Zhiwei Li,Nenghai Yu,Mingjing Li
Abstract:Automatic imageannotation iscrucial forkeyword-based imageretrieval because itcanbeusedtoimprove thetextual description ofimages efficiently. Forthis purpose, many methods havebeendeveloped. Duetotherestrictions of computational complexity andsmall training set, theimage annotation methods areusually basedontheprobability of individual word,instead ofthejoint probability ofasetof words. Therefore thecorrelation between wordsisomitted. Inthis paper, wepropose amethod toapproximate thejoint probability ofwordsinaprogressive way.Givenanimage, thewordwithhighest probability isfirst annotated. Then, thesuccessive wordsareannotated byincorporating the information ofpreviously annotated words. Itcanbeseenas a greedy algorithm tocalculate thejoint probability of multiple words.Theexperiments showthat theproposed progressive annotation methodcaneffectively improve the annotation performance.
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