Recursively AdaptedRadial Basis Function Networks Andits Relationship Toresource Allocating Networks Andonline Kernel Learning

Weifeng Liu
Abstract:This paperproposes arecursively adapted radial basis function networkandprovides additional insights into several well-known techniques suchasradial basis function networks, resource allocating networks andstochastic gradient descent inreproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Throughthis perspective, resource allocating networks areinvestigated ina moreprincipled way so thatissues ofconvergence and generalization canbemathematically analyzed intheleast meansquare framework. I.INTRODUCTION RESOURCE allocating networks (RAN)areanintuitive, veryappealing ideaintroduced byPlatt (1)butits convergence andgeneralization havenotbeenfully addressed mathematically. Recently, Kivinen, SmolaandWilliamson (2)introduced anonline kernel learning method(OKL)whichcanbe simply viewedasa stochastic gradient descent method applied ontheregularized costfunction ofaradial basis function network (RBFN). Interestingly, OKL bears much resemblance withRAN intermsoflearning strategy and network architecture. However, there isonefundamental difference. OKL employs aforgetting factor initstraining, whichisthelegacy oftheregularization termintheRBFN costfunction, toimpose stability inlearning andthus ensure generalization. Further statistical analysis concludes that this forgetting factor appears essential forits well-posedness (3). Therefore, this reasoning raises thequestion ifRAN iswell- posed. Generalization hasbeensubstantially studied inthe framework ofregularization theories (4), (5). Regularization asaremedy forill-posedness became widely knowndueto theworkofTikhonov (6). Insolving RBFN like problems, theTikhonov regularization isessentially a trade-off between fitting training dataandreducing solution norms. Consequently itreduces thesensitivity ofthesolution to small changes inthetraining dataandimposes stability on theill-posed problem. Ourworkimproves onrelated research inseveral ways: 1.We propose arecursively adapted RBFNandprovide the convergence conditions.
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