Sea Clutter SuppressionBased on Radon Transform Athigh GrazingAngles

Zhang Shou-hong,Huanying Zhang,Cao Yun-he
Abstract:I. INTRODUCTION Seaclutter isaserious problem fortarget detection, imaging andrecognition. Withthegrazing angle becoming higher, scatter coefficient c- increases rapidly. As thegrazing angleapproaching to90°, whichmeansthedirection of beam isalmost perpendicular toseasurface, g, becomessogreat (around +lOdB)thattargets willbe absolutely submerged byseaclutter inrange profiles ofechoes. In theonly casethat themainbeamoftheantenna points to theseasurface inajust vertical direction, target andsea surface willbe distinguishable in rangeprofile. Therefore wecanextract target fromits range profile by high-range-resolution technique. Butthemainbeamof theantenna isseldom insuchanideal direction. It usually hasalittle deflection fromthevertical direction. Consequently theechoes bothfromtarget andsea surface aresuperposed together inmostresolution cells oftherange profile. Fewresearch worksarereported athomeandabroad focusing ontarget imaging athighgrazing angle. We makeoureffort onseaclutter suppression andtarget 3-D imaging athighgrazing angle inthis paper. Supposing that radar withanaltitude of15000meters andabeam width of3degrees islooking downtoaship about 150 meters longonthesea, thenthewidthofseasurface within thebeamisaround 785meters. Moreover, the angle measurement error duetophase distortion forthe echoes' superposition fromtarget andseasurface, so-called angle glint, causes a lotofefficient target scattering points unavailable. Thesemakethescatter points structure oftarget 3-Dimaging rather sparse. Itis nogoodfortarget recognition. A novel method forsea clutter suppression inrange-Doppler mapispresented in thispaper. Theproposed methodbasedon Radon transform andedgedetection could find aboundary to separate thetarget andseaclutter inrange-Doppler map. Simulations forseaclutter suppression andtarget 3-D imaging ontheseaareconducted. Results showthe effectiveness ofourmethod.
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