New Density Matrix Renormalization Group Approaches for Strongly Correlated Systems Coupled with Large Environments

Yihe Xu,Yifan Cheng,Yinxuan Song,Haibo Ma
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Abstract:Thanks to the high compression of the matrix productstate (MPS)form of the wave function and the efficient site-by-site iterativesweeping optimization algorithm, the density matrix normalizationgroup (DMRG) and its time-dependent variant (TD-DMRG) have been establishedas powerful computational tools in accurately simulating the electronicstructure and quantum dynamics of strongly correlated molecules witha large number (10(1-2)) of quantum degrees of freedom(active orbitals or vibrational modes). However, the quantitativecharacterization of the quantum many-body behaviors of realistic stronglycorrelated systems requires a further consideration of the interactionbetween the embedded active subsystem and the remaining correlatedenvironment, e.g., a larger number (10(2-3)) of externalorbitals in electronic structure or infinite condensed-phase phononicmodes in nucleus dynamics. To this end, we introduced three new post-DMRGand TD-DMRG approaches, namely (1) DMRG2sCI-MRCI and DMRG2sCI-ENPTby the reconstruction of selected configuration interaction (sCI)type of compact reference function from DMRG coefficients and theuse of externally contracted MRCI (multireference configuration interaction)and Epstein-Nesbet perturbation theory (ENPT), without recourseto the expensive high order n-electron reduced densitymatrices (n-RDMs). (2) DMRG combined with RR-MRCI(renormalized residue-based MRCI), which improves the computationalaccuracy and efficiency of internally contracted (ic) MRCI by renormalizingthe contracted bases with small-sized buffer environment(s) of a fewexternal orbitals as probes based on quantum information theory. (3)HM (hierarchical mapping)-TD-DMRG in which a large environment isreduced to a small number of renormalized environmental modes (whichaccounts for the most vital system-environment interactions)through stepwise mapping transformation. These advances extend theefficacy of highly accurate DMRG/TD-DMRG computations to the quantitativecharacterization of the electronic structure and quantum dynamicsin realistic strongly correlated systems coupled with large environmentsand are reviewed in this paper.
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