Asset Pricing Equilibria with Indivisible Goods

Han Han,Benoı̂t Julien,Ásgerdur Pétursdóttir,Liang Wang
Abstract:We study asset pricing of divisible assets based on consumption decisions of indivisible goods in a frictional market. Indivisibility matters for equilibria along with the trading mechanism. Bargaining generates a good's price that is not linked to the dividend value of the asset or the number of active buyers of the asset. In contrast, competitive search generates a price as a continuous function of the dividend and the number of buyers. In both cases, when the asset supply is scarce, the asset price bears a liquidity premium that closely relates to the dividend and the number of buyers. We also find that, for positive dividend values on the asset, unique stationary asset price equilibrium exists, while for negative dividend values, multiple equilibria occur. We show that lotteries are not used in any equilibria, but sellers are able to extract a positive surplus under bargaining with lotteries.
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