Thermal Properties of Mineralized and Non Mineralized Type I Collagen in Bone
L. Lozano,M. Peña-Rico,H. Jang-Cho,A. Heredia,E. Villarreal
Abstract:Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, UABC, Km 103 carret. Tijuana Ensenada. C.P. 453. Ensenada,Baja California, Mexico.ABSTRACTThe research about the structural stability of bone, as a composite material, compromisesa complete understanding of the interaction between the mineral and organic phases. The thermalstability of human bone and type I collagen extracted from human bone by different methods wasstudied in order to understand the interactions between the mineral and organic phases when. isaffected by a degradation/combustion process. The experimental techniques employed werecalorimetry and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques. The extracted type I collagens result tohave a bigger thermal stability with a Tmax at 500 and 530 Celsius degrees compared with thecollagen present in bone with Tmax at 350 Celsius degrees. The enthalpy value for the completedegradation/combustion process were similar for all the samples, being 8.4 +- 0. 11 kJ/g for recentbones diminishing with the antiquity, while for extracted collagens were 8.9 +- 0.07 and 7.9 +-1.01 kJ/g. These findings demonstrate that the stability loss of type I collagen is due to itsinteractions with the mineral phase, namely carbonate hydroxyapatite. This cause a change in themolecular properties of the collagen during mineralization, specifically in its cross-links andother chemical interactions, which have a global effect over the fibers elasticity, but gainingtensile strength in bone as a whole tissue. We are applying this characterization to analyze thediagenetic process of bones with archaeological interest in order to identify how theenvironmental factors affect the molecular structure of type I collagen. In bone samples thatproceed from an specific region with the same environmental conditions, the enthalpy value perunit mass was found to diminish exponentially with respect to the bone antiquity.INTRODUCTIONBone is one of the biological structures that has been analyzed in different areas, asmedicine, biology, archaeology, science materials, etc. by means of different techniques. It iscompose of a mineral and an organic phase, which arehydroxyapatite and collagen respectively.This biomaterial properties are of main importance for developing new materials that mimics itsstructure and for other applications in which it plays a specific and transcending role. Tounderstand its structural characteristics, as the collagen-hydroxyapatite relationship, the collagenthermal stability, the collagen degradation process, we have, in a recent work, address theseproblems by the use of different calorimetric, gas chromatography and FTIR techniques (6).These findings demonstrate that the stability loss of type I collagen is due to its interactions with