Consecutive Extreme Flooding and Heat Wave in Japan: Are They Becoming a Norm?
Shih‐Yu Wang,Hyungjun Kim,Dim Coumou,Jin‐Ho Yoon,Lin Zhao,Robert R. Gillies
Atmospheric Science Letters
Abstract:Southern Japan suffered from a succession of extreme events in summer 2018. Climatological 10-day precipitation in southern Japan depict the three-phase lifecycle of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and the corresponding timing of the 2018 consecutive extreme events (indicated in the bottom). The sequential yet contrasting extreme events in Japan therefore reflect an amplified EASM projected in a warmer climate. In July 2018, Japan experienced two contrasting, yet consecutive, extreme events: a devastating flood in early July followed by unprecedented heat waves a week later. Death tolls from these two extreme events combined exceeded 300, accompanying tremendous economic losses (BBC: July 24, 2018; AP: July 30, 2018). Meteorological analysis on these 2018 events quickly emerged (JMA-TCC, 2018; Kotsuki et al., 2019; Tsuguti et al., 2019), highlighting several compound factors: a strengthened subtropical anticyclone, a deepened synoptic trough, and Typhoon Prapiroon that collectively enhanced the Baiu rainband (the Japanese summer monsoon), fostering heavy precipitation. The comprehensive study of these events, conducted within a month and released by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) (JMA-TCC, 2018), reflected decades of knowledge of the Baiu rainband and new understanding of recent heat waves in southern Japan and Korea (Xu et al., 2019). Regardless, an extended forecast of this record-breaking precipitation remains challenging, with a skillful prediction of no more than 3 days (Kotsuki et al., 2019). Given the impending Baiu season of 2019, it is prudent to reflect upon these successive 2018 events by parsing out the critical components while discussing the potential of future compound extremes. The timing of the July 2018 heavy rainfall and heat wave events coincided with the distinct lifecycle of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) featuring the active, break, and revival phases (Chen et al., 2004; Ding, 2007). Figure 1a outlines these EASM phases by showing the climatological 10-day rainfall evolution averaged in southern Japan (using Climate Prediction Center Global Unified Gauge-Based Analysis from 1981 to 2010; see caption for details). Each year, southern Japan experiences the passages of the Baiu rainband in late June and the Northwestern Pacific Subtropical High (NPSH) in late July, causing an abrupt rainfall increase (active phase) followed by a quick drying and associated warming (break phase). By early September, the expanding western Pacific monsoon trough reaches southern Japan, while the frequency of tropical cyclones increases (Chen et al., 2004). Putting these together, one could argue that the 2018 sequential events in southern Japan indicate a much-amplified EASM lifecycle (Figure 1a), featuring the strong Baiu rainfall, an intense monsoon break, and the landfall of Super Typhoon Jebi in early September. The atmospheric features that enhance the ascent and instability of the Baiu rainband have been extensively studied (Sampe and Xie, 2010); these include the upper-level westerly jet and traveling synoptic waves, mid-level advection of warm and moist air influenced by the South Asian thermal low, and low-level southerly moisture transport associated with an enhanced NPSH. These features are outlined in Figure 1b as (A) the NPSH, and particularly its western extension; (B) the western Pacific monsoon trough; (C) the South Asian monsoon; (D) the mid-latitude westerly jet and quasistationary short waves, as well as the Baiu rainband itself; these are based on previous studies (Sampe and Xie, 2010; JMA-TCC, 2018; Tsuguti et al., 2019). All of these circulation features were observed in the July 2018 heavy precipitation event with an additional presence of Typhoon Prapiroon and a stationary short-wave trough over Korea (Tsuguti et al., 2019). These notable circulation features were present during the heat wave as well (Figure 1c), while the upper-level trough was replaced by a short-wave ridge known to accompany heat waves in Korea and southern Japan (Xu et al., 2019). Interannual variations of these circulation features have been linked to sea surface temperature (SST) variability nearby and afar (Sampe and Xie, 2010; Imada et al., 2013). Under a warmer climate, a wealth of literature has indicated that an enhanced EASM and its circulation components (Figure 1b) are the likely outcome. The Baiu rainband has been observed and projected to intensify (Kusunoki et al., 2006). In southwestern Japan, intense Baiu precipitation (>100 mm/day) has increased by 9% and may rise another 15% in the future (Kanada et al., 2012). Observed and projected intensification in the NPSH (Kusunoki et al., 2006; Imada et al., 2013), southwesterly low-level winds, and moist static energy (Kanada et al., 2012; Seo et al., 2013) altogether can increase the chance of heavy Baiu precipitation. However, long-term changes of the Baiu onset-termination process are manifold and involve complex tropical–mid-latitude interactions. Intensification of the NPSH (A in Figure 1b) has been linked to the warming climate (Kusunoki et al., 2006; He and Zhou, 2015); this is likely caused by the enhanced monsoon trough (B in Figure 1b) through local Hadley circulation and Rossby wave dispersion (Kusunoki et al., 2006; He and Zhou, 2015). An intensified NPSH can enhance the moist low-level southerly flows toward southwestern Japan while increasing the thermal gradient along the Baiu, further destabilizing the frontal zone. An intensified NPSH also produces stronger subsidence and low-level warming when it reaches southern Japan, contributing to the increased occurrence of heat waves during the break phase. Correspondingly, Kim et al. (2019) found that the intensity of compound events like the succession of heavy rainfall and heat wave in Japan is projected to increase in the warmer climate. The less palpable factors in this EASM paradigm of increased compound extremes concern the effects of the changing South Asia low (C in Figure 1b) and mid-latitude westerly jet (D in Figure 1b) on the Baiu rainband. The evolutions of the South Asian monsoon and thermal high pressure over the Tibetan Plateau influence the upper-level jet position and associated thermal advection from the eastern plateau, which can trigger convection along the Baiu rainband. Subseasonal variation of the Indian summer monsoon can affect EASM through atmospheric short-wave teleconnection (Ding and Wang, 2007). A recent study (He et al., 2019) notes the effect of increased latent heating over the Tibetan Plateau on the intensification of the EASM circulations, which could influence the Baiu rainband. In the mid-latitudes, the jet stream and associated synoptic activity have weakened over recent decades, attributed to the rapid warming in the Arctic (Coumou et al., 2018). Prior to the 2018 early-July flood, a circumglobal short-wave pattern was observed in association with heat waves in North America, Western Europe, and the Caspian Sea region, as well as rainfall extremes in South-East Europe and Japan (Kornhuber et al., 2019). However, what this implies for the quasistationary waves, as was observed in summer 2018 (D in Figure 1b), is less clear. Two features of the intensified Baiu rainband in 2018 are worth noting. The first concerns the stationary short-wave train leading up to the record rainfall. As shown in Figure S1a and described in Kornhuber et al. (2019), the upper-level meridional (v) wind averaged from June 27 to July 3, 2018 demonstrates a distinct wave-7 structure embedded in the jet stream from West Europe to Japan. Longitude time evolution of the daily v-wind (Figure S1b using the National Center for Environmental Prediction Reanalysis-2 data) indicates that the short-wave train formed in mid-June and persisted for a month (arrows in Figure S1b). This short-wave train underwent a marked amplification around June 23, triggering an eastward Rossby wave energy propagation (not shown) that deepened the short-wave trough over the Korean Peninsula a week later (~June 28); the resulting amplified trough led to a persistent increase in precipitable water over Japan during the onset of heavy precipitation (Figure S1c). While traveling synoptic waves are known to intensify Baiu rainfall (Sampe and Xie, 2010), the aforementioned wave-7 structure is stationary (Figure S1b) and not transient. The polarity and position of this stationary wave train coincide with the observation that the persistence of circumglobal teleconnection with wave numbers 5–7 has increased (Wang et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2017; Coumou et al., 2018). By July 10, 2018, the short-wave train had dissipated and, as a result, did not contribute to the heat wave (Figure S1b). The second feature of note is the energized tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TISO). The TISO not only modulates tropical convection but also strengthens the NPSH and associated southerly low-level winds that feed moisture into the Baiu rainband. In the western Pacific, TISO triggers the northward migrations of both the monsoon trough and the NPSH (Chen et al., 2004; Jiang et al., 2004). Based on Figure S2, two active TISO episodes occurred over the Philippines Sea during 2018, the first one in early June and the second in mid-July. Recall in Figure S1c that the NPSH was located between 20° and 25°N in mid-June, while the Baiu rainband covered southwestern Japan (30°–35°N), coinciding with the second TISO episode. During the later heat wave of late July, the expanded monsoon trough (15–20°N) also intensified the NPSH while pushing it further north to cover southwestern Japan. This observation, together with the absence of propagating Rossby short waves during the heat wave (Figure S2), defies the argument associating the recent increase in heat waves over Japan and Korea with amplified mid-latitude short waves of Eurasian origin (Kornhuber et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2019). Thus, the second TISO event in 2018 plays a dominant role in strengthening the NPSH and subsequent heat wave in Japan (JMA-TCC, 2018). Typhoons Prapiroon and Maria played a role in the 2018 heavy precipitation and subsequent heat wave. Typhoon Prapiroon made landfall in southwestern Japan and further increased the elevated precipitable water prior to the heavy Baiu rainfall (Figure S1c). We note that typhoons do affect southwestern Japan during the Baiu season (Chen et al., 2004). Typhoon Maria formed within the deepened monsoon trough, where it further enhanced the NPSH during 8–12 July through the northward fluxes of Rossby wave activity (not shown). Subsequently, the enhanced NPSH and subsidence set the stage for the heat wave. The atmospheric circulations and SST variation enhancing the Baiu rainfall in southwestern Japan have been extensively studied, while climate projections consistently indicate an intensified Baiu rainband and increased heat waves. The 2018 extreme Baiu rainfall and subsequent heat wave fits that of past climate diagnostics and future climate projections. Here, the authors call for an integrated view of the amplified EASM “lifecycle” that influences the extreme Baiu rainfall and subsequent heat wave in the same season, as well as the roles mid-latitude short-wave amplification and active TISO played in 2018. Recent research has shed light on the potential drivers of quasistationary short waves during boreal summer, such as wave resonance within the jet stream waveguide that can trap and maintain the waves' energy (increasing persistence) and the shifting of the jet itself. The conditions under which wave resonance is likely to occur can, in principle, be detected and anticipated at an early stage, before the wave grows in amplitude (c.f., Figure S1b). The tropical influence of active TISO episodes on persistent mid-latitude short waves could also serve as a precursor for detecting amplified subseasonal teleconnection. The extent to which these circulation features collectively modulate the EASM lifecycle, which could strengthen the Baiu rainfall, heat wave, and typhoons combined, challenges the research in subseasonal predictability of compound extreme events. The Climate System Monitoring website established by the JMA Tokyo Climate Center ( made real-time climate diagnostics possible. Precipitation and reanalysis datasets are provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL from SYW acknowledges support from the U.S. DOE-funded project HyperFACETS. JHY is funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant KMI KMI2018-01015. HK is supported by TOUGOU Program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. DC is supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWOGrant: 016.Vidi.171011). LZ is supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA2006010202) and the Chinese National Science Foundation Programs (41822501). Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
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Extremely hot East Asia and flooding western South Asia in the summer of 2022 tied to reversed flow over Tibetan Plateau
Chao He,Tianjun Zhou,Lixia Zhang,Xiaolong Chen,Wenxia Zhang
IF: 4.901
Climate Dynamics
Abstract:In the summer (July and August) of 2022, unprecedented heat wave occurred along the Yangtze River Valley (YRV) over East Asia while unprecedented flood occurred over western South Asia (WSA), which are located on the eastern and western sides of Tibetan Plateau (TP). Here, by analyzing the interannual variability based on observational and reanalysis data, we show evidences that the anomalous zonal flow over subtropical Tibetan Plateau (TP) explains a major fraction the extreme events occurred in 2022. As isentropic surfaces incline eastward (westward) with altitude on the eastern (western) side of the warm center over TP in summer, anomalous easterly (westerly) flow in upper troposphere generates anomalous descent (ascent) on the eastern side of TP and anomalous ascent (descent) on the western side of TP via isentropic gliding. The anomalous easterly flow is extremely strong to reverse the climatological westerly flow over subtropical TP in 1994, 2006, 2013 and 2022. The easterly flow in 2022 is the strongest since 1979, and it generates unprecedented descent (ascent) anomaly on the eastern (western) side of TP, leading to extreme heat wave over YRV and extreme flood over WSA in 2022. The anomalously strong easterly flow over subtropical TP in 2022 is dominated by atmospheric internal variability related to mid-latitude wave train, while the cold sea surface temperature anomaly over the tropical Indian Ocean increases the probability of a reversed zonal flow over TP by reducing the meridional gradient of tropospheric temperature.
meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Relationships Between Jianghuai Meiyu Anomaly and the Collaborative Evolution of Wave Trains in the Upper and Lower Troposphere in Mid-July of 2020
Junyu Wang
IF: 2.9
Frontiers in Earth Science
Abstract:Based on the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis dataset (ERA5), the sea surface temperature (SST) and the outgoing longwave radiation data and the daily precipitation data, the relationship between the Meiyu anomaly in the Yangtze-Huaihe river basin (YHB) and the collaborative evolution of wave trains in the upper and lower troposphere in the mid-July of 2020 is analyzed. The results show that the key circulation background for the long-lasting Meiyu season in the summer of 2020 is the coexistence and collaborative evolution of the "− + −" Silk-Road (SR) wave train in the upper troposphere and the "+ − +" Pacific-Japan (PJ) wave train in the middle-lower troposphere, which is in favor of the movement toward each other of the South Asia high and the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), resulting in the upper-level divergence over the YHB where is the right side of the jet entrance area. The western Pacific subtropical high strengthens and extends westward, transporting abundant water vapor to the YHB supplied by the strong southwesterly warm-moist airflow from the Western Pacific and South China Sea. Meanwhile, the meridional circulation develops at the middle and high latitudes, steering the cold-dry air to move southward frequently. Cold-dry air and warm-moist air strongly interact over the YHB, leading to the long-lasting Meiyu season. The coordinative evolution of the SR and PJ wave trains not only affects the persistence and intensity of precipitation in the YHB, but also can be regarded as a precursor signal for the occurrence of persistent heavy rainfall to some extent. The wave-activity flux dispersing eastward along the upper-level jet is beneficial to the development and maintenance of the SR wave train, and the poleward dispersing wave-activity flux is related to the development and maintenance of the PJ wave train. Additionally, along with the weakening El Nino in 2019, the anomalous convection caused by the warm SST in the Western Pacific warm pool is conducive to the formation and maintenance of the PJ wave train. The abnormal convection caused by the warm SST in the Indian Ocean and the east coast of the tropical Atlantic may affect the SR wave train. These are also one of the reasons for the long Meiyu season in 2020.
geosciences, multidisciplinary
Differentiated influences of anomalous subtropical high on extreme persistent precipitation and heatwave events in the Yangtze River Valley
Yu Peng,Qian Wang,Panmao Zhai
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Abstract:Schematic diagram of the mechanisms by which the WPSH caused the extreme persistent precipitation in the Yangtze River Valley during the June‐July in 2020 and the extreme heatwave during the July‐August in 2022. In the summers of 2020 and 2022, the Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) intensified extremely and extended westward. However, in summer 2020, the Yangtze River Valley (YRV) witnessed record‐breaking floods, while in 2022, an unprecedented and prolonged heatwave occurred. Distinctly, these two extreme events were caused by different effects of the WPSH: one is enhancement of the transportation of water vapor and the other is adiabatic heating caused by the descending airflow. In June–July 2020, the stable extension of the WPSH ridge line to South China directed a southwesterly airflow along its northwest flank, leading to sustained precipitation in the YRV. Additionally, the midlatitude circulation pattern featured two troughs and two ridges. Such a circulation configuration, combined with the strong and westward WPSH, enabled the continuous southward intrusion of cold air and northward transport of warm moist air, converging over the YRV, and thus influenced extreme persistent precipitation. In contrast, the WPSH covered the YRV almost entirely during summer 2022. Under this influence, the clear‐sky condition and descending airflow through adiabatic warming directly resulted in the heatwave. In addition, local land–atmosphere feedback was crucial in its development and persistence. The soil moisture deficit induced by high temperatures increased the sensible heat flux between the soil and atmosphere upward, further enhanced the surface air temperature and strengthened the heat dry condition.
meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Multiscale Processes of Heavy Rainfall over East Asia in Summer 2020: Diurnal Cycle in Response to Synoptic Disturbances
Wenxin Zeng,Guixing Chen,Lanqiang Bai,Qian Liu,Zhiping Wen
Monthly Weather Review
Abstract:Multiscale processes from synoptic disturbances to diurnal cycles during the record-breaking heavy rainfall in summer 2020 were examined in this study. The heavy rainfall consisted of eight episodes, each lasting about 5 days, and were associated with two types of synoptic disturbances. The Type-1 episodes featured a northwestward extending western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), while the Type-2 episodes had approaching midlatitude troughs with southward retreat in the WPSH. Each heavy rainfall episode had 2–3 occurrences of nocturnal low-level jets (NLLJs), in close association with intense rainfall in the early morning. The NLLJs formed partly due to the geostrophic wind by increased pressure gradients under both types of synoptic disturbances. The NLLJs were also driven by the ageostrophic wind that veered to maximum southerlies at late night due to the boundary-layer inertial oscillation. The diurnal amplitudes of low-level southerlies increased remarkably after the onset of Type-1 episodes, in which the extending WPSH provided strong daytime heating from solar radiation. By contrast, the wind diurnal amplitudes were less changed after the onset of Type-2 episodes. The NLLJs strengthened the mesoscale mean ascent, net moisture flux convergence, and convective instability in elevated warm moist air, which led to the upscale growth of MCSs at the northern terminus of the LLJ after midnight. The MCSs-induced Meiyu rainband was re-established in Central China during the Type-1 episodes with the increased diurnal variations. The findings highlight that the regional diurnal cycles of low-level winds in response to synoptic disturbances can strongly regulate mesoscale convective activities in a downscaling manner, and thus produce heavy rainfall.
Interannual Fluctuations and Their Low-Frequency Modulation of Summertime Heavy Daily Rainfall Potential in Western Japan
Takashi Mochizuki
IF: 3.11
Abstract:Heavy rainfall under the conditions of the changing climate has recently garnered considerable attention. The statistics on heavy daily rainfall offer vital information for assessing present and future extreme events and for clarifying the impacts of global climate variability and change, working to form a favorable background. By analyzing a set of large-ensemble simulations using a global atmospheric model, this study demonstrated that two different physical processes in global climate variability control the interannual fluctuations in the 99th- and 90th-percentile values of summertime daily rainfall (i.e., the potential amounts) on Kyushu Island in western Japan. The 90th-percentile values were closely related to large-scale horizontal moisture transport anomalies due to changes in the subtropical high in the northwestern Pacific, which was usually accompanied by basin-scale warming in the Indian Ocean subsequent to the wintertime El Niño events. The contributions of the sea surface temperatures over the northern Indian Ocean and the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean showed low-frequency modulations, mainly due to the influences of the global warming tendency and the interdecadal variability in the climate system, respectively. In contrast, tropical cyclone activity played a major role in changing the 99th-percentile value. The potentials of both the tropical cyclone intensity and the existence density fluctuated, largely owing to the summertime sea surface temperature over the tropical Pacific, which can be modulated by the El Niño diversity on interdecadal timescales.
environmental sciences,meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Who is the major player for 2022 China extreme heat wave? Western Pacific Subtropical high or South Asian high?
Dapeng Zhang,Yanyan Huang,Botao Zhou,Huijun Wang,Bo Sun
IF: 7.761
Weather and Climate Extremes
Abstract:A long-lasting, wide-ranging, and record-breaking extreme high-temperature (EHT) event hit China in the summer of 2022, causing adverse impacts on electricity supply, agriculture, and people's livelihoods. The abnormal persistence of the eastward-shifted South Asian high (SAH) in the upper troposphere was the dominant driver of the durative enhancement of EHT and can explain approximately 55.7% of the event's occurrence, compared to the 14.5% contribution of western Pacific Subtropical high (WPSH) to this event. As the SAH extends eastward, the East Asian westerly jet tends to shift northward, the combination of which could have caused persistent descending motion over East China and thus evoked the EHT. The eastward shift of the SAH in summer 2022 was jointly affected by the preceding-spring record-low snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau, the contemporaneous record-low aerosol levels in East China, the record-high precipitation of Indian subcontinent and the record-high sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic since 1990. Notably, during 1990–2022, for the 2022-like EHT, only 38.43% of that is related to the couple of westward-shifting WPSH and eastward-extending SAH. Approximately 47.6% of 2022-like EHT is just corresponding to an abnormally eastward-extending SAH, suggesting the non-negligible role of SAH in the China's EHT prediction.
meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Drivers of a sudden mesoscale rainstorm in arid and semi‐arid regions at the edge of the western Pacific subtropical high
Jing Liu,Jinru Zhang,Fan Liu,Lianmei Yang
Meteorological Applications
Abstract:An extreme rainstorm occurred in southeastern Hami in Xinjiang, China, on July 31, 2018. The region experienced maximum accumulated precipitation of 110 mm over 12 h, causing a flood that killed 20 people and left eight missing. The present study uses multiple data sources in order to conduct an in‐depth analysis of this extreme rainfall event. Results show that the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) could directly impact the arid and semi‐arid areas under the certain circulation patters. During the heavy rainfall period, the 500 hPa WPSH was anomalously northerly; several mesoscale cloud clusters generated in front of the 700 hPa Hexi corridor jet stream and then merged and developed along the 500 hPa steering flow. The atmosphere was conditionally unstable over the region, and unstable convective energy was triggered by warm frontogenesis at the low Troposphere. Warm frontal frontogenesis was determined by the horizontal divergence and the tilt term during convective initiation, and deformation and tilt terms as convective cloud at matured. Additionally, the intensification of the 700 hPa Hexi corridor southeasterly jet and topographic uplifting were responsible for the long‐term persistence of the mesoscale convective system, which should be paid more attention by forecasters in the future forecasting of this region.
meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Oceanic and atmospheric anomalies associated with extreme precipitation events in China 1983-2020
Y C Lee,M O Wenig,K L Chan
Abstract:Observed synoptic anomalies in connection with China's extreme precipitation events/floods in the summers of 1982/83, 1997/98, 2010, 2014, 2015/16, and 2020 are studied. These events mainly occur within the middle and lower Yangtze basins. The dominant moisture source is the Northern Indian Ocean and the Southwestern Pacific Ocean of the Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP). Both of these bodies of water have warmed since 1979. In East Asia, the strong land-sea thermal contrast driven by global warming drives the increased East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) circulation, which develops deep convective precipitation. The total precipitable water in the Indo-Pacific region has also been increasing since 1979. The intense southwest Indian monsoon transports moist air to the Yangtze basin in mid-June and forms the Meiyu (plum rain) front. Strengthened Okhotsk/Ural blocking highs in East and West Asia, as well as the Western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and the South Asian high (SAH) over south Eurasia, remain stationary for long periods and interact to exacerbate the precipitation. The western edge of the WPSH expands westward towards East Asia to transport moisture. To the north, the WPSH combines with the two blocking highs to trigger more rain. The intensified SAH expands eastward and merges with the extended WPSH to add rain. On the other hand, rainfall is modulated by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), notably in relation to the super El Niño events in 1982-1983, 1997-1998, 2015-2016, and 2020. The research described in this paper highlights changes in the weather systems with warming and, in particular, the enormous and dominating impact of the warming and expanding IPWP on rainfall extremes. Improved seasonal forecasts and planning ahead will protect lives and livelihoods.
Impact of an unprecedented marine heatwave on extremely hot summer over Northern Japan in 2023
Hirotaka Sato,Kazuto Takemura,Akira Ito,Takafumi Umeda,Shuhei Maeda,Youichi Tanimoto,Masami Nonaka,Hisashi Nakamura
IF: 4.6
Scientific Reports
Abstract:Possible local influence of an extreme marine heatwave is investigated on unprecedentedly hot summer around northern Japan in 2023. Sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) and subsurface ocean temperatures around northern Japan were also unprecedentedly high in the summer. This was especially the case off the east coast of Japan, where cool Oyashio water was replaced with much warmer water due to a striking poleward meander of the Kuroshio Extension persistent from the spring. Particularly amplified near-surface air temperature anomalies and even stronger warm anomalies in the subsurface ocean suggest that the marine heatwave acted to sustain the atmospheric heatwave. Anomalous upward of latent and sensible heat fluxes from the warmed sea surface are indicative of local oceanic impact. The warm SST anomalies reduced the lower-tropospheric stratification to maintain unfavourable condition for low-level cloud formation, which in turn led to increased surface insolation for further SST warming as positive feedback. The increased moisture in the warmed lower troposphere contributed to the enhanced surface downward longwave radiation. This enhanced greenhouse effect acted not only as positive feedback on the warm SST anomalies that increased evaporation but also as a contributor for the extreme warmth over northern Japan landmass.
multidisciplinary sciences
An underlying factor of increasing early winter precipitation in the Hokuriku region of Japan in recent decades
Kazuto Takemura,Shuhei Maeda,Ryuichi Kawamura
Atmospheric Science Letters
Abstract:The increasing trend of early winter precipitation in the Hokuriku region of Japan in recent decades is related to that in the sea surface upward latent heat flux due to intensified winter monsoon circulation and warming SST over the Sea of Japan. Trends in recent decades of upper‐level teleconnection from South Asia to Japan associated with climatological and interdecadal SST variabilities and corresponding enhanced convection near the Bay of Bengal trigger intensified winter monsoon circulation. Using a reanalysis dataset and large‐ensemble simulation results, this study examines a possible factor of increasing trend in early winter precipitation in recent decades in the Hokuriku region of Japan. Monthly precipitation in December has a significant increasing trend after the early 1990s, which is different from those in January and February. The increasing precipitation in December is related to that in the sea surface upward latent heat flux due to intensified winter monsoon circulation and warming sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over the Sea of Japan. December averaged SSTs show a trend pattern in recent decades that is similar to the negative phase of the interdecadal Pacific oscillation (IPO), accompanied by positive trends from the eastern Indian Ocean to the western tropical Pacific. The enhanced trend of convection over the Bay of Bengal is seen; suggesting a combined effect of climatologically high SSTs and IPO‐related warmed SSTs over the region. Trends in recent decades of an upper‐level wavy pattern from South Asia to near Japan along the subtropical jet associated with enhanced convection near the Bay of Bengal and the related pressure drop from Japan to the north are seen, which contribute to intensified winter monsoon circulation.
meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Intensified gradient La Niña and extra-tropical thermal patterns drive the 2022 East and South Asian "Seesaw" extremes
Peng Zhang,Bin Wang,Zhiwei Wu,Rui Jin,Can Cao
IF: 9.4475
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
Abstract:In July and August 2022, a notable "seesaw" extreme pattern emerged, characterized by the "Yangtze River Valley (YRV) drought" juxtaposed with the "Indus Basin (IB) flood", leading to enormous economic and human losses. We observed that the "seesaw" extreme pattern concurs with the second-strongest sea surface temperature (SST) gradient between the equatorial central and western Pacific caused by the triple-dip La Niña and western Pacific warming. The convergent statistical and numerical evidence suggested that the enhanced SST gradients tend to amplify the western Pacific convection and the descending Rossby responses to the La Niña cooling, promoting the "seesaw" extreme pattern through the westward expansion of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH). Further investigation demonstrated that the magnitude of the YRV surface temperature and IB rainfall exhibited a reversed change from July to August. The persistent cooling of the southern Indian Ocean induced by the triple-dip La Niña increases the cross-equatorial moisture transport, which played a significant role in the record-breaking IB rainfall during July. By contrast, the historic YRV surface temperature occurred in August with a decrease in IB rainfall. The Barents-Kara Sea warming extended the downstream impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation via local air-sea interaction that enhanced the WPSH and the YRV extreme surface temperature by emanating an equatorward teleconnection wave train. The overlay of the tropical thermal conditions and extra-tropical forcings largely aggravated the severity of the "YRV drought and IB flood".
meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Amplified Subtropical Stationary Waves in Boreal Summer and Their Implications for Regional Water Extremes
Jiacan Yuan,Wenhong Li,Yi Deng
IF: 6.7
Environmental Research Letters
Abstract:The linkage between climate change and increased frequency/magnitude of weather extremes remains an open question in the scientific field. Here we investigate such a dynamical linkage by focusing on an amplification trend of the northern subtropical stationary waves found in recent decades. Specifically, we show that in multiple modern reanalysis products, a robust positive trend exists in a wave amplitude index defined through the summer-mean tropospheric stream function field. Pronounced changes in the subtropical atmospheric circulation accompany this wave amplification, including an intensified South Asian monsoon and strengthened subtropical highs over the North Pacific and North Atlantic oceans. Through modifying the characteristics of large-scale moisture transport, these circulation changes are coupled to changes in the regional precipitation amount and the occurrence of water extremes including both droughts and heavy rainfall events. Given this connection, amplified stationary waves have likely contributed to the elevated occurrence probabilities of droughts in the central United States, Mexico, Japan, and northern China, as well as those of heavy rainfall events in South Asia, southeastern China, and the eastern United States. These results suggest that as climate warming continues, the amplification of subtropical stationary waves will increase the risk of water extremes over the above-mentioned regions.
Effects of subseasonal variation in the East Asian monsoon system on the summertime heat wave in western North America in 2021
Yitian Qian,Pang‐Chi Hsu,Jiacan Yuan,Zhiwei Zhu,Huijun Wang,Mingkeng Duan
IF: 5.2
Geophysical Research Letters
Abstract:In the early summer (late June–early July) of 2021, a prolonged and extremely high temperature event was observed in the Northwest U.S. and Southwest Canada. In this study, a connection was found between the subseasonal variations of the East Asian monsoon system and the anomalous heat dome over western North America. Around 2–3 pentads prior to the period of maximum heat, a northward‐propagating rain belt and abnormally intensified jet stream in East Asia excited a Rossby wave train, causing the high‐pressure anomaly over western North America that was responsible for the occurrence of this heat wave in 2021. Multivariate singular value decomposition analysis results using historical data and a series of numerical experiments further supported the finding of this East Asia–western North America teleconnection. The results provide precursor signals for better monitoring and predicting heat waves over western North America.
geosciences, multidisciplinary
The upper-level circulation anomaly over Central Asia and its relationship to the Asian monsoon and mid-latitude wave train in early summer
Takeshi Watanabe,Koji Yamazaki
IF: 4.901
Climate Dynamics
Abstract:A large intraseasonal variation in geopotential height over the Central Asia region, where the Asian subtropical jet is located, occurs between May and June, and the most dominant variation has a wave-like distribution. This variation in geopotential height influences precipitation across South and Southeast Asia. In this paper, we use composite analysis to determine the causes of this intraseasonal variation over Central Asia. The wave train propagates from the northern Atlantic Ocean to Central Asia over a period of a week, and generates an anomaly in geopotential height over the region. The tropical disturbance, which is similar to the Madden–Julian oscillation, appears a few days before the maximum of the anticyclonic anomaly over Central Asia, and is accompanied by active convection over the Indian Ocean and suppressed convection over Central America. Results of numerical experiments using a linear baroclinic model show that the active convection over the northern Indian Ocean causes the anticyclonic anomaly over Central Asia. The wave train that extends from the northern Atlantic Ocean to Central Asia is generated by negative thermal forcing over Central America, and the phase distribution of this wave train is similar to that observed in the composite analysis. Central Asia is the region where the effects of the tropics and middle latitudes overlap, and it is an important connection point between the Asian monsoon and middle latitudes.
meteorology & atmospheric sciences
The Henan Extreme Rainfall in July 2021: Modulation of the Northward-Shift Monsoon Trough on the Synoptic-Scale Wave Train
Si-Hua Huang,Zhi-Ping Wen,Xiao-Dan Chen,Yuan -Yuan Guo,Zhe-Wen Wang
IF: 4.746
Advances in Climate Change Research
Abstract:The synoptic-scale wave train is a dominant pattern of the synoptic variability over the tropical western Pacific and usually affects the extreme weather over South China and Southeast Asia. Whether it could extend its influence and contribute to the Henan extreme rainfall in July 2021 still needs to be unraveled. We found that during the Henan extreme rainfall days a positively synoptic-scale vorticity disturbance dominated Henan province, China, which was embedded in the synoptic-scale wave train that originated from the western North Pacific. Moreover, the propagating pathway of this synoptic-scale wave train located northward and was likely modulated by the latitudinal location change of the monsoon trough over the western North Pacific. A northernmost displacement of the monsoon trough in July 2021 (∼23.2°N) would facilitate the synoptic-scale wave train to propagate farther northwestward via shifting the related barotropic conversion northward. Therefore, the synoptic-scale wave train from the tropics could reach Henan, provide the necessary lifting forcing, and supply abundant water vapor associated with the anomalous southerly for the occurrence of Henan extreme rainfall event. The results implicate that the pre-existing synoptic-scale wave train regulated by the location of the monsoon trough may be a potential precursor for heavy rainfalls in northern Central China.
An Extreme Monsoonal Heavy Rainfall Event over Inland South China in June 2022: A Synoptic Causes Analysis
Wen-jian Deng,Peng-fei Ren,Dong Zhang,Yu Sun,Nai-geng Wu
Journal of Tropical Meteorology
Abstract:An extreme monsoonal heavy rainfall event lasted for nine days and recurred in the interior of northern south China from June 13 to 21, 2022. Using regional meteorological stations and ERA5 reanalysis data, the causes of this extreme monsoonal rainfall event in south China were analyzed and diagnosed. The results are shown as follows. A dominant South Asian high tended to be stable near the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, providing favorable upper-level dispersion conditions for the occurrence of heavy rainfall in south China. A western Pacific subtropical high dominated the eastern part of the South China Sea, favoring stronger and more northward transport of water vapor to the northern part of south China at lower latitudes than normal. The continuous heavy precipitation event can be divided into two stages. The first stage (June 13-15) was the frontal heavy rainfall caused by cold air (brought by an East Asian trough) from the mid-latitudes that converged with a monsoonal airflow. The heavy rains occurred mostly in the area near a shear in front of the center of a synoptic-system-related low-level jet (SLLJ), and the jet stream and precipitation were strongest in the daytime. The second stage (June 16-21) was the warm-sector heavy rainfall caused by a South China Sea monsoonal low-level jet penetrating inland. The heavy rainfall occurred on the windward slope of the Nanling Mountains and in the northern part of a boundary layer jet (BLJ). The BLJ experienced five nighttime enhancements, corresponding well with the enhancement of the rainfall center, showing significant nighttime heavy rainfall characteristics. Finally, a conceptual diagram of inland-type warm-sector heavy rainfall in south China is summarized.
Causes of extreme 2020 Meiyu-Baiu rainfall: a study of combined effect of Indian Ocean and Arctic
Xiaodan Chen,Zhiping Wen,Yuanyuan Song,Yuanyuan Guo
IF: 4.901
Climate Dynamics
Abstract:A record-breaking Meiyu-Baiu rainfall hit East Asia in June–July 2020. The warm Indian Ocean (IO) has been identified as a primary cause, but it cannot explain the heavy rainfall in July, a striking characteristic of the 2020 Meiyu-Baiu rainfall. A remarkable retreat of Arctic sea ice in the late spring and early summer of 2020 also promoted Meiyu-Baiu rainfall by favoring North Asian blockings and cold air outbreaks. However, its importance compared with IO warming is unclear. Our result shows that the abundant moisture supply to the 2020 Meiyu-Baiu rainfall mainly stems from anomalous meridional wind convergence, while the excessive ascending motions are due to warm advection tied to enhanced mid-troposphere westerlies. AGCM experiments are used to examine the relative importance of IO warming and Arctic sea ice anomalies. In June, IO warming is responsible for the atmospheric circulation anomalies around the Meiyu-Baiu region and accounts for ~ 75% of the Meiyu-Baiu rainfall anomalies, despite the Arctic sea-ice loss explaining most circulation anomalies over Eurasian high latitudes. In July, both IO warming and Arctic sea-ice loss are necessary for meridional convergence, enhanced westerlies, and thus the heavy rainfall over the Meiyu-Baiu region. Their effects are interdependent rather than additive. Strong IO warming is rarely observed alongside severe Arctic sea-ice loss before 2020 because of their discordant interannual variations. In the future, the combined effects of IO warming and Arctic sea-ice loss on the Meiyu-Baiu rainfall may become more pronounced as their long-term trends continue.
Different mechanisms for the extremely hot central-eastern China in July–August 2022 from a Eurasian large-scale circulation perspective
Ziqian Wang,Haolin Luo,Song Yang
IF: 6.7
Environmental Research Letters
Abstract:In July and August of 2022, unprecedented and long-lasting heatwaves attacked central and eastern China (CEC); and the most affected area was in the Yangtze River (YR) basin. The extreme heatwaves and associated drought and wildfire had significant social impacts, but the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Observational analysis indicates that the heatwaves were regulated by anomalous anticyclone in the mid-upper troposphere over northern CEC. Specifically, the easterly anomalies at the southern flank of the anticyclone caused air isentropic sliding and transported low moist enthalpy (cold and dry) air to the YR basin, contributing to anomalous sinking motions and extreme heatwaves. In comparison, heatwaves were more serious in August than in July due to stronger upper-level anomalous anticyclone and associated easterlies. Importantly, different mechanisms were responsible for the heatwaves in the two months. In July, the relatively weaker anticyclonic anomaly over northern CEC was dominated by the forcing of diabatic heating over northwestern South Asia (NWSA), corresponding with the record-breaking rainfall in and around Pakistan. In August, a powerful anticyclonic condition for the CEC heatwaves originated from an extreme Silk Road Pattern (SRP), superposing the effect of NWSA diabatic heating due to persistent downpour. We notice that another upstream anticyclonic node in the SRP also created heatwaves in Europe. Therefore, the CEC extreme heat was actually associated with other concurrent extremes over the Eurasian continent through large-scale atmospheric teleconnections in 2022.
environmental sciences,meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Why was the heat wave in the Yangtze River valley abnormally intensified in late summer 2022?
Daquan Zhang,Yuan Yuan,Jinqing Zuo,Zongjian Ke,Li Juan Chen
IF: 6.7
Environmental Research Letters
Abstract:A record-breaking heat wave hit the Yangtze River valley during the boreal summer of 2022, and caused severe social and economic losses. One prominent feature of this long-lived heat event was its persistence and abnormal intensification in August. This study investigated the physical mechanisms be responsible for the intensification of this heat event in late summer under the background of a La Niña event. The prolonged heat event was directly related to the intensification and westward extension of the western North Pacific subtropical high, which can be attributed to the synergistic effects of an anomalous western North Pacific anticyclone and the eastward extension of the South Asian high in the upper troposphere. The anomalous anticyclone in the western North Pacific, which was induced by negative sea surface temperature anomalies in the central tropical Pacific, strengthened in August. The positive sea surface temperature anomaly in the western Pacific warm pool and enhanced in-situ convection led to anomalous high pressure over the Yangtze River valley via the local meridional circulation. Atmospheric convergence and descending motion over the Yangtze River valley was amplified in August as a result of the zonal shift in the South Asian high from the Iranian Plateau to the Tibetan Plateau. The Silk Road pattern index of August 2022 was the lowest since the 1990s. The abnormal negative phase of the Silk Road pattern contributed to both the zonal shift in the South Asian high and the westward extension of the western North Pacific subtropical high, which led to the abnormal intensification of the heat event over the Yangtze River valley in August 2022.
environmental sciences,meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Diurnal Cycle of A Heavy Rainfall Corridor over East Asia
Guixing Chen,Weiming Sha,Toshiki Iwasaki,Zhiping Wen
Monthly Weather Review
Abstract:Moist convection occurred repeatedly in the midnight-to-morning hours of 11-16 June 1998 and yielded excessive rainfall in a narrow latitudinal corridor over East Asia, causing severe flood. Numerical experiments and composite analyses of a 5-day period are performed to examine the mechanisms governing nocturnal convection. Both simulations and observations show that a train of MCSs concurrently developed along a quasi-stationary mei-yu front and coincided with the impact of a monsoon surge on a frontogenetic zone at night. This process was regulated primarily by a nocturnal low-level jet (NLLJ) in the southwesterly monsoon that formed over southern China and extended to central China. In particular, the NLLJ acted as a mechanism of moisture transport over the plains. At its northern terminus, the NLLJ led to a zonal band of elevated conditionally unstable air where strong low-level ascent overcame small convective inhibition, triggering new convection in three preferred plains. An analysis of convective instability shows that the low-tropospheric intrusion of moist monsoon air generated CAPE of similar to 1000 (-1) kg(-1) prior to convection initiation, whereas free-atmospheric forcing was much weaker. The NLLJ-related horizontal advection accounted for most of the instability precondition at 100-175 J kg(-1) h(-1). At the convective stage, instability generation by the upward transport of moisture increased to similar to 100 J kg(-1) h(-1), suggesting that ascending inflow caused feedback in convection growth. The convection dissipated in late morning with decaying NLLJ and moisture at elevated layers. It is concluded that the diurnally varying summer monsoon acted as an effective discharge of available moist energy from southern to central China, generating the morning-peak heavy rainfall corridor.