Autoimmune Hepatitis Associated with Motor-Axonal Polyneuropathy
W. Schnedl,R. Krause,E. Tafeit,S. Wallner
Abstract:antibody and rheumatoid factor were not found. Biochemical screening for viral hepatitis did not reveal antibodies against any type of viral hepatitis. Immunofixa-tion was normal and cryoglobulins were not detected. Histological evaluation of liver biopsy demonstrated macronodular cirrhosis, portal tract fibrosis and prolifer-ating biliary tracts with infiltrates of mainly T lymphocytes and few plasma cells. As an associated autoimmune dis-ease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with slightly elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone 3.9 mU/l (0.2–3.8) and thyroid autoantibodies 8 U/l (0–5) were found and a therapy with 50 g levothyroxine was initiated.I n our patient the diagnosis of AIH was made according to suggested parameters [4] . AIH is known to respond to steroid therapy with clinical and biochemical im-provement to normal liver parameters. Af-ter initiation of a corticosteroid therapy the patient recovered and all liver labora-tory parameters remained within normal limits. A 6-mg budesonide therapy was suggested but incompletely continued. However, for 2 years the controls showed GOT and GPT elevated up to 96 U/l ( ! 35 )and 100 U/l ( !3 5), respectively, but all oth-er laboratory parameters remained within normal limits. De, r S i arT he association of hepatitis C infection and peripheral neuropathy has been de-scribed with and without cryoglobulin-emia [1]. A utoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the liver with unexplained etiology, potentially progressing to hepatic failure [2] . So far, AIH associated with neuropathy has been described in a few individual patients [3] . Here we describe a patient suffering from AIH who developed a motor-axonal poly-neuropathy. In 2004, a 61-year-old female Cauca-sian patient presented with an 8-kg weight loss during the preceding 3 months, fa-tigue, abdominal distension, yellow scler-ae, jaundice, pale stool, and dark urine. Physical examination revealed an enlarged liver and laboratory values were total bili-rubin 10.6 mg/dl (normal 0.2–1.3), alka-line phosphatase 172 U/l (35–104), glutam-ic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) 1,134 U/l ( !aanm 35uramstpt cg yu-l cr),vni ei asi(GPT) 915 U/l ( ! 35 ), amu -gtanprpesl -t yl titase 340 U/l ( ! 39), smooth muscle anti-bodies 1: 1,280 and hypergammaglobu-linemia IgG 3,332 mg/dl (700–1,600). Oth-er AIH-associated antibodies including anti-liver-kidney microsomal antibody, antibodies against soluble liver antigen, antinuclear antibody, antimitochondrial