Advances in Multimedia Modeling, 13th International Multimedia Modeling Conference, MMM 2007, Singapore, January 9-12, 2007. Proceedings, Part I
Tat-Jen Cham,Jianfei Cai,Chitra Dorai,Deepu Rajan,Tat-Seng Chua,Liang-Tien Chia
Abstract:This talk covers perspectives on adaptive video streaming and how such techniques are essential for systems with heterogeneous devices. Adaptation is possible using flexible video coding techniques, such as the H.264 Scalable VIdeo Coding (SVC). In this context, it is important to consider various aspects of the video coding system (interdependencies, quality layers, QoE, etc) as well of the delivery architectures (client server, P2P, connectivity, etc). The first part relates to quality adaptation algorithms that match the video quality with available local and system resources without any a-priori knowledge about those resources. Subsequently in the second part, mechanisms that use Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics to enhance its performance for the users will be shown. The decision of which SVC quality to choose is usually driven by QoS metrics, such as throughput. Instead, it will be presented how objective QoE of the different SVC qualities can be used in the decision process. The talk concludes by presenting the major further research activities in this research area. Keynote 2: Multimedia FoodLog: Easiest Way to Capture and Archive What We Eat Prof. Kiyoharu Aizawa Department of Information and Communication Engineering and Interfaculty Initiative of Information Studies of the University of Tokyo Abstract. Eating is one of the most fundamental aspects of one’s daily life, but at the same time, it is one of the most difficult aspects to manage by oneself. Recording what we eat is vital for our health care. We have been investigating the “FoodLog” multimedia food-recording tool, whereby users upload photos of their meals and a food diary is constructed by using image processing functions such as food image detection, dietary balance estimation, calory estimation etc. Foodlog is available in, and to the best of our knowledge, it is currently the only publicly available multimedia food-recording application that makes use of image processing for dietary assessment. In addition to the PC-based interface, we have developed a few smartphone applications which makes easier to make detiled recording with the assist of image processing. In the talk, I would like to outline the current status of our FoodLog, and present various subjects on multimedia processing of foodlog. Eating is one of the most fundamental aspects of one’s daily life, but at the same time, it is one of the most difficult aspects to manage by oneself. Recording what we eat is vital for our health care. We have been investigating the “FoodLog” multimedia food-recording tool, whereby users upload photos of their meals and a food diary is constructed by using image processing functions such as food image detection, dietary balance estimation, calory estimation etc. Foodlog is available in, and to the best of our knowledge, it is currently the only publicly available multimedia food-recording application that makes use of image processing for dietary assessment. In addition to the PC-based interface, we have developed a few smartphone applications which makes easier to make detiled recording with the assist of image processing. In the talk, I would like to outline the current status of our FoodLog, and present various subjects on multimedia processing of foodlog. Keynote 3: Towards Web-Scale Content-Aware Image Search