A NovelFeature Selection Approach UsingClassifi'cation Complexity Forsvm Ofstock MarketTrendPrediction

Daren Yu,Qinghua Hu
Abstract:Asapreprocessing method ofdata mining withSVM,feature selection caneliminate irrelevant or redundant attributes andincrease thedensity ofsamples infeature spacesthatcanimproveclassification performance. Inthefield offinancial timeseries pattern recognition, thestudyoffeature selection hasbeen receiving increasing attention. Different fromother studies, thiswork use two new coefficients: neighborhood dependence (ND)andneighborhood decision error (NDEM)tomeasure theclassification complexity asamethod offeature selection. Inthereal example, we useASH,ASNN,ND andNDEM to measuretheclassification complexity oftechnical indicators datasetofShanghai stock exchange (SSE). Thenwetakethereduced setswhichselected bythe above four coefficients asinput data forSVM.Compared withtheforecasting results ofSVM fortheother three coefficients, theSVM withNDEM reduced datasethas higher classification accuracy.
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