Dongxing Cao,Dan Wang,W. Gai,Chuanxiang Tang,Hao Zha
Abstract:RF breakdown are the main limitation for the application of high gradient structures. Higher frequencies and shorter pulse length benefit the design of accelerating structure for the breakdown threshold of surface field is Es = f τ. Power source which generates very short V-band pulse with nearly hundred megawatt is now available. The paper presents the analysis of a V-band dielectric acceleration structure and power source. Future plan about RF transmission and power coupling of the whole structure will be discussed. INTRODUCTION Large scale accelerator facilities are strongly essential for extremely conditions research, such as high energy and high brightness physics. Higher gradient accelerator will be economically feasible in the future since shortening the required accelerating length The study of high gradient accelerating over X-band is on the progress such as THz acceleration in dielectric material [1]. Theoretical and experimental results show that GV/m accelerating grading is possible in dielectric structure. In 2001, electron beam accelerating experiment has been processed in X-band at the Naval Research Lab [2]. With the 30 MW providing and up to 1us duration pulses, gradient is ~40MV/m in dielectric tube. The schematic of dielectric structure is shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the dielectric-loaded traveling-wave accelerating structure. With the appearance of microwave source in high power and short pulse length nearly 60GHz, high gradient electron acceleration in dielectric structure is possible. New V-band traveling tube of dielectric tube working in TM01 mode is analysed to purse higher gradient value in norm temperature. The following section we will present electromagnetic analysis procedure of field components in structure and introduce the microwave source. Full structure simulation and mechanical design will be present in the future. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD IN DIELECTRIC STRUCTURE Completely procedure of designing the acceleration structure starts with field component analysis [3]. The Helmholtz function simplified describe transmission of microwave. 2 2 0 1 E B Focusing on E component of electromagnetic in analysis procedure in transmitting mode, since symmetric of electric and magnetic field. Using separate variables method to solve the Eq.1 in cylinder coordinate, formulas of longitudinal and transverse are shown in Eq.2. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 , , , 2 1 1 T E x y z E x y Z z z r r r r z 3 z z k z k z Z z A e A e Since the transverse-longitudinal relationship, solving the longitudinal component of electric field Ez in Eq.3* and separate functions and solved longitudinal electric field are shown in Eq.4 and Eq.5. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 , 0 3* z z k E x y r r r r 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 4 0 c d R r dR r r r k r n R r dr dr d n d 1 2 0 , cos 5 z n c n c E r B J k r B N k r n ___________________________________________ † 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-184-7 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPML091 03 Novel Particle Sources and Acceleration Technologies A15 New Acceleration Techniques (including DLA and THz) THPML091 4873 Co nt en tf ro m th is w or k m ay be us ed un de rt he te rm so ft he CC BY 3. 0 lic en ce (© 20 18 ). A ny di str ib ut io n of th is w or k m us tm ai nt ai n at tri bu tio n to th e au th or (s ), tit le of th e w or k, pu bl ish er ,a nd D O I.