Non-linear Optimal Control Ofmanufacturing Systembased on Modified Differential Evolution

Renqian Zhang,Jianxun Ding
Abstract:This study considers thenon-linear optimal control of thecomplexmanufacturing system.We construct a mathematical model,which decomposesthe complex manufacturing systemintomanycorrelated working centers, wherethenumberofinventory and production evolves dynamically. Itaimstominimize thecostofproduction control. We canutilize MDE algorithm tosolve this model. Themodel canbeeasily usedinmulti-product, multi-center, multi-period manufacturing system. I.INTRODUCTION T HEproduction planning andproduction control aretwo central activities forthemanufacturing system. Itis possible tosaythat thepurpose oftheproduction planning is toestablish production rates inorder tomeetdemand andthe production control aimstomaketheplanstable and continuous overthetimeperiods. Bothofthetwoactivities cangive theexplicit solutions ontheoptimal production rate minimizing thetotal production/inventory costs.
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