Mechanics Performance Analysis of New Quasi-Honeycomb Sandwich Structure'S Core
Huanghai Xie,Yixian Du,Xiang Li,Guan Tong,Jinxue Wang,Shuangqiao Yan
Abstract:At present the study of mechanical properties of new quasi-honeycomb sandwich structure's core research, ignored the thickness of quasi-honeycomb cell wall, that is, when establish finite element model of the structure, pick up the same thickness of quasi-honeycomb cell wall of modeling; While in practice, the hexagonal hypotenuse of the quasi-honeycomb unit cell should be double. In response to this problem, in consideration of the unit cell thickness conditions, re-derive the effective elastic constants of new quasi-honeycomb sandwich structure's core and compared with those of hexagonal honeycomb sandwich structure, and the results show that both equivalent elastic moduli are approximately equal, but the quasi-honeycomb sandwich structure is endowed with higher equivalent shear modulus and lower equivalent body density, thus the total structure mass can be effectively reduced.