Fusion Ofmultiple Facial Regions For

Wei-Yang Lin,Mingyang Chen,Nigel Boston
Abstract:Inthis paper, wedescribe afusion-based facerecog-Challenge (3)andgive details ofourfacerecognition method nition methodthatisabletocompensate forfacial expressions whichutilizes multiple facial regions. Insection III, we evenwhentraining samples contain onlyneutral expression. present theempirical results ofvarious methodsincluding Thesimilarity metric between twofacial images arecalculatedpeeF rical re sultfreiou methods, incudin bycombining thesimilarity scoresofthecorresponding facialtheFRGCbaselethesgle-region methods, andthemulti- regions, e.g. thesimilarity between twomouthes, thesimilarity region methods. Section IVgives adiscussion ofissues raised between twonoses, etc.. Incontrast withotherapproaches bytheapproach presented inthis paper. Finally, we make whereequal weights areassigned oneachregion, anovel fusionconcluding remarks insection V. methodbasedonlinear discriminant analysis (LDA)isdeveloped tomaximize theverification performance. We alsoconduct a II.THEDATASETANDTHEPROPOSEDMETHOD comparative study onvarious facerecognition schemes, including A TheFRGC v2.0dataset theFRGC baseline algorithm, thefusion ofmultiple regions by sumrule, andthefusion ofmultiple regions byLDA.ExperimentsWeperform facerecognition experiments ontheFRGCv2.0 ontheFRGC (Face Recognition GrandChallenge) V2.0dataset, dataset (3). IntheFRGCdataset, 3Dimages witharesolution containing 4007faceimages recorded from266subjects, show 640x 480consist ofbothshape andtextures channels. The thattheproposed methodsignificantly improves theverification performance inthepresence offacial expressions. twodisjoint datapartitions, training andvalidation partitions, contains 943and40073Dimages respectively. Amongthe
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