Selective Uterine Arterial Embolization to Treat Uterine Myoma

Liu M
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of sel ec tive embolization of uterine arterine arteries in the treatment of uterine myoma .Methods Twenty-one cases with symptomatic uterine myoma were trea ted by arteries embolization. After a percutaneous femoral arterial puncture,an artery catheter was steclively inserted into bilateral uterine arteries. The ins ertion silk of fragment were introduced through catheter to occlude the blood su pply of myoma.Results Arteriogroply showed that some uterine myoma were supplied by bilateral uterine arteries and some were supplied by one uterin e artery.When one or both uterine arteries were embliozed,the blood supply of ut erine myoma could be occluded.Following embilization, the menorrhagia and menstr ual cycles returned to normal.The volume of most myoma shrinked greatly and effe ctive rate was 95.24%.Conclusion Selective uterine artery emobo lization is a new method for treatment of uterine myoma with less trauma.
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