Clustering Withaweighted SumValidity Function Using Aniching PSOAlgorithm

Changyin Sun,Linfeng Li,Derong Liu
Abstract:In thispaper, we willconsider an function. Withthetradition methods, thenumber objective function called theWeightedSum ofclusters maybepre-defined oritmaybesetby Validity Function (WSVF),whichisaweighted themethod.In thispaper,clustering by sum ofseveral normalized cluster validityminimization of criterion function willbe functions. In contrastto optimization considered. techniques intended tofinda single, global A related important issue totheclustering solution in a problemdomain,niching algorithms isthecluster validity criterion, which techniques havetheability tolocate multipledealswiththesignificance ofthestructure solutions inmultimodal domains. Hence,a imposed byaclustering algorithm. There aremany Niching BinaryParticle SwarmOptimizationcluster validity criteria available (1,(2, 8,9).The (NBPSO) approachis developedfor results oftheclustering algorithm depend onthe automatically constructing thepropernumber validity functions intensively, whichareusedto ofclusters aswellasappropriate partitioning of evaluate theindividual clusters. Since there isno thedataset.We alsohybridize theNBPSO perfect validity function that islikely toprovide methodwiththek-means algorithm tooptimizeconsistently reliable results across structures of theWSVF automatically. Inexperiments, we different problem instances, andwitha single showtheeffectiveness oftheWSVF andthe validity function, thealgorithm maybesusceptible validity oftheNBPSO.Incomparison with tolocal optima. Inthis paper, we address this otherrelated PSO,theNBPSOcanconsistently dilemma bysuggesting afunction called Weighted and efficiently convergeto theoptimum Sum Validity Function (WSVF),whichisa corresponding tothegiven datainconcurrenceweighted sumoftheseveral normalized validity withtheconvergence result. TheWSVF is functions, toconduct somesortofvoting among foundgenerally abletoimprove theconfidenceits component functions about thebest solution. of clustering solutions and achievemore Niching algorithms havetheability tolocate and accurate androbust results. maintain morethanonesolution toamulti-modal IndexTerms-Cluster validity, clustering, optimization problem. Whileniching hasbeen niching, particle swarmoptimization. studied extensively withreference togenetic algorithms (1), notmuchresearch hasbeendoneto
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