Effect of Light Quality on Plant Growth and Fruiting of Toyonoka Strawberry (fragaria×ananassa) Cultivar
XU Kai,GUO Yan-ping,ZHANG Shang-long,DAI Wen-sheng,FU Qing-gong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-9980.2006.06.008
Abstract:The influence of different light quality under identical light intensity on plant growth, fruiting and fruit quality of Toyonoka strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.) was studied. The results showed that the optimum light quality for leaf and petiole growth was green film, red film was in the next place, and the last was bule film. The proportion of total plant dry biomass allocated to fruits, crowns and roots under blue film was the greatest, the next was red film, and the last was green film, neutral yellow film was similar to the neutral one, but that to leaves and petioles under green film was the greatest, the last was blue film, the rest were similar. Not only soluble solids (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), but also SSC/TA ratio was influenced by light quality. Among of five films, The yield per plant and fruit size under red film was the greatest,the SSC/TA ratio, AA and SSC content was the greatest under blue film;the yield per plant,fruit size, SSC content and SSC/TA ratio under green film were the lowest. Ascorbic acid (AA) content in the fruit under different film was correlated with red/blue ratios negatively.