AnIncremental FloorplanningAlgorithm with LessFlexibility First Principles

Sheqin Dong,Xianlong Hong
Abstract:To supportincremental changeson theexisting floorplan derived fromsomechanges inthehighlevel synthesis isbecoming anincreasingly important problem inordertocope withthecomplexity ofthemerging ofVLSIdesign phases and thenecessary ofalternation betweensynthesis andphysical design. Inthis paper, wepresent anincremental floorplanning algorithm withLessFlexibility First (LFF)Principles (LFF_IFP algorithm). LFF principle isadeterministic algorithm through human'saccumulated experience. Inthispaper, thehorizontal andvertical constraint graphs arebuilt upbasedonthepacking oftheinitial floorplanning result within linear time, andthe accumulated slackdistances amongblocks arecomputed. The flexibility ofblocks tobe inserted totheinitial floorplan ('incremental block' isalsocalled hereforshort) iscomputed and every slack spacebelongs totheblockintheinitial floorplan also hasdifferent degree offlexibility foragiven incremental block. Theexperimental results demonstrate thatthealgorithm is effective andpromising inbuilding blocklayout application. I.INTRODUCTION Inthepresent, everydesign phasehasdifferent design hierarchy andoptimization goalwhichleads todifferent netlist information andblock size. Otherwise, itoften happens that thelayout needs locally modification after floorplanning inorder tosatisfy therequirement ofdelay, powerorrouting completion rate, orimprove thecircuit performance. Inthis case, theinitial floorplan configuration mustbemodified ina quick timetoanewfloorplan whichcanalsomaintain the original goodperformance orevenbetter. Thisisincremental floorplanning problem (IFP). IFPcanberegarded asan iterative amendment process. Withthecontinuous shrinking offeature size, deepsubmicron effects causemoreandmore interactions between high-level andphysical-level design and itisveryimportant forthedesign convergence. Suchas different binding, allocation strategies inthehighlevel synthesis canlead tothechange oftheblocks' size orshape oramountinthephysical design. Thisisalso thereason why IFPexists. Recently, several synthesis researches havebeen reported taking physical information intoaccount, suchas
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