Aalborg Universitet Investigations of the ambiguity effect in the estimation of Doppler frequency and directions in channel sounding using switched Tx and Rx arrays
Troels Pedersen,Claus Pedersen,Xuefeng Yin,Bernard H. Fleury,Rene R. Pedersen,Biljana Bozinovska,Asger Hviid,Patrik Jourdan,Andreas Stucki
Abstract:The improved-search-and-initialization spacealternating generalized expectation-maximization (ISI-SAGE) algorithm is proposed in [1] and [2] for joint estimation of the relative delay, the direction (i.e. azimuth and co-elevation) of departure, the direction of arrival, the Doppler frequency (DF) as well as the complex weight of the propagation paths from the transmitter (Tx) site to the receiver (Rx) site in mobile radio environments. A recent study [3] shows that the ISI-SAGE algorithm combined with a switched multiple-element Tx and Rx antenna sounding technique makes it possible to estimate the DF with an absolute value up to half the rate with which the pairs of Tx and Rx elements are switched (switching rate), rather than half the rate with which any fixed pair is switched (cycle rate) as commonly believed. This paper shows that so-called modulo-type switching modes (SMs) used with uniform linear and planar arrays lead to an ambiguity in the estimation of the DF and the directions, when the DF estimation range is extended from minus to plus half the switching rate. The SM of a switched array is the order with which the array elements are switched. Moreover, theoretical and experimental investigation s show that the ambiguity problem can be avoided by using some specific SMs. I. I NTRODUCTION Deploying multiple-element antennas at the transmitter (T x) and the receiver (Rx) combined with space-time coding can substantially increase the capacity of mobile radio commun ication systems [4], [5] and [6]. A system or technique using multiple-element Tx and Rx antennas is called a multiple-in put multiple-output (MIMO) system or technique. The design and optimization of MIMO communication systems require realistic models of the propagation channel, that incorpor ate dispersion in direction or equivalently space selectivity jointly at both Tx and Rx sites. High-resolution channel estimation has become an essential tool to extract the critical model parameters from measurement data. The improved-searchand-initialization space-alternating generalized expec tationmaximization (ISI-SAGE) algorithm has recently been proposed for joint estimation of the complex weight, relative delay, Doppler frequency (DF), direction, i.e. azimuth and coelevation angles, of departure (DoD), and direction of arri v l (DoA) of propagation paths between the Tx site and the Rx site [2], [7]. Experimental investigations [1] demonstrate the high potential of the algorithm for detailed propagation studie s. MIMO channel sounders commonly operate in a timedivision multiplex (TDM) mode in order to save hardware equipment. The sounding signal is fed successively at the inputs of the array elements at the Tx, and while each of these elements transmits, the outputs of the antenna elements at t he Rx are sensed successively. A measurement cycle interval is the period separating two consecutive intervals during whi ch a fixed pair of elements at the Tx and Rx is switched. The interval between two consecutive sensing periods is called th switching interval. Notice that the ratio of the cycle inter val by the switching interval is at least equal to the product of t he numbers of array elements at the Tx and Rx. The cycle rate and the switching rate are the inverses of the cycle interval and the switching interval respectively. It was traditionally bel ieved, that the maximum absolute DF that can be estimated using the TDM-MIMO sounding technique equals half the cycle rate rather than the switching rate. Therefore, by keeping t he switching rate unchanged, large numbers of elements in the arrays result in low cycle rates and consequently lead to sma ll DF estimation ranges. However, recent study [3] has shown that the maximum absolute DF that can be estimated using the TDM-MIMO sounding technique actually equals half the switching rate. This implies, that (1) the maximal absolute DF that can be estimated with the TDM-MIMO sounding techniques is larger, actually similar to that achievable w ith a parallel MIMO sounding technique, and (2) the maximal absolute DF does not depend on the number of elements in the MIMO system. In [3], the above conclusion was drawn based on the assumption that all the wave parameters but the DF and complex amplitude are known. We will show that the above extension of the DF estimation range can result in an ambiguity problem when the directions (DoD and DoA) of the waves are estimated as well if the switching modes (SMs) of the arrays belong to a so-called “modulo-type” class in th e case that uniform linear or planar arrays are used. The SM of an array describes the order in which the elements of this array are switched. It turns out that the conventionally use d sequential SM in MIMO channel sounder employing uniform linear or planar arrays belongs to this class. In the ISI-SAGE algorithm, the parameters of each wave are estimated based on a parametric model describing the phase