A Comprehensive Evaluation of Semantic Relation Knowledge of Pretrained Language Models and Humans
Zhihan Cao,Hiroaki Yamada,Simone Teufel,Takenobu Tokunaga
Abstract:Recently, much work has concerned itself with the enigma of what exactly PLMs (pretrained language models) learn about different aspects of language, and how they learn it. One stream of this type of research investigates the knowledge that PLMs have about semantic relations. However, many aspects of semantic relations were left unexplored. Only one relation was considered, namely hypernymy. Furthermore, previous work did not measure humans' performance on the same task as that solved by the PLMs. This means that at this point in time, there is only an incomplete view of models' semantic relation knowledge. To address this gap, we introduce a comprehensive evaluation framework covering five relations beyond hypernymy, namely hyponymy, holonymy, meronymy, antonymy, and synonymy. We use six metrics (two newly introduced here) for recently untreated aspects of semantic relation knowledge, namely soundness, completeness, symmetry, asymmetry, prototypicality, and distinguishability and fairly compare humans and models on the same task. Our extensive experiments involve 16 PLMs, eight masked and eight causal language models. Up to now only masked language models had been tested although causal and masked language models treat context differently. Our results reveal a significant knowledge gap between humans and models for almost all semantic relations. Antonymy is the outlier relation where all models perform reasonably well. In general, masked language models perform significantly better than causal language models. Nonetheless, both masked and causal language models are likely to confuse non-antonymy relations with antonymy.
Computation and Language