The Study Of Q-Band Sheet Beam Backward Wave Oscillator Based On A Planar U-Shaped Slot-Line Slow-Wave Structure
Ruichao Yang,Chong Ding,Gangxiong Wu,Lingua Yue,Jin Xu,Qian Li,Xia Lei,Xuebin Jiang,Shuanzhu Fang,Hairong Yin,Guoqing Zhao,Zhanliang Wang,Yubin Gong,Wenxiang Wang,Yanyu Wei,Yang Liu,Hailong Wang
Abstract:This paper reported a Q-band sheet beam slot-line backward wave oscillator (BWO). The characteristics of slot-line slow wave structure (SL-SWS) has been investigated and the result shows that it's much more suitable to be designed as a BWO than a traveling wave tube (TWT). The slot-line backward wave oscillator is driven by a 0.19A sheet beam whose rectangular cross section is 0.9mm*0.12mm. While the beam voltage ranges from 6000V to 10000V, the frequency of output signal varies from 40.275GHz to 43.925GHz, and the output power is over 40W.