ABSTRACT Poster Presentation

Atsushi Doi,Masahiko Takagi,S. Sakamoto,Koichi Maeda,Hiroaki Tatsumi,Minoru Yoshiyama,Hyelim Park,Woo‐Ick Yang,Hyewon Park,Dajeong Lee,S. Willoughby,Corinna van den Heuvel,Greg Hodge,James Martin,Jennifer Couper,Prashanthan Sanders,Declan Kennedy,Dgxowv Zlwk'% Duh Nqrzq,W Frqwulexwh,W Wkh,Fkloguhq Djhg,hduv Wkurxjk,Srovrpqrjudsk Zhuh,Folqlfdoo Zlwk,Lqàdppdwlrqodvpd,Dvpphwulf Glphwkodujlqlqh '0,D Pdunhu,R Hqgrwkholdo,Ixqfwlrq Zdv,Dovr Txdqwl¿hg,Zhuh Qr,Gliihuhqfhv Lq,Djh Jhqghu %0,Fkloguhq Zlwk'% Dqg,Frqwurov Djjuhjdwlrq,Uhvsrqvhv Zhuh,Vljql¿fdqwo Kljkhu Lq'% Fkloguhq,Frpsduhg Wr,Frqwurov Yv,Xuwkhupruh Wkhuh,Zdv Vljql¿fdqw,Lqfuhdvh Lq,Y Frqwuro,Srvlwlyh Fhoov,Dqg Wxpru,Qhfurvlv Idfwru,L Wkh,Eorrg Ri'% Fkloguhq Frpsduhg,Zlwk Frqwurov,&kloguhq Zlwk'% Dovr Hklelwhg Dq,Lqfuhdvh Lq ',Yhuvxv Frqwurov,Tingting Wu,Sen Wang,Di Xu,Kejiang Cao,Kon Kwang,Ming Joo Koh,Min Quon,Minoru Masuda,Yang Shen,Xiaogang Peng,Jianghua Shao,Qing Cao,Jinzhu Hu,Wenfeng He,Xianjun Yu,Xiuxia Liu,Xiao Liu,Ali J. Marian,Kui Hong,Kenzaburo Kobayashi,Makiko Sakurai,Atsuko Abe,Tadashi Fujino,Shunji Fukunaga,Takeya Suzuki,Hitomi Yuzawa,Hideyuki Sato,Yoshifumi Okano,Takanori Ikeda
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/s1880-4276(13)60010-1
Journal of Arrhythmia
Abstract:Background and Objectives:The objectives of the study were to evaluate the long-term UHSURGXFLELOLW\ RI YHQWULFXODU WDFK\FDUGLD 97 RU ¿EULOODWLRQ 9) LQGXFLELOLW\ LQ SURJUDPPHG HOHFWULFDO VWLPXODWLRQ 3(6 WR HYDOXDWH WKH HI¿FDF\ RI 979) LQGXFLELOLW\ LQ WKH ODWH SHULRG (L-period) as a risk factor of VT/VF events (VA), and to identify new markers for VA in patients ZLWK %UXJDGD V\QGURPH %6 Methods: )LIW\RQH SDWLHQWV PHDQ DJH \HDUV ZLWK W\SH %UXJDGD (&* GRFXPHQWHG VF: N=16, syncope: N=12, and asymptomatic: N=23) underwent PES (early period [E-period]).Ten of the 51 patients underwent a second PES (documented VF: N=4, syncope: N=2, and DV\PSWRPDWLF 1 SOXVPQ PRQWKV DIWHU WKH ¿UVW /SHULRG Results: During 66±34 months of follow-up, 13 patients had VA.VT/VF was induced in 30 patients (59%) in E-period, and 6 (60%) in L-period.In 5 of the 6 patients (83%) with inducible VT/VF in L-period, VT/VF was also induced in E-period.VT/VF inducibility in both periods GLG QRW GLIIHU EHWZHHQ WKH SDWLHQWV ZLWK DQG WKRVH ZLWKRXW 9$ 9$ LQFLGHQFH ZDV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ higher in patients satisfying 2 or more of the following 3 criteria than in the others (52% vs. S VSRQWDQHRXV W\SH (&* HIIHFWLYH UHIUDFWRU\ SHULRG DW ULJKW YHQWULFXODU DSH[ PV DQG +LVYHQWULFXODU LQWHUYDO PVConclusions: VT/VF inducibility was reproducible in L-period.However, VT/VF inducibility in E-period and L-period was not a useful predictor of VA.A multiparametric approach using new markers (satisfying 2 or more of the abovementioned 3 criteria) may be useful for identifying KLJKULVN SDWLHQWV ZLWK %6 Left stellate ganglion block improves ventricular function and conduction with the suppression of the inflammation in autoimmune myocarditis model
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