Security-Reliability Tradeoff for Joint Relay-User Pair and Friendly Jammer Selection with Channel Estimation Error in Internet-of-Things
Guangna Zhang,Yuanyuan Gao,Huadong Luo,Xiaochen Liu,Nan Sha,Kui Xu
IEICE Transactions on Communications
Abstract:In this paper, we explore the physical layer security of an Internet of Things (IoT) network comprised of multiple relay-user pairs in the presence of multiple malicious eavesdroppers and channel estimation error (CEE). In order to guarantee secure transmission with channel estimation error, we propose a channel estimation error oriented joint relay-user pair and friendly jammer selection (CEE-JRUPaFJS) scheme to improve the physical layer security of IoT networks. For the purpose of comparison, the channel estimation error oriented traditional round-robin (CEE-TRR) scheme and the channel estimation error oriented traditional pure relay-user pair selection (CEE-TPRUPS) scheme are considered as benchmark schemes. The exact closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) for the CEE-TRR and CEE-TPRUPS schemes as well as the CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme are derived over Rayleigh fading channels, which are employed to characterize network reliability and security, respectively. Moreover, the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) is analyzed as a metric to evaluate the tradeoff performance of CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme. It is verified that the proposed CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme is superior to both the CEE-TRR and CEE-TPRUPS schemes in terms of SRT, which demonstrates our proposed CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme are capable of improving the security and reliability performance of IoT networks in the face of multiple eavesdroppers. Moreover, as the number of relay-user pairs increases, CEE-TPRUPS and CEE-JRUPaFJS schemes offer significant increases in SRT. Conversely, with an increasing number of eavesdroppers, the SRT of all these three schemes become worse.