be attributed to three-dimensional current system, paticularlyfield-aligned current, at the high latitude. Finally, a few kind of conductivity modelsin the ionosphere are introduced which play important roles in estimating the electricfield and current in the ionosphere.
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