Synthesis Anddesign Ofsubstrate Integrated Waveguide Filter UsingPredistortion Technique

Xiaoping Chen,Liang Han
Abstract:Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW)hasbeen demonstrated forthedesign oflow-cost planarwaveguide bandpass filters inthesameprocess asplanar circuits. However, SIWcavity resonator generally hasafinite Qu ofaround500 withmostcommonly useddielectric substrates, whichrounds the passbandedgeand reducestheeffective bandwidthof narrowband filter. Inthis paper, aK-bandbandpass filter with 1% relative bandwidth andresonators ofQu500issynthesized and designed by partial predistortion techniques. The predistorted filter issymmetrically realized by theSIW technology. An effective Qu ofabout2500isobtained and effective bandwidth ofthefilter isimproved. Thediscrepancy between theactual QuofSIWcavity resonator andtheQuused bypredistortion, aswellasthefabrication errorleadtothe difference between measurement andthesimulation results. I.INTRODUCTION
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