A Map Matching Algorithm Forintersections Based on Floating CarData

Wenjie LiaoI,Weifeng Lv,Tongyu Zhu
Abstract:Thetraditional mapmatching algorithms consider little aboutthecomplicated structure oftheroad network, andregard allroads asthesame. However, intheTransportation Information System using the Floating CarData(FCD), theGPSsampling rateis low, anditisprobable tofigure outtheincorrect result whenthevehicle isintheintersection area. Tosolve thisproblem, this paperproposes a bidirectional heuristic mapmatching algorithm forintersections basedona datastructure forintersections. This algorithm apply thedatastructure ofintersections to separates theintersection partfromcommonmap matching, decreases theFCDmapmatching mistakes that caused bythecomplicated roadnetwork andthe GPS errors, andincreases theaccuracy ofmap
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