AHierarchical Anddistributed QoSRouting Protocol Fortwo-Layered Satellite Networks

Y. H. Zhou,Fuchun Sun,Bokai Zhang
Abstract:Therapiddevelopment ofonboardprocessing (OBP)pushesbroadbandsatellite networks tocarryon multimedia traffic. However,thefunction ofonboard routing cannotbe provided entirely inexisting satellite networkswithinter-satellite links(ISLs), and QoS of satellite networks cannotbereliably guaranteed because of greatdifficulties inprocessing ofQoSservices. Inthis paper, atwo-layered LowEarthOrbit(LEO)andMediumEarth Orbit(MEO)satellite network(LMSN)ispresented. Based on theideaof time-slot division, a noveldynamic hierarchical anddistributed QoSrouting protocol (HDRP) isinvestigated, and a adaptive Bandwidth-constrained Minimum-Delay Path(BMDP)algorithm isdeveloped to calculate routing tables efficiently usingtheQoSmetric information composedof delaysand bandwidth. The performance oftheLMSN andHDRP isalsoevaluated through simulations andtheoretical analysis. I.INTRODUCTION Satellite systems havetheadvantage ofglobal coverage, andoffer asolution forproviding broadband access to endusers. Allofsatellite networks arebased onsatellite constellations withseveral circular commonperiod orbits oflow(typically 500- 1500km),medium(typically 5,000 - 10,000 km)orhigh(typically 36,000km) altitude. Thesamenumberofsatellite circulates ineachofthe orbits, andsodothecorresponding circular coverage areas (footprints) onearth, thusachieving continuous and worldwide coverage. LEO andMEO satellite networks avoidthelarge signal attenuation anddelay ofthe geostationary orbits. InLMSN,eachsatellite withthe capability ofOBP iscapable ofcommunication with neighboring satellites byusing high-frequency radio or laser ISLs.
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